Tuesday, August 21, 2018

A perennial candidate & Brazilian music

Harold Edward Stassen wanted to be president of the United States. He kept on trying .... and trying .... and trying .... never to attain his no doubt burning ambition. The photograph on the left shows Stassen around 1950 when he was in his early forties; the second photograph shows him a number of years later. I do not know exactly how many years, but he looks pretty much as he did when I interviewed him. And, yes, that is a wig / a toupee he is wearing. It was not a good one and I thought he looked rather comical with it on .... but, he was his own man and did what wanted to please himself.
I ordinarily have a relationship or association of sorts between the words and the illustration and the music. There is none this time .... at least none I can imagine. Victor and Leo are a Brazilian sertanejo duo made up of the brothers Vitor Chaves Zapalá Pimentel and Leonardo Chaves Zapalá Pimentel. The brothers did a tour in the United States in 2009 and another was announced for this year .... but, so far, evidently nothing has been scheduled. I think their music is interesting and pleasing .... how about you?
The man who would be president
Ever hear of Harold Stassen?
Probably not.
Unless you are from Minnesota or, maybe, from Pennsylvania or a student of political history.
Harold Edward Stassen was famous -- or infamous, as some would say -- in Minnesota as a perennial candidate.
Stassen was born in West Saint Paul, graduated from the University of Minnesota and became district attorney for Dakota County (in which I currently am hanging out) and, in 1938 at age thirty-one (31), he was elected governor -- the youngest individual to hold that office in Minnesota.
Stassen won re-election in 1940 and 1942, but then resigned to serve in the United States Navy during World War II. He became president of the University of Pennsylvania after the war. In 1948, he sought the Republican presidential nomination and actually had a number of delegates at the convention. Thomas Dewey was the man chosen by the GOP to represent that party against Harry Truman of the Democratic Party. I think we all know who won that presidential race.
Stassen went on to unsuccessfully campaign for positions as the governor of both Pennsylvania and Minnesota, for mayor of Philadelphia, and for both representative and senator in Minnesota. He did some of these things multiple times.
Was that enough to deter Stassen? Not by a longer than long shot.
Stassen continuously ran for the Republican nomination for the presidency: 1964, 1968, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000 ....
For those unaware, candidates for political office have a habit of turning up at newspapers, radio stations and television buildings just as they do on residential doorsteps. The wiser or, perhaps, the craftier ones contact the offices to arrange a time convenient for both parties, but "walk-ins" are very common.
I had the opportunity (assignment, actually) to interview Stassen during his final presidential bid when he did an unannounced walk-in at the newspaper where I worked. My thought as the interview began was, "Lucky me, interviewing a man who does not know when the time has arrived for him to fade quietly away."
As the interview went on, I began to admire Stassen for his persistence and his unwillingness to let go of what obviously was a lifelong ambition -- to be president of the U.S. -- and to wonder where he found the strength and the will to do it after encountering defeat after defeat.
Stassen died at age ninety-three (93) in Bloomington, Minnesota, an unfulfilled man -- at least in a presidential sense. He was a Baptist who said much of his political thought came from his religious beliefs and who gained a reputation as a liberal. In 1963, for instance, he joined Martin Luther King in his march on Washington, D.C.
I am not at all sure why the thought of Harold Stassen entered my mind a few days ago. I suppose it is because I sense I am at another turning point in my life -- another crossroad -- and wonder what someone like Stassen would have done: Toss in the towel of surrender and fade away gracefully or persist onward toward whatever ....
Silly (as in "idiotic") question .... I know what Stassen did .... he stayed true to himself until death claimed him. Just as I know what I will do .... press ever onward and forward to whatever is there waiting for me ....


Anita said...

Nice music Fram!

Spanish music is sometimes great.Love teh text.Tiempo del el amor:))

Looks funny that man with a wig / a toupee!Never heard of that Stasson

Wishing you a great day!


pss about your question about my daughters dog(You didnt know I had any??)..Yes.He is here whenever he wants.

Fram Actual said...

Tiempo del el amor = time of the love .... yes, Anita, the lyrics are rather nice.

