Monday, December 31, 2018

The future begins tomorrow

Although the painting here by Philippe Durand is entitled, "Time Machine," this post really has nothing to do with time machines or much of anything other than to note the conclusion of 2018 and the birth of 2019 -- which, you might be aware, begins as the bell finishes tolling midnight this night. I guess that is sort of a fib since I am adding two more resolutions to the three listed in my post of December 16. Also present are a pair of songs from Jon Bon Jovi and his crew. The scenes in the first number, "New Year's Day," remind me of the January 1 a few years ago when I spent the afternoon canoeing on The Lake, as I call it, known as Le Lac Supérieur by the early French explorers and better known as Lake Superior among those living today. The water is dark and cold and deep. Mostly it is beautiful and alluring. It is an invitation to be part of it. In every direction there is water -- only water. It would seem to go on forever .... maybe it does.

The primary difference between my excursion on The Lake and the waters in the video being that I was playing "ice breaker" with my canoe and I actually stopped to have a drink of brandy and to smoke a cigarette on a mini-iceberg .... ah, yes, those were the days, my friend. The second piece is pretty much the story of life from birth to death, which fascinates me in many ways for many reasons. Well, as sometimes is said, on with the show ....
A verse from the song
"New Year's Day"
composed by Billy Falcon & Jon Bon Jovi
performed by Jon Bon Jovi & his crew
I'm singing carpe diem
I'm saying seize the day
Come on, let's live forever
It's New Year's Day
New Year's Day & born again tomorrow ....
I have been thinking of resolutions for the coming year and essentially I want to find ways to renew my interest in life and living. Since firearms and the outdoors and reading have been the three greatest "loves" of my existence, I want to once again incorporate them more into my lifestyle.
I have more than a few guns I have not fired -- ever -- and, by this time next year, I do not want to have any that I have not shot a number of times and sent a large number of rounds through.
The concept of "large number" has different meanings to different people. My own definition in relation to shooting is three or four hundred rounds in an afternoon unless there are circumstances which create the need for more. I have acquaintances who now and then fire three of four thousand in an afternoon and, when opportunity is right, upwards of ten thousand in a week.
In relation to the outdoors, I will strive for a half-dozen or more multi-day canoe jaunts during the year, including one up in Michigan for at least a week in duration on my old friend, The Lake.
Once more, numbers have different meanings. There have been times when I was reading three books a week on average. That number has shrunk to about three a month. I will try to get back to at least one book per week and see where it goes from there.
Those three items form Resolution No. 4.
Resolution No. 5 is less complex but, quite possibly, more demanding: Find a new place to hang out ....



RobertN said...

Un An Nou cu fericire si sanatate!

Fram Actual said...

Yes, Robert, thank you, and my wishes for much happiness and good health for you in the coming year. You are a talented artist, and I enjoy seeing your work.

Smareis said...

Bom dia Fram! Espero que tudo esteja bem com você.
Desculpa a demora em aparecer. Estive fazendo uma viagem de emergência e tive que fazer uma pausa no blog. Desejo que seu Natal tenha sido bem especial com seus familiares e amigos. Desejo um Novo Ano cheio de muita paz, saúde e alegrias juntamente com todos os teus.
Feliz 2019 pra você e os teus!
Vou estar em off por mais alguns dias. teve um temporal aqui e minha rede de internet ficou péssima. Estou aguardando os tecnico para uma revisão. Volto com atualização no blog lá pelo dia 12 ou até menos. Voltarei pra ler com mais calma a sua postagem e comentar como se deve.
Até Fram!
Feliz 2019 pra você com muitos sorrisos.

Fram Actual said...

I have missed your presence and your words, Smareis, but I am content now with this note from you and to learn your absence has not been due to anything more serious than a trip and a storm.

All is well and fine with me and with my progeny. My son was here for a few days at Thanksgiving, but the weather forced cancelation of his planned visit for Christmas. My weather has been ridiculous in the sense of unseasonably warm for a few days and then absolutely frigid for a few. The only salvation, from my point of view, is that two of the five months of FramWinter have passed with only a little snow. I was fortunate with the last storm .... only two to three inches of snow fell here, while an hour north from me as much as two feet dropped to the Earth in less than three days.

I hope your holiday season has been everything you could wish it to be, Smareis, and that the coming year will bring with it good fortune in every possible way for you and for those you love. A belated Merry Christmas and, in a matter of minutes, Happy New Year ....

Take care and stay safe and be well .... I think of you ....

Kaya said...

Future is today! Happy New Year, Fram!

I like the artist Philippe Durand. This particular painting is interesting and complex, almost like transparent collage.

When you write about your guns and mention that some of them you never fired I feel good that the guns are silent and I also feel good because I have some books in my home library I still didn't read.

I didn't make yet New Year resolutions but I like to read yours and reflect on them. Love the song" Born Again Tomorrow". Very inspiring!

May 2019 will be the best year for you ever, Fram!

Fram Actual said...

Guns I never have fired; books I never have read; films I never have seen; ladies I never have kissed; places I never have been .... those things and more sort of describe my life, Kaya, along with the recent realization that, for sure, I never will do most of them.

Yes, Philippe Durand is a French artist who evidently dabbles in many things: Paintings, photography, lithographs, sculpture .... you name it. This piece has obvious overlays, and it is interesting to look for all the elements.

Every year, I tell myself no more resolutions; then I go ahead and make a few. My success rate for keeping them longer than a few months probably is around ten percent .... hmmmm !?!? I wonder how I will make out with these ....

I think -- depending on how one measures them -- my "best" years are over and gone, Kaya, but I thank you for your wish and I will strive to make 2019 among the best. Who can say what the future may hold for any one of us? As for you, young lady, I hope your year will be a wonderful one filled with great things which become precious memories. Stay safe, well and happy ....

Something special ....