Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Buddy, autumn & martial affairs

What we have here is another photograph of Buddy -- my faithful companion through thick and thin, good and bad, fun and not-so-much fun. The photograph was taken last January by a friend who was watching him for me while I was otherwise occupied/indisposed/wandering.
October flees .... November rushes in ....
Buddy and I have been engaged in serious conversations the past few weeks. He is a bit younger than I am, so I have been attempting to pass on to him some of the wisdom I have gained through years of experience. (Yeh, sure ....)

He listens to everything I say, but I cannot gauge if he actually remembers what I tell him or if it goes in one ear and out the other. For instance, I have explained to him that I have a great deal of pride for having been in the Marine Corps, but that I am fortunate to have survived it both physically and mentally intact. Not everyone does .... and, I hope he never feels compelled to put on any manner of uniform.

I have told him October once was my favorite month, but now I dread its arrival because it became an unlucky month for me when I was in high school and remains so today. As an illustration, I was in a minor automobile accident on Monday. Nothing serious, but I decided to bypass insurance so my rates do not increase .... so-o-o-o-o, the mishap will cost me about $1,500 out-of-pocket for repair work. Let me see .... that adds up to a gun or two or three which will not find their way into my hands.

November is sort of a military month for me. The Marine Corps birthday is November 10 and Veterans Day (Armistice Day and Remembrance Day for other nations) is November 11. I have written posts specific to those days in past years, but I am really not thinking about doing it this year .... I suppose I might change my mind between now and then, but, just in case I do not, I am mentioning them now.

I accidentally watched a bit of news on television the other day and heard that President Donald Trump would like to have a Fourth of July -- Independence Day -- military parade down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. (I say "accidentally" because I am trying to avoid most television these days, especially news programs.)

The idea, supposedly, is not to show off the military strength of the United States, but to serve as a way to honor and to say thank you to those who now serve and have served in the armed forces. I know many in the military who would and do endorse the idea.

As one who marched in two parades while in the Marine Corps -- once in July in oppressive heat and once in January in freezing cold -- I would be less than enthusiastic if I were personally among the marchers.

Both months often are "hell months" in a weather sense -- one because of heat and humidity and the other due to frigid temperatures driven by biting wind. And, being Marines, the Corps likes to show how tough its troopers are and we were not permitted to dress for the weather conditions in either parade.

Someone else suggested that announcing a pay raise on the Fourth of July for those in the armed forces would be a better way to say "thank you" than a parade. That idea I would entirely endorse.

As way of visual entertainment, I have two videos. Since I lived in Poland for a matter of months, one is of a military parade there. Since I think the other is a glorious display of national pride, I selected it.

But .... but .... but .... just to avoid potential embarrassment or an investigation by a special prosecutor (or whatever), I wish to stress/emphasize/point out that I have absolutely no connections with Russia other than a German ancestor who lived there before moving along to Canada and, eventually, to Wisconsin in the United States, and, finally, here to Minnesota ....

And, I am not involved in any form of collusion with any Russian anywhere .... now or ever .... got that, baby ....



Kaya said...

Buddy looks very sad on this photograph. There is so much sadness in his eyes. Or maybe I am just imagining. He probably missed you so much.

That is a very kind of you to share some of your wisdom and insights with Buddy I am sure he is very grateful for that and happy about having conversations with you.

He probably was impressed when he learned that once upon a time you served in the Marine Corps. I am glad that you were open with Buddy and didn't idealize that difficult period of your life. Yes, not everyone can survive being in the Marine Corps. You survived, Fram.

Glad also to hear that nothing serious happened during a car accident. If you will find the way how not to deal with insurance that would be great. No worries about premiums.

Poland... You wrote quiet a few posts about this country. I even remember there was a time when you thought about visiting Poland again. It was a romance with Poland and its people, romance with different culture. Unforgettable posts.

Well, you have some German background. Am I correct? I do have mostly Lithuanian background and Russian ( my father was Russian). I don't know how he found his way to Lithuania and met my mother. I never asked him about that; feel so bad about it right now.

I watched the first video. I truly tried to feel something but everything is so distant right now. There is a moment at the beginning of video there the veterans are watching parade. It is a short moment and first thought which came to my mind was I would never be able to find a common ground anymore with all these people. I even would not know how to talk to them. Strange...

Drive safely, Fram. Be careful on the Road, please.

Fram Actual said...