I would have been very surprised had you ever heard of Harold Stassen. I am sure most Minnesotans are not even aware of him or his proclivity for running for public office. He was a unique individual in many ways and sort of weird in other ways, I think. I have a certain curiosity about him, but a person probably would have had to have been alive and watching his career contemporaneously to answer the questions I have about him. Anyway ....

You did surprise me with your comment about having a daughter. I am, of course, aware of Alexander, but I did not know you have a daughter, too. I do recall that you have a dog stay with you at times, but I thought that dog belonged to a neighbor / friend and that you would "puppysit" for him at times. If you do have a daughter, I must have missed something in translation somewhere along the line.

My day is moving along fine, Anita, and I am enjoying a break from the heat. Today is very autumn-like here, and feels wonderful to me. I hope your day is exactly what you wish it to be ....

Thank you, for your visit and for your comment .... take care and be happy and see you when I look at the clouds drifting in the sky ....

Kaya said...

Hi Fram,

I didn't know about Stassen, learned about him from your post. I always thought that if you fail, fail more, fail better you will achieve your goal. Apparently, it didn't work for unfortunate Stassen.

It's interesting to compare two photographs of this ambitious politician. On the first his face is softer but eyes are stern. On the second I see the man who tried hard to look presentable. His wig is ridiculous.
I shouldn't judge but...

Rhythms of Brazilian music are beautiful! Do you listen to Brazilian music often? Right now I enjoy Hanne Boel "Can't run from yourself" and Ed Sheeran "Make It Rain".
And Will Nelson a lot.

And a Happy birthday to your dear friend Buddy. May he will be happy and healthy!

Well, I like your post. A lot. It's your writing which always hooks you immediately and makes you think.

Wish you a nice week, with many nice and memorable moments.

Kaya said...

I meant Willie Nelson... By the way I didn't know for a long time that he has Indian roots.

Fram Actual said...

Harold Stassen is unforgettable, I think, for anyone who ever met him and talked with him. For those who did not, he is but a small footnote in the historical, political landscape of Minnesota and an even smaller footnote in the story of the Republican Party.

I think your descriptions of Stassen in relation to the two photographs are exactly right, Kaya. I have read that early on he was sort of considered a political prodigy and it was predicted he would have a stunningly brilliant future. But, for whatever reasons, he kept falling further and further behind with each political effort he made until most thought of him as a comic figure.

The only music I listen to regularly is "classic rock" and a bit of "classical classic." Otherwise, I roam around trying out different styles and, occasionally, buying a CD or a DVD of a particular musician or band. Actually, I have not stumbled into Hanne Boel. I have encountered Ed Sheeran, but never paused to listen to him. I will make a point of listening to both of them now and come back with my opinion.

I do like some of Willie Nelson's songs. If I ever knew he was linked to Indian ancestry, I have/had forgotten it. Sort of by coincidence, I have a couple of Indian-type pieces set aside to run with a future post.

Buddy thanks you for the birthday wishes and I thank you for the kind words, Kaya. I did write a note when you lost Tasha, but apparently you had no provision for comments with that post so my thoughts were left unsaid. She was a beautiful girl and a loving companion, I am sure, and I know from my own experience how difficult it is to let go when the time comes. I went outside to the grave of one dog who was special to me every night for a matter of years, no matter what the weather, to be with him for a few minutes. I probably still would be doing that had I not moved away. Anyway ....

So, I wish you a nice week, too, Kaya. Take care and be safe and be happy and see you here and there ....

A Cuban In London said...

Nice music and a great topic: those who could have been but never were. :-)

Greetings from London.

Fram Actual said...

I wish I had been a more thoughtful person when I interviewed Harold Stassen .... more curious, more interested in what motivates people, more fascinated by the shadows of the mind. But, I was very young and in a hurry then .... too bad, too late for me now ....

Thank you, CiL, for your visit and for your kind comment.

Smareis said...

