Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Overdue for a riddle ....

A couple more photographs to accompany the posts on Vikings in North America and the 1926/1927 replication voyage .... why? .... I have no idea other than I simply felt like it and I suppose I might respond with two words .... why not?
The top photo was taken on the day of the arrival of the Leif Erikson in Duluth, Minnesota -- June 23, 1927. It presumably was taken by a Duluth News Tribune staff member. It would have been fun to have been there, I think. The second photo is of another post card showing the vessel when it was on display in Leif Erikson Park. A man is partially visible at the far left, to provide a bit of perspective regarding the size of the Viking "knarr."
The music to accompany this post is sort of a matter of coincidence. I saw both these acts -- Heart and Joan Jett and the Blackhearts -- Sunday evening right here in Saint Paul at the Xcel Energy Center. The videos are from earlier performances of the same "Love Alive" concert. I never had seen Joan before, but I did see Heart and the Wilson girls a long/long time ago in Duluth -- of all places, and hence the coincidence -- when we all were younger and wilder. The Duluth concert was a "dumb luck" event. I was passing through town en route from Michigan to the Twin Cities, noticed Heart was performing that evening, thought "why not?," got a room, got a free ticket courtesy of my press credentials, enjoyed the show and the activities which followed it. Nancy and Ann still are terrific ....
Why + why not = wake me later
I look at myself in a mirror and wonder who I am in a cosmic sense. I know who I am in an earthly sense, but inside I feel/think/believe -- a bit of each, but not the absolute of one -- that there should be another existence/place/purpose where there are answers to anything and to everything.
I suppose it could be there is no such existence/place/purpose, which leaves me asking, "why not?"
I remember a story in which a Norseman refused to accept the teachings of a Christian priest, saying Odin and the "old gods" were good enough for him.
The priest asked the Norseman how he could believe in such ludicrous, pagan gods and have faith in them.
The Norseman replied that he had neither belief nor faith in them.
"In what, then, do you believe?" the priest asked.
"I believe in the strength of my own right arm," answered the Norseman.
I suppose life could be as simple as that. It does make sense. So, I go back to the beginning and put forth a variation of the same question: "Why?"


anita said...

Flotte bilder av knarren!!Ja det må ha vært litt av ett syn det der!!Se den segle inn !

Jeg har ikke hørt noe av de musikerne..Men den første låten er veeeldig kjent :)

The Riddle--Gåten-

There are those that look at things the way they are and ask why?I dream of things that never were.and ask why not?Gearge Bernard Shawn

For min del har jeg ikkeså mye tid til å tenke over det..
Men det er jo ett viktig tema..Hvilken vei ville det ha gått om en velgte det ene eller det andre?Er skjebnen forutbestemt?Eller lager vi livet mens vi går den?

Jeg syntes den Vikingen sa noe bra.Min arm den stoler jeg på(Dvs jeg stoler på meg selv og det jeg gjør)

Jeg for min del leser bare Frøya for tiden..Det er sagt hun egentlig var gift med Odin.Mangen fine fortellinger..Akuratt nå leser jeg om smykket hun fikk laget av dverger og som Thor absolutt skulle ha og omgjorde seg til en liten klegg ,stjal smykket og leverte det til Odin..Frøy ble mektig sint !Men lur!


Heldig vis har vi all norrøn litteratur på nett fra nasjonal biblioteket..Det er bare å lese bøker og sagaer..Som idag ikke fins eller er sjelden i bokform..

Du er heldig som har Grønlandsagaen og Hava mål--Jeg selv har Heimskringla og alle verk av Snorre Sturlason i bokform..fint oppslagsverk!Men det skal godt gjøres og holde rede på alle disse konger, helter og gudinner!

Jeg tenker du ser frem til Vikings som kommer 4 Desember.Hvilken karakter er din favoritt?Jeg liker godt Ivar den Beinløse men han er jo ond!Bjørn er jeg gått lei av..for mye romantikk og damer..Jeg lurer på hvem blir den nye THE SEER??
Lagertha vel!!??..Vet ikke, men hun har vel utspilt sin rolle..Uansett blir det spennende med serien og se om de holder seg til de historiske eventene..Mye er jo bare rot!Harald og Olav Den Hellige er og spennende---Samt møte med Russland-Og det store hærslaget!

Ok ha det bra!


Anita said...

obbssss Jeg ser at jeg har logget på med Alexanders google konto!!Uff her er det problemer ute og går..håper jeg har fått det til nå

Fram Actual said...

Part 1 of 2

I am a bit -- but only a bit -- surprised that you do not recognize the name of Heart and Ann and Nancy Wilson, Anita, but not at all surprised Joan Jett and the Blackhearts are not at all familiar to you. While roaming the sea of blogs and YouTube, I always am discovering bands and musicians and songs I am not aware existed or, if I have encountered them before, have forgotten them.