Yes, I think Buddy looks sad, too, and I think he was because we were apart for about three weeks. I was speaking a bit facetiously when I wrote about trying to impart some of my "wisdom" on Buddy .... but, I was being sort of serious, as well.

I would not characterize my Marine Corps time as difficult. I think of it as a learning experience which involved events and activities both good and bad. In many ways I thrived there, and much of my self-discipline and a major portion of my belief structure are the results of having been there. I am proud of that segment of my life. I actually had been in combat before I joined the Marines; it was an ex-Marine in the same "combat organization" who more-or-less convinced me to take a chance on the Corps. I did and it was good for me, but I did not fall in love with it.

It is possible I will return to Poland again .... and, to Warsaw again. I still have contacts there. You are right, Kaya, actually living in Poland -- renting an apartment and having dental work done on my teeth and going to stores and to malls and to theaters and to museums and to parks and to bars and to you-name-it there -- gave me significant insight into the history of the country and into the Polish people. Being a resident as opposed to being a tourist makes all the difference; I made friends.

One of my ancestors was among Germans who was enticed to go to Russia for free land in the 1840s. One of his sons later was enticed to go to Canada for the same reason. He tried farming in Manitoba, then worked in North Dakota and in Wisconsin before marrying a German/Germany girl in Milwaukee and moving on yet again to Minnesota. One of my grandparents was German and the other three Norwegian.

I am fortunate in that I grew up with both an immediate family and an extended family whose members were interested in their own history and enjoyed discussing it. I know what you mean, though. I have occasional questions about people and places, and there are very few individuals still living who might be able to answer those questions.

It occurred to me you might not exactly be thrilled by the video portraying the Russian Army band or, for that matter, the Polish military on parade. But, part of me identifies with the military and, from my point of view, I can be friends with anyone from anywhere of any background if the individual is open to it. I like to think most people are that way.

I do drive carefully, but I like to drive fast/faster/fastest ....

Thank you, Kaya, for coming here and for writing a most interesting comment. It is fascinating to compare thoughts/beliefs/histories ....

Liplatus said...

Good luck in an accident that was not worse. The most important thing is that health remains.

Winter increases accidents.
Fortunately, here in southern Finland without snow and ice, driving safely now.
The snow melted fast.

Impressive and impressive performances in the video.
Careful parade, so that knowledge and power can be seen.

I do not want to look closer to neighboring countries.
There is a common experience in Finnish history.

Fram Actual said...

Most of my adult life has been spent in the northern tier of the United States and I have had to cope with snow and icy roads since I was a teenage driver. Driving fast on frozen lakes was considered sport by some of us when we were boys and we thought it great fun. My accident was pure carelessness .... my own .... no snow, no icy road .... I think I will concentrate on being a more attentive driver and not tempt fate.

It fascinates me, in a manner of speaking, that one of my two college majors was history and that I know so little about the histories of nearly all countries. Most of my studies in history centered on the United States. Those "world history" classes that I took focused upon the dominant powers (of course) like England, France, Germany and the Soviet Union (as it was then).

In fact, I probably learned more about France, Spain and Italy from reading books by and about Ernest Hemingway than I did from history survey courses. And, I would need to start counting on my fingers the number of "British literature" classes I took which included material on social, economic and political trends in England during virtually every literary era.

I know a bit (a very little bit) about the Russo-Finnish War and the back-and-forth relationships of World War II, so I think I understand where you are coming from and why ....

The Russian video was there as a direct result of a suggestion by some that military expenditures here be reduced by "disbanding" bands. I sort of agree with that .... unless the bands are capable of performances such as the one shown in that video = very impressive/very inspiring.

The video about the Polish armed forces parade was there because my "residency" in Warsaw renewed by confidence in both the people and the military there. I learned first-hand what it is like to live in Poland and I had an influential taste of the Polish world-view.

And, I am glad you came here and wrote a comment for me, Liplatus. Your presence is greatly appreciated ....

Anita said...

Yes I agree with the others.Budyy looks a bit sad.I think its a illusion, just like many photoes are.On the tiger carpet I think he is relaxing and have a good time with the ones that nurse him.
Whats wrong with the russians?I kind of like them.I dont know why..I quess its the culture and all the things they have been into during war.They helped us during ww2.But hell.We used the russian refuuges to build our railway.I really want to puke about the secrets from that war.The big fishes who was into dobbel agency(I mean they said they was for Norway and freedom but worked silently for the enemy)..They all got away.Still many are living the best of their lives with a good fortune.The poor loving couples who did nothing wrong then to love.Well manyof the young girls was treatened bad.Doing bad bad things to their brains.Lobotomery.
So I dont trust no politics.I trust the people and will always do.