Nunca ouvi falar em Harold Stassen. Ele não conseguiu ser Presidente do EUA, mas morreu tentando. Talvez se tivesse sido menos ambicioso e mais humilde talvez teria sido presidente e realizado seu sonho de dirigir o EUA.
Aqui estamos em tempo de eleições para Presidente, Senadores, Governadores e Deputados Estaduais e Federais. Estamos com uma corja de ladrões querendo ser eleger novamente e fundar mais o país. O pior dele esta na cadeia que é o Ex-presidente Lula. Mesmo trancafiado esta tentando sair livre pra se candidatar. Agora o juiz bateu o martelo e cancelou a candidatura do Lula. Espero que ele fique preso por um bom tempo. Comunista do capeta. O único candidato que pode livrar o povo brasileiro da Ladroagem é um candidato que é militar, Jair Messias Bolsonaro. Espero que ele ganha para colocar um pouco desses bandidos atrás das grades. O7 de outubro de 2018 meu país estará votando. Cada um de nós vê o mundo com os olhos que tem, e os olhos veem o que querem, os olhos fazem a diversidade do mundo e fabricam as maravilhas, ainda que sejam de pedra, e altas proas, ainda que sejam de ilusão.
São duas belas músicas. As letras são lindas. Eu adoro a dupla Victor e Leo.

Tem uma frase que diz assim: “O que me fascina nas pessoas, qualquer pessoa, é o jeito. Não é o currículo, o discurso, o passado, o futuro, e sim o jeito de dizer as coisas, o jeito de levar a vida, o jeito de sorrir, o jeito de olhar, o jeito, simplesmente – fator tão esnobado, porém de alta relevância, ao menos pra mim.”

Boa semana Fram!

Fram Actual said...

It has been a busy few days for me, Smareis. It has been rainy days, too -- steady rain, at times heavy -- which prevent any outdoor activities. Bah! Humbug! as Ebenezer Scrooge would put it.

It is cute / funny what you said: Harold Stassen "didn't get to be president of the United States, but he died trying." I had not thought of it that way, but it really is true.

When he appeared at the newspaper where I was working, I was well aware of him and his background. I did not take him seriously. I really do not think anyone in Minnesota took him seriously by that point in time. Now, I wish I had taken him very, very seriously and tried to discover the man beyond the surface -- to probe deeply within his mind.

The color photograph of him is very good in that it shows him exactly how he was when I interviewed him. I took him to be a dull, boring man and he seemed to be by that stage of his life. But, who can say what might have been revealed had I taken him seriously and acted like a dedicated reporter? He might have proved to be fascinating .... and, I would not be wondering about it now all these years later.

Anyway .... most politicians are greedy, selfish and border-line criminals; all the others are greedy, selfish and no-doubt-about-it criminals. Sometimes I wonder if it is possible for a truly good and decent individual to rise to power through the political systems as they exist -- and, apparently, always have existed.

I would be hesitant to endorse anyone who has been a career military person for political leadership in any country at any time, but I do think a period of military service should be a requirement to serve in the highest offices.

I like Victor & Leo, too -- their music, their voices. I have played a number of their songs in recent weeks.

So, thank you, Smareis. I am having a good week; I hope you are, as well. Thinking of you ....

Smareis said...

Aqui sem chuva, e pelo jeito vamos ter dias quentes. A primavera ainda nem começou, e o calor do verão já chegou.
Victor e Leo são a dupla que arrasta multidões em todos os shows. Eu Já assisti vários shows deles. A multidão enlouquece quando eles cantam. Tem muitas outras dupla que é bem famosa aqui no Brasil.
Continuação de boa semana Fram!
Sorrisos pra você!

Fram Actual said...

Almost all of my winters have been spent in the midst of ice and snow, Smareis, which I complain about to no ends, but actually appreciate. To live in a place where there are not four distinct seasons would be the end of me .... I think.

The music and the voices of the brothers are, no doubt, a considerable draw. I have a sense, though, the fact that in the slang language of the "norte-americanos" both are "hunks" has a lot to do with it, too.

You, too, Smareis .... have a good rest of the week and I wish you the best of everything ....

Smareis said...

