Wednesday, July 4, 2018

old holiday / old tree / old flag

In Congress, July 4, 1776
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America ….
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Today, the Fourth of July, is Independence Day.
I guess we all know that ....
I hope we all observe it beyond picnics, parades, athletic contests, concerts and fireworks ....
It is, after all, the anniversary of the delegates from the thirteen colonies to the Continental Congress adopting the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and establishing the United States as a nation onto itself ....
This actually is the one hundred forty-second anniversary of the event leading to the holiday .... the tree is forty-seven years old and the flag was "born" in 1976, making it forty-two, which means they only are "sort of old."
Old is a subjective term, especially when considering it in the sense of the age of the earth and, especially so, in context with the age of the universe. I guess probably the term "ancient beyond ancient" would be appropriate in those instances.
Whatever .... back on point: I wish you a safe and a thoughtful "holiday" .... from my point of view, Independence Day should also be a day of thanksgiving ....


Smareis said...

Boa noite Fram!
Bonita árvore, eu gosto da bandeira do EUA. Feliz Dia pra você.
Aqui o nosso Dia da Independecia é 7 de setembro.
O útimo vídeo a música é linda, não a conhecia. Gostei de ouvir.

Continuação de boa semana Fram!
Muitos sorrisos, e quando puder me mande uma nota.
Até sua proxima atualização.

Fram Actual said...

Your good night note turned into a good morning note for me, Smareis. I appreciate your messages and enjoy them any time of the day or the night.

I will be sure to remember the Independecia Day of Brazil and send you my best wishes when it arrives in September.

In reality, it was a bit difficult for me to find three pieces of music other than traditional marches or country western which display a sense of national pride and patriotism. These pieces all have a military flavor which, I suppose, is sort of natural for me.

I hope your week will be kind and interesting and safe, Smareis. Thank you, for your presence here and your words here.

Smareis said...

Então Fram, A Independência do Brasil é um dos fatos históricos mais importantes de nosso país, pois marcou o fim do domínio português e a conquista da autonomia política. Muitas tentativas anteriores ocorreram e muitas pessoas morreram na luta por este ideal. O Dia da Independência é um feriado nacional do Brasil celebrado no dia 7 de setembro de cada ano. A data comemora a Declaração de Independência do Brasil do Império Português no dia 7 de setembro de 1822.

Bom fim de semana com um céu enfeitados de estrelas. Sorrisos!

Fram Actual said...

I will begin to observe the independence of Brazil, Smareis.

It is said those who live in the United States have a tendency to believe the universe revolves around them and around their own country. I think there is much truth in that analysis; I know it is true of me .... I do not like being that way, but nationalism is a powerful force which deeply influences individuals and nations alike. All one needs to do is to watch sporting events to witness nationalism in the form of "home team" fervor run amok. It is an unfortunate part of all of us.

Once upon a time, I did know a bit about the history of Brazil and all South American countries. I took a course about them when I was a college boy, but it was only a "survey course" in which the fundamental history and current events of each country was taught. The class lasted only three months and being a survey course in nature, there was not much detail about a dozen nations. I still have the book, but it is very outdated now.

As I occasionally say, I need to become less provincial and more cosmopolitan. I think such must be the destiny of all of us if humanity is not only to prosper, but to survive.

Thank you, again, Smareis, for your presence. I hope the day is going well for you ....

Smareis said...

Também já ouvir dizer isso Fram. Por estar no primeiro mundo as pessoas não consegue ver que o segundo mundo também tem uma história maravilhosa. A história do meu País e linda. O Brasil é o maior país da América do Sul e da região da América Latina, sendo o quinto maior do mundo em área territorial e sexto em população.
A História do Brasil começa antes mesmo da chegada dos portugueses, uma vez que as terras brasileiras já eram habitadas por várias tribos seminômades há mais de 8000 anos atrás. No Brasil Colônia, vemos os primeiros capítulos de nossa história após o descobrimento: as capitanias hereditárias, os governos gerais, a economia açucareira, a escravidão e a independência.
Durante o Brasil Império, período em que fomos governados pelos imperadores D.Pedro I e D.Pedro II, ocorreram fatos que marcaram nossa história, como os conflitos separatistas, o ciclo do café e da borracha, além de diversas guerras.
Já no Brasil República, época que começa com a Proclamação da República e vai até hoje, temos o início dos mandatos dos presidentes, a política café-com-leite, a Era Vargas, a ditadura militar, entre outros fatos históricos da História do Brasil.É muito bom conhecer as história de outros Países.
Vale a pena a gente conhecer histórias de outros Países. É sempre um grande aprendizados. Eu por exemplo não critico quem não sabe de outras história que não seja de seus Países, porque eu muito pouco sei de histórias de países que não seja o meu. Sempre é bom a gente pesquisar sobre outros países.

Mais uma vez obrigada Fram. Uma boa semana!
Fique na paz. Sorriso pra você.

Fram Actual said...

So much history is specialized and compartmentalized that, from my point of view, it is impossible to possess real depth of knowledge beyond a few specific areas. My own "pride and joy," so to speak, has been the history of the Plains Indian Wars which began simmering around 1850 and erupted full force with the Dakota (Sioux) Uprising of 1862 here in Minnesota. This state actually was part of the "Wild West" once upon a time. This war went on sporadically until the Battle of Wounded Knee in South Dakota on December 29, 1890.

With Scandinavian ancestry, I have more than a passing acquaintance with the history of central and northern European countries, as well.

So, as sort of promised, Smareis, I will begin to gather more data about life and times in Brazil and, for sure, mark the Brazilian Independence Day each year on my calendar and in my memory banks.

I wish you a good week, Smareis .... good health and prosperity ....

Something special ....