Friday, October 1, 2021

Once more, before the snow ....

Autumn signaled football and hunting when I was a boy, and those things will be part of me forever. The fact that I no longer play football or hunt does not mean I do not enjoy watching football or firing firearms. Quite the contrary, but both are best done before frigid blizzards have made their appearance and my son and I and a friend are planning to shoot/shoot/shoot one more time before winter arrives and takes much of the fun out of it.

Each of us brings two handguns so we all will fire 48 rounds from each of six guns at motion and stationary targets. My contribution to the "Great Dakota Shoot Out" will be the two Glocks shown here. The smaller one is a Model 30S in .45 caliber with a 3.875-inch barrel and an after-market tactical light attached; the larger one is a Model 24 in .40 caliber with a 6.02-inch barrel and an after-market tactical light, as well as a laser sight attached. The "tiny" handgun is a Baby Browning in .25 caliber, which is not part of the competition, unless in the unlikely event it is necessary to break a tie.

"I can't tell you but it lasts forever"

A few days ago, I wrote these words in a comment: "I won a few editorial writing contests by not being hesitant to dive headfirst into controversial topics and managed to ignore threats and offers of money and sex regarding certain stances. I had a guy "sucker punch" me on one occasion, and all he got in response as he turned and literally ran away was a grinning smirk. Hmmmm .... how much audacity is too much audacity ...."

My point being I assume with a high degree of certainty the photograph and the post will upset the sensibilities of a few folks. Anyone who stops by here with a degree of regularity will already know that firearms have been a major part of my life since I was a boy and if he, she or it cannot live with that fact, it is their problem, not mine.

These guns are legally owned and used for legal purposes, which includes target shooting and self-protection. Once upon a time, I was an avid hunter, but have not hunted for a number of years and actually no longer approve of it. Does this mean I am anti-hunting? Sort of .... Does this mean I am an anti-hunter? No, it does not .... My own experience gives me the ability to understand those who hunt and why they hunt, and this is an instance where understanding breeds acceptance.

Do I believe the world would be a better place without firearms? It probably would be, but, in a general sense, guns often are the last resort for the small and the weak among us to protect themselves from the bad and the brutal and the bully types.

Each of us lives in our own world, our own space, and my position largely is treat others as you wish to be treated. In other words, we all are different and, looking through the lens of time, in all probability always will be .... so, our only alternative for long-term survival is to learn to accept others of all colors, religions, politics and personal interests .... and, to get along.

Thus, endeth the sermon for the first day of October 2021 ....


Anita said...

Well hello there and good morning!
I could not believe my eyes that you had posted a new post even though I knew it hih hih
Yes, these weapons! A bit of a collection! And you probably have more, I think ... It is perhaps right to have weapons in a country as large as America. I would have been very scared over there. It is daily murder and crime that I understand from the news.Norway is a small country.We do not have much need for the police to carry weapons But they do.We have had some beheadings (Cut over the heads of social workers) They were not Norwegian citizens and we do not know which history they have from the country they came from. Police say they do not carry weapons but it is not more than two weeks since they ran around with MP5 Hecler and Koch in my neighborhood while hunting a criminal with weapons in the mall five minutes from me. I think weapons are very instructive in terms of learning precision and control and whether to hunt or travel to Svalbard where one has to carry weapons. To defend oneself. I had not been in doubt about what I had done if had I've been threatened with a knife or something. It's nice of you to go to a weekend trip with family and friends and have fun with or without weapons. That picture..Is these the ones you have dusted off and will use? Here with me it's just work and work..I think I will soon give up. Use me a good early retirement and live life. Maybe take pictures again. As it is now (working 85% night) I have no surplus to photograph. Or make blog posts. Have fun then and have good time around the fire. Welcome October!
I like the laser one and the music!

Regards Anita

Her er ett råd fra de gamle vise :

Lag ikke sko
Eller skaft til våpen
For venn eller frende!
Om skoen gir sår
eller skaftet er skjevt
Kan venn bli til uvenn

Fram Actual said...

Although I frequently mention what a "picture-perfect peaceful" neighborhood I live in, Anita, Minnesota recorded 185 murders in 2020, up 58 percent from 117 in 2019, and the pace is heading for an even greater number this year.

At the risk of sounding paranoid, I keep an unloaded handgun with a magazine of ammo next to it reasonably near me most of the time under the philosophy that although there is no foolproof defense system, lightning does strike on occasion and it is best to be as prepared as possible.

Yes, I have a few more which need to be dusted off. Perhaps, we shall brave the ice and the snow and the raging winds of winter to do it. In the meanwhile, I am certain I will have an enjoyable time at the "old Dakota shooting range," and it is always great to spend time with my son.

As for the music, if you look at the life of Tina Turner, you will see it has been quite remarkable and she makes good music. She is 81 and pretty much out of the public eye, but I spotted this Broadway notice a few days ago:

"This new musical reveals a comeback story like no other, of a woman who dared to defy the bounds of racism, sexism and ageism to become the global Queen of Rock n' Roll. 'Tina – The Tina Turner Musical,' is a celebration of resilience and an inspiration of triumph over adversity."

I am hoping a traveling production will eventually make it here. I could have used a technically better video of her performing, but I liked her interaction with the crowd in this one.

As for "When It's Love," the song is a departure from Van Halen's usual raucous music and has a beautiful melody / beautiful lyrics / a beautiful sentiment. These things add up to a superb song, which is a bit of a surprise from this band.