Eu falava nessa sua postagem sobre o candidato militar que vai concorrer as eleiçoes agora em O7 de outubro pra Presidente, o único que poderia acabar com essas bandidagem no BRASIl. Jair Bolsonaro. Hoje as 15:30 ele sofreu um atentado quando fazia as campanha pelas ruas de uma cidade mineira. O candidato do PSL à presidência, Jair Bolsonaro, levou uma facada durante um ato de campanha em Juiz de Fora (MG), na tarde desta quinta-feira (6). Ele era carregado nos ombros por apoiadores quando um homem se aproximou e o feriu na barriga com uma faca. O candidato teve lesões nos intestinos delgado e grosso e passou por uma cirurgia esta na UTI.


É triste saber que toda época de eleição no BRASIL, morre um candidato.
Faltando menos de um mês pra eleição acontece essa tragédia com um candidato que pode mudar tudo no BRASIL. Creio que ele vai vai se recuperar e vamos ter um militar na nossa presidência.
Bom fim de semana Fram!
Um punhado de sorriso.

Fram Actual said...

I just published a new post, Smareis, about John McCain, a longtime political figure in the United States and the onetime nominee of the Republican Party for president. Then, I saw that you had written another comment for this post.

I will need time to do a bit of research on your military man before I comment further and, my life being what it is this week, I probably will not be able to do it until sometime late during my Friday.

In the meanwhile, Smareis, I will be thinking of you .... later ....

Fram Actual said...

I have been reading a bit about your preferred candidate, Jair Bolsonaro. I like what I have read.

If he truly is a nationalist and a populist and aligned with traditional, right-wing conservatism, he almost certainly would get my vote. From what I read, I Iike his positions in most areas, especially regarding firearms ownership and free market policies. I also like his military training and service. I do not think seventeen years makes one a "career soldier," rather, it helps to form a knowledgeable and a more skilled individual. And, I like the fact that he has been a political figure since 1988 and has been winning elections.

He does sound like a bit of a chauvinist, though .... I am not sure what to make of that .... sort of teasing with that remark. Does his chauvinism bother you?

It will be interesting to see how the knife attack will affect his candidacy. I would hope it did not cause him any permanent damage in either a physical or a mental way.

So, Smareis, my overall opinion regarding Bolsonaro is generally favorable. I know so little about Brazil, especially in a political sense. I will trust your wisdom and your judgment in all matters Brazilian.

Take care, Smareis, and think of me once and a while. All right? Later ....

Smareis said...

Que bom que leu algumas coisa a respeito do Bolsonaro, e também voltaria pra ele. Pra ser sincera ele não é um candidato preferido, é o que temos por aqui que parece ser o melhor no momento. Temos vários candidatos, mas são candidatos de outras eleições passadas que nada fizeram, apenas roubaram e roubaram até enriquecer com o dinheiro público e o povo é que paga a conta da dívida pública. O Jair Bolsonaro está em primeiro lugar nas pesquisas e no momento ele é o único que pode mudar alguma coisa no Brasil, principalmente algumas de nossas leis em relação a violência em geral, e tomar das mãos dos traficantes algumas comunidades que é comandada pelos traficantes. O Brasil é um Pais rico, maravilhoso e cheio de belezas naturais, e os políticos vê no Brasil a forma de enriquecer, porque os brasileiros são gente boa e acredita nas ladainhas que eles fazem em épocas de eleição. Tem 3 eleições passadas que eu voto nulo, mas nessa eleição vou voltar por Jair Bolsonaro porque ao meu ver, ele vai modificar alguma coisa no Brasil. O Jair Bolsonaro é um militar, uma figura controversa no Brasil, ele é conhecido por suas visões políticas populistas e de extrema-direita, o que inclui comentários simpáticos à ditadura militar no Brasil (1964–1985). Muitas pessoas são contra algumas ideias que ele professa, interpreta mal o que ele fala, distorce a fala dele quando publica alguns jornalistas. Ele é bem critico, meio autoritário, as vezes fala pelos cotovelos, mas é um político sério e merece ser o PRESIDENTE DO BRASIL. Desde que ele discutiu com a deputada Maria do Rosário as pessoas do contra, usam essa briga para falar mal dele. Ele defende a revogação do Estatuto do Desarmamento e defende que o proprietário rural tenha direito de adquirir fuzis para evitar invasões do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra. Isso foi o que mais deixou algumas pessoas irritada, porque os sem-terra é do partido do LULA. Além disto, também apresentou um projeto de lei que estabelece a castração química voluntária como condição para que uma pessoa condenada por estupro possa progredir o regime de pena.
Bolsonaro também se posicionou favoravelmente à instituição da pena de morte no Brasil para casos de crimes premeditados pois, segundo ele, "o bandido, ele só respeita o que ele teme". Também é a favor da redução da maioridade penal para 16 anos.
Tudo que sei é que o Brasil precisa de mudanças urgentes. E Bolsonaro é a única esperança para que as leis brasileiras possam ser mudadas. E bandido presos. Então é isso Fram tenho esperanças nas mudanças no Brasil como Bolsonaro Presidente.
Boa semana, e se cuida!
Um punhado de sorrisos.