A case in point: It was not until recently I learned A-ha is a Norwegian group and not an English band, and I was not familiar with the name Morten Harket. When I played a song or two by A-ha, though, I did recognize Harket's voice and remembered the music.

The Wilson girls and Heart have been around forever (almost literally). Ann is 69 and Nancy is 65. Joan Jett is 61 and originally was one of the founders of an all-girl group called the Runaways. Lita Ford, whose name you might be aware of, also became a member of the Runaways. These facts were not in my head, but I learned them in five minutes on the keyboard.

The song Heart is performing should be known to you. It is the Queen masterpiece, "Stairway to Heaven."

I have done poorly on my goal of attending a concert a month. Next year, perhaps .... yeh, sure ....

I really do enjoy going to concerts and plays. My only complaint is that they are less enjoyable when you (meaning me) go alone .... but, that is my own fault ....

As for the Vikings television show, I suppose I preferred the character of Ragnar and, since his "departure," I have lost much of my initial interest in the show -- it is becoming a soap opera in many ways. In terms of the other characters, I view them the same way I view all "entertainment show" characters and, in fact, how I look at people in real life (work, neighbors, etc.): Some I like, some I dislike, others mostly are just there. I do approach people in a friendly manner and, in essence, treat them the way they treat me.

I frequently say I am like a mirror .... when you look at me, you are seeing a reflection of yourself in terms of behavior.

I have an errand or two to run, Anita, so I think I will break my response into two parts and return in a while to continue this .... I like your reference to G.B. Shaw .... he is among my favorites .... later .... until then ....

Fram Actual said...

Part 2 of 2

I think G.B. Shaw and I were saying sort of the same thing in different ways, Anita. My point was that I constantly am asking "why" or "why not" to situations I encounter.

Personally, I do believe in free will and not in predestination. That means I believe we each should accept our fate in as much as it is caused by our decisions and our responsibility for our decisions when they turn out badly or harmful. Of course, there is no way to prove I am correct in my belief, just as absolute proof is lacking in most beliefs and decisions. Our lives revolve around "best guess" scenarios.

Among the most complicated and annoying unanswerable questions from my point of view are why do some individuals appear to lead "charmed" lives, while other individuals seem to be unlucky and suffer almost every form of misfortune possible? There is no answer to that question, and I doubt there ever will be .... during this life, anyway .... and, I strongly doubt there will be an answer when this life concludes.

Yes, the Norseman's answer was good, I agree. Remember, too, he said those words in an era when sword and ax play often were used routinely to settle arguments and disputes. Physical strength and skill with weaponry were of paramount importance. Of equal or even of more importance, I think, would be skill with words and at avoiding conflict.

I prefer books over computer screens for a variety of reasons, but to be young now would mean a keyboard can be used rather than devoting hours upon hours in libraries, as I have over the years. None-the-less, I enjoyed those hours and would not throw or trade them away.

I am glad you enjoy studying the ways of the Old Norse. There is much wisdom to be found, as well as enjoyment -- and, we can see elements in them that are present in us, the inheritors of their beliefs and customs.

My expectation was that I would write a great deal more about the riddle of "why" and "why not," but it seems to me this is enough for the moment. Enjoy what life has to offer, Anita .... be safe and happy and well and kyss og klem ....

Anita said...

Hei igjen..
This.".It is the Queen masterpiece, "Stairway to Heaven."
Is not right is it??It is Led Zeppelins !!!
Jeg mener det er Zeppelin som har laget og perfomert denne sangen.Kan aldri huske det var Queen???
Ja sånn er det noen artister kjenner vi godt andre ikke..Jeg vokste opp med Deep Purple ,Slade,Cleerance Clearwater,The doors, Uriah Heep and so on the, list is long..

Morten Harket har jeg aldrig likt..Hans video som, Trump lånte, er jo bare morsom!!Hah hah

SEr jeg skriver på både engelsk og norsk her..hahahahah det går trill rundt for meg..

Jeg tro vår skjebne er bestemt av bakgrunn og hva du selv gjør for det i fremtiden.
For å si det enkelt kommer du fra en arbeiderklasse har du liten mulighet for å bli millioner vist du ikke vinner i Lotto!

Vi /DE har ingen å lene seg til som feks en rik famile i bakhånd..

De som er oppvokst til rikdom har såå mangen fordeler økonomisk og det er dem som styrer dette landet(Norge)..Kjempeirritert på dette jeg!!De drar penger inn til seg selv..unngår formues skatten og har null i inntekt slik kan de leve vel og bra lenge..Men endag tar også deres penger slutt.Og det er ikke sikkert de har noe lykkeligt liv bare å sitte der og tenke hva skal jeg finne på .. Samt også og være misunnelig på hver en mann som har litt mere peng..