So you got into a car accident.No more guns for you for long time?
well winther is coming.Its dark about 16.00.So boring.And very cold

Iam still trying to make a blog or two but cant figure it out.Quess I am getting old.

Hope you have a very nice evening and all good to you and Buddy!

Fram Actual said...

I see Anita has a new name -- Astrid-Anita -- and a new photograph. I see the name Astrid has a few meanings, one being "beautiful goddess" and another being "divine strength." Which are you, Anita? They both would seem to be appropriate.

I am not certain what might be wrong with the Russians, but I understand why some people dislike them -- at least as a nation -- because they are not always the best of neighbors and have a tendency to assert their power over others. Hmmmm .... it seems to me that is a flaw among much of humankind.

The Vikings, primarily those from Sweden and Denmark, used the Russian river systems for raiding parties and as trade routes. Sweden ruled Russia for about three hundred years. In terms of Russia, there have been many associations with Scandinavian countries, so, logically, there should be bonds between the people in a historical sense.

By the way .... only a few days ago, I watched a television show about a three-day, eighteen-hundred-mile railway journey which began in Norway at a city whose name I cannot recall, but north of Bergen, went to Oslo, then through Sweden to Stockholm, then north to Kiruna, and finally ended in Narvik in Norway. It looked like a neat, fascinating trek that I would enjoy. But, three days seemed a bit too quick for me. The traveler in the show only had time to change trains in Oslo .... uffff .... that reminded me of literally running from one end of an airport to another to catch a flight ....

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." Those are the words Lord Acton wrote in an 1887 letter which are often quoted yet today, and they absolutely are correct. It does happen, and at every level, too, no matter if it is at the top of a government office or among a corporate secretarial pool or with a bunch of cowboys on a cattle roundup. Someone gets a bit of authority and, depending on their personality, it often goes to his/her head and he/she proceeds to make everyone else know who the boss is in no uncertain terms.

Daylight Savings Time ends here early Sunday morning, which means in another month sunset will be around 1630. Those are rough times .... dark when you get up in the morning and dark when the work day ends. This might be the year I take a mid-winter break to somewhere sunny and warm.

I have bought "only" four guns this year -- three rifles and a pistol. My interest in them is not so much waning as it is realizing that no matter how many I own, they do not create happiness. I guess I have said/written that on a few occasions before; I suppose it is time for me to accept it as fact and find something that will create happiness for me. If firearms were still the "significant element" of my existence, a few hundred dollars gone for automobile accident repairs would not slow my purchases .... I only use that as a way of whining ....

I thought you had a new blog up and running. I looked for it, but found nothing. I will need a trail of bread crumbs to locate it when and if .... and, I just realized Astid-Anita and Astrid-Anita have shown me the pathways to two blogs. So, thank you, and forget about the bread crumbs .... they are no longer needed ....

As always, Astrid-Anita, thank you, for your presence here and for your comment. I enjoy your company .... always .... and, I think you were right. Although I am sure Buddy missed me, I know he enjoyed his "vacation" away from me. He had an avid dog lover to watch over him and another dog to keep him company.

All good to you, too, Astrid-Anita ....

Anita said...

Thanx Fram.That was a great answer to my comment to you..I see the Russian historie clearer now and will read more about it..History is a great thing to understand whats going on in the world..also its very very interesting..So you found me at last.My real name is Astrid -Anita.Loved by the gods ,as the norse saga says, beautiful little thing,but sad.If you find someone with that name you got a hit..From wikipedia.
Yes happiness can not be found in material things..May be for a brief moment..but not ever lasting..Happiness I think..Comes from your innerself.And its a battle every day.
So a little smug peek t some guns or whatever one like(For me old books and movies )Can give hours of passion and delight.

Hope you enjoy your day!Here we have already turned the clock.Its a very rainy grey day but in the shoops at the marked SantaClaus Is already around.


Fram Actual said...

I am not at all certain what it is about reading books and about studying history, but the two of them are like my two hands: Each is there for a purpose and each serves me well and, in many ways, both are equal. Other than a strong interest in archaeology, those were the only areas I had a deep interest in and had excelled in during high school. I did not have to think twice about what I wanted to major in upon entering college: English and history.

My hometown was small. It had only one theater, and the theater played three different films each week. That is how many I saw each week while growing up, plus one or two a week in other towns when I obtained a driver's license. Guns and hunting and football became acquired interests at a young age, as well.

If I could live my life again, Astrid-Anita, there would be a few things I might change, but none of those things. I think it would be beneficial for you if you found a way to add the study of history to your interests ....

You are right, I believe, when you write that happiness comes from within and that it is a daily struggle. I think that is why I fail to find it in more than a momentary sense. I guess I need to discover a way to put a long string of "happiness moments" together. Each of us is different in many ways; that is why what works for one person in the search for happiness might not work (probably not work) for the next person.

You are right again. I did use Wikipedia to learn a bit about the name Astrid. I still want to learn more.

I spent a few hours "rounding up" leaves today .... then snow put in its appearance to put a stop to that project. Only an inch or two is predicted and, hopefully, a few warm days will arrive so I can complete the work.

Thank you, Astrid-Anita. I am always happy to discover you have paid me a visit and written a comment for me. See you at your blog in a few minutes ....

Anita said...

Heh heh Well the my blog Mister..Ohh boy I have changed it alot of times.. and tomorrow that..I think -I shall write about my interest in the little dummy blog and leave the other (also a dummy blog )to nature walks...

I watched a very good movie yesterday.Seven.From 1995 with Morgan Freeman and young Brad Pitt.Its about the seven sins of man.Terrible terrific movie and something to think about.--
I see you out there gathering autumm leaves.Soon frost and winther are coming.I still remember one of your "hard" times.Alone.Snowing in.Having a coffe in a mug with a lady bug.Many years ago now.Hopefully time are better .Now you got Buddy and who knows maybe a sweet charming young lady at your side.Hope so.

Seee you around Mr..And please..Dont tease me with the Astrid.(I know you do!).Never liked it..Named after a very very strong and wicked old nurse.My mother did that.But my father said no no no Anita is the best.And I do agree.
Bye Bye!

Anita said...

Confusing start of the comment..some of the sentence went away..sorry!

Fram Actual said...

I never have been sure why some people choose to have more than one blog .... you can explain it to me -- perhaps ????

Actually, when I think about it, I had two blogs for a while in January 2009, but quickly decided to delete one of them because I did not feel I had enough time for two of them .... hmmmm .... I suppose that is because I write at length (sort of) with my posts and that is quite time consuming. Well, anyway ....

All right, Astrid-Anita .... that was the last time I will refer to you in that manner. You shall forever more be known only as Anita as far as I am concerned .... unless you decide you want me to call you by another name. There will be no teasing .... well, I do like to tease, but I will not tease you .... not about your name, anyway ....

I have seen the film, "Se7en," as well. I remember liking it and not liking it, more-or-less in the same breath. I doubt I ever will watch it again. Essentially, it was a bit too brutal for my taste and I have a tendency to stay away from films with an element of sadism attached to an abundance of blood and gore. Hmmmm .... I guess I sounded a bit wimpish with that remark, but, to illustrate: I can watch a movie like, "Jaws," and feel no discomfort -- plenty of blood and gore, but no sadism in it; but, a movie like, "Se7en," is over the top for me.

Autumn is sort of a race for me, trying to clear out the fallen leaves before the snow covers them for the winter. Sometimes it works out, usually it does not because not all of the leaves fall at the same time. The race will be close this year, I think, because most trees still have most of their leaves and the arrival of a major snowstorm is late.

Yes, I remember the post with the lady bug racing itself around a large coffee mug .... actually, it was a handmade soup bowl I received as a Christmas gift. I still have the bowl and I still use it, although the lady bug and I parted company long, long ago. That would have been a post from the end of 2010 or early 2011 -- my last winter in Mankato before moving to the Twin Cities. You have a good memory, Anita.

Yes, now I do have Buddy .... but, in all other respects, I continue to be a "lone ranger."

Until next time, Anita, take care and stay safe and think of me now and then ....

Anita said...

where did your new post go??

Fram Actual said...

Where did it go ????

Why, it went back into the time-space continuum, of course .... precisely where it belongs for now. Actually, it is a post related to the Marine Corps birthday which is November 10. I neglected to "lock the appropriate door" when I finished it and, being part of the Marine Corps, quite naturally it did exactly what it felt like doing .... in this instance, making a break for the warmth of the sun.

I recaptured the post almost immediately and made it return to the "waiting room." Rest assured, Anita, it will be freed to reappear at the proper time in the correct location on Friday.

Semper Fi, baby ....

Anita said...