Fram Actual said...

Based on what I read about Jair Bolsonaro and on your remarks/thoughts/opinions, I think I most likely would vote for him, too. Of course, my viewpoint is based on an absolute lack of specific knowledge about any of the other candidates. It is as I said in an earlier comment, Smareis: "I will trust your wisdom and your judgment in all matters Brazilian."

There are many issues which create division in the United States. I probably have opinions on most of them, if not all of them, and especially strong on a few of them. I am conservative by nature in most regards, and pick most roads I follow based upon logic and reason. Emotions also weigh heavily on a few issues .... individual ownership of firearms and preservation of the environment being two of them. Had I grown up in a sizeable city instead of in a small, rural community, I might feel differently about them -- but, maybe not, either. Well, I am entering the world of maybes and maybe nots now, so I will promptly exit from that territory.

Way back when, during the primary season leading up to our election in 2016, I was dead set against Donald Trump. I even had a "defeat Trump" sign in my yard. When he became the candidate of the Republican Party, my feelings shifted in the sense that I hoped he would defeat Hillary Clinton. When it was announced late on election night that Trump had won, I was both happy and pleased. My view of him now is that I dislike him as a person for a number of reasons, but I agree with him on most of his policies. It is sort of being between a rock and a hard place position. Now, I am eager for the mid-term elections in November to learn the public's verdict on Trump and on the Republican-controlled Congress.

Whatever .... we shall see what happens both in Brazil in October and in the U.S. in November. Right now, I think I will listen to some Brazilian music .... how about the brothers Vitor & Leonardo?

Thank you, Smareis, for coming, for writing, for continuing this conversation .... I think of you ....

Smareis said...

Pois é Fram, vamos ver o que acontece no próximo mês aqui no Brasil. Quem será o próximo presidente do Brasil. E vamos ver o que acontece em novembro ai no seu país.
Enquanto isso Jair Bolsonaro esta internado no Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, eleito melhor hospital do continente pela sexta vez consecutiva. Tudo deve ser pago pelo Michel Temer.
Que venham as eleições e Bolsonaro seja nosso presidente.

Que bom que está gostando de ouvir Victor e Leo. Eu também gosto muito dessa dupla.
Boa semana!

Fram Actual said...

I do hope your Jair Bolsonaro will become the new president of Brazil and I do hope more Republicans will be elected and re-elected to the Senate and to the House of Representatives here in the United States. I maybe should have used the word "wish" rather than the word "hope," but I am superstitious to some degree and there is an adage, "Be careful what you wish for ...."

It is good that Bolsonaro is in the best hospital in Brazil. Again, my hope is that he has a full recovery and suffers from no lasting ill effects. Anyone who jumps from aircraft has to be tough both mentally and physically, so I am sure he will come through this incident stronger than ever.

I am getting quite attached to Brazilian music. I often have thought and believe I have said/written that Brazilian Portuguese is a particularly attractive language when set to melody. The sound is beyond pleasing and pleasant, I think .... sort of magical .... elegant, maybe, would be a good way to describe it.

Happy / healthy / safe days are my hope for you, Smareis .... be seeing you ....

Something special ....