In regard to the "edda" poem, yep, the Old Norse knew what they were talking about, for sure ....

Thank you, dronning i det fjerne nord, for coming and for commenting. Do not spend all your time working and do not wait too long before coming up with a new post .... please ....

Kelly said...

If someone doesn't like what you post about, they don't have to visit your blog. (or they can skip that post) I think you made some excellent points. Then again, I'm a gun owner, so you won' t get much argument from me.

Enjoy your shooting excursion with your son and your friend! May all your shots be right on target!

Fram Actual said...

Actually, I was sort of trolling and mildly hoping an anti-gun type would choose to enter into a conversation over any aspect of firearms control. As for you, Ms. Arkansas, I almost would expect your middle name to be Atalanta or Diana or Skaði or some other variation of the goddess of hunting.

The only thing which could "dampen" this "Great Dakota Shoot Out" would be nasty weather, and being around my son will cure any disappointment should rain or snow put in an appearance as an "uninvited guest."

A number of years ago, I had the opportunity to take a run at the FBI Practical Pistol Course, and I set up a similar series of targets, plus a few additional "challenges," out at the old homestead. My primary variations come in the form of a trail walk between targets and include firing at targets within tires rolling (bouncing) down a steep hill. That translates into luck is almost as important as skill.

So, Kelly, thank you, for coming and for commenting. You are more than welcome to participate in this "shoot out" should you be in the neighborhood. We even will supply the guns and ammo for you, and waive the entry fee ....

Anita said...

Du tenker Dronning Astrid/Estrid som var gift med Olav Digre.Hun var en mektig klok og vakker kvinne.Ja, hadde vi, med det navnet hennes, hatt litt av hennes egenskaper hadde vi kvinner vært bra mennesker.Låten "When its love"Fin tekst men kansje litt trist. Det er jo kjærligheten noen ganger.Som "Agape"
Fint vakker stemme har han som synger i Van Halen, men kan ikke måle seg med Ian ,som nesten har en sopran stemme, i Deep Purple.
Etter min smak.
Jeg viste ikke at Tina Turner lager en ny konsert.Det skal bli artigt å se online
Venn.Du vet jeg har det travelt når jeg ikke har besøkt deg igjen.Jeg sitter fremdelest på arbeid.
Det å blogge krever tid og lyst.Jeg skal se hva jeg får til med det.Når jeg har fri leser jeg kun om Sigrid Toresdatter ***Søster til Tore Hund , og deretter brytningen i Norge etter Olav Haraldsson kronet Norge og innførte kristendommen med makt.Jeg liker det livet de levde.Liker å høre og se de vever og ordner med sine våpen.Det gir meg ro og fred i sjelen.Sover godt gjør jeg og .Så håper jeg Dere har det fint på gården i Dakota.Din sønn må være stolt av deg.
Vi talest min venn.Tenker på deg og ønsker deg alt godt.
Sigrid Toresdatter var datter av Tore på Bjarkøy/Tore Hund og kom fra en av de mektigste ættene i Hålogaland. Hun var søster til Tore Hund på Bjarkøy og Sigurd Toresson på Trondenes. Hun ble først gift med Olve Grjotgardsson på Egge i Trøndelag, og deretter med Kalv Arnesson.

Fram Actual said...

You might well end up being qualified to teach a specialized college course on the history of Norway if you continue reading and studying it, Anita. It is good that studying the "old ways" gives you "peace and quiet in the soul." I have mentioned before and do again now that Will Durant of "The Story of Civilization" fame once said that he could not find the answers to his questions about life and living in either religion or philosophy, but he found most of them through the study of history. It works for me, too, in some ways ....

I never have thought of Van Halen as a band with a better than average vocalist. The draw, from my point of view, has been Eddie's guitar work and, in the "old days," David Lee Roth's stage antics. He was a showman beyond compare and the band had a reputation for its crazy antics. Sammy Hagar sings this one, which might actually be the only Van Halen song I like. Apparently, Eddie and brother Alex wrote the music and Sammy the lyrics, which is both amazing and fantastic in regard to Sammy's role.

Doing a bit of background study on Van Halen and this song, “When It's Love," I saw that one critic had called it "a textbook modernization of the blues and the chorus does not really answer its own question." I suppose he is correct in a technical sense, but I think in many ways actual love "lasts forever" and "it's just something you feel together" are marvelous ways of defining it.

I also think my own words, "affection grows; love is born," are a good way of putting it. Reread "the actual instant of love" on my blog page. I have been listening to both post songs again as I write here ....

If you look at them closely and think about them, both "Twenty Four Seven" (composed by Terry Britten and Charlie Dore) and "When It's Love" are double entendre songs, which is one of the reasons I have both appearing with this particular post.

I know you are a busy young lady, Anita, professor i norsk historie, and that mood and time are the greatest factors in maintaining a blog .... but, perhaps, we can find an Old Norse god or goddess who might be of assistance .... it is a thought ....

By the way, to quote Robert Louis Stevenson:

Home is the sailor, home from sea,
And the hunter home from the hill.

A Cuban In London said...

Agree. Treat others as you would like to be treated. That's how I try to live my life. :-)

Greetings from London.

Fram Actual said...

I believe it actually becomes easier over the years to be that way, CiL, at least for those who are honest to themselves about their own flaws and failings ....

Thank you, CiL, for your visit and your comment ....

Something special ....