JEG setter pris på dem som har klart seg selv.Som jobber ,sparer og får endene til å gå rundt.

DEt er det REspekt av!

Sykdom og uhell får vi alle.Noen er heldige andre ikke.Du kan selv tenke deg hvilken fremtid disse har med eller uten penger eller noen til å hjelpe seg..

Beklager dette ble ett langt notat men jeg er sååå irritert på hvordan den norske stat bruker penger på dyre biler osv mens barn som trenger briller og tannlege IKKE får noen støtte..Det skulle være penger nok igjen i dette oljefondet..og snart skal de bore i ARTisk!!

Nok om dette.Det er fint å kunne snakke med deg!

Jeg fikk fatt på 4 bind av Islendingesagaen i går til en billig penge kr 200 og bøkene er skrevet av
Hallvard Lie 1947 og utgitt i 1951

Han har basert sine skifter på den opprinnelige kilden..og han mener sterkt det er Snorre Sturlason som har skrevet dem fra tidligere.

Første bind ,Egils Saga
forteller om hvordan det var her i Norge,Småkonger Blot, Hevn ,Khærlighet,

Harald Hårfagre sønn til Halvdan Svarte forsøker og bli enevelsdkonge i Norge.Mangen slag og ættekrangler, misunnelse,blodhevn men også troskap hengivenhet og minst og mest betydde ære mye osv.
Den tiden var mannidealet å være sterk og hard..
Men når en leser finner en dem også som fiskere jegere ooooog kjærlige ektemenn
Noen av de første vikingene som reiste til Island var slike som hadde komt på kant med Harald Hårfagre.

Jeg leser nå der hvor Kveldulv og Skallagrim reiser til Island i flukt fra H.Hårfagre.Flott litteratur!

Da må du ha en fin dag og håper du forstår litt av det jeg har skrevet når du oversetter..

Beklager det ble litt langt..

Vi snakkes

Kyss og Klem

Fram Actual said...

Yes / yes / yes .... of course, you are correct, Anita. It is a Led Zeppelin song. In my mind the two greatest bands of the rock 'n' roll era are Queen and Led Zeppelin, and sometimes my mind flips back and forth about which song comes from which band. And, since I list Queen first above, it is evident which of the two I favor most and this is because I think no one compares to Freddie Mercury.

Beyond that, I do not list bands or performers in any particular sequence. I simply say this or that is "among my favorites" because a particular band or individual might have a particular song I think is absolutely fantastic, and have little else in its repertoire that I like. I do the same with writers and books. What else can I say?

I have not seen the Morten Harket video used by "the trumpet man." I try to avoid political videos.

Anita writes: "Those who are raised to wealth have so many benefits economically and it is they who govern this country (Norway)."

Fram responds: The same is largely true in the United States. Look at the Rockefeller and Kennedy families, for instance. But the wealth had to begin with one person or one family at some point in time.

I personally know a man who fled Nazi Germany with the proverbial shirt on his back. He literally was a peddler and a street vendor his first few years in the United States, and now is among the wealthiest men in Michigan as owner of several banks and newspapers. Hard work combined with luck often are the origin of wealth.

You are correct, I believe, regarding "sickness and mishap." I wrote a post entitled, "What is longevity without good health?" last February echoing the same sentiments. Watching people and how they handle both the good and the bad elements of their lives results in "character study" and a learning experience, if we are wise enough to recognize it and to utilize it.

I suppose virtually all that I know of Harald Hårfagre comes from the, "Heimskringla," of Snorri Sturluson and I do recall him in the "Vikings" television show. By the way, I did not like Harold the individual in the show, but I did like the actor who portrayed him. In many respects, I think Harald was an admirable man .... I guess I will end my commentary about him with those words ....

I have read, "Egil's Saga," and I think it is another work by Snorri and I recall Egil's association with Harald's son, Erik Bloodaxe .... but, it has been so many years and so many books ago that my recollections are vague. I will have to dig around and see if I can find my copy and reread it.

I have difficulty keeping track of my own family tree, much less trying to remember the lineage of countless Vikings. Besides that, I think of myself as a generalist with a bit of knowledge about many things and a specialist or an expert in nothing. If you keep going the way you are going, Anita, I will have to rely on you for data regarding the history of the Vikings and all things Norse .... maybe about all things rock 'n' roll, too.

So, here we are again, Anita of the Far North .... I think it is time for me to listen to "Bohemian Rhapsody," by Led Zeppelin .... whoops .... I am laughing at myself .... take care and be safe and think of me walking around Iceland looking for the ghost of Snorri ....

Kyss og klem ....

A Cuban In London said...

Why not indeed? :-)

Greetings from London. Heart and Joan Jett. Thanks. :-)

Fram Actual said...

Greetings, Cuban of Londinium ....

But why?

Heart and Joan Jett .... bravo ....

Something special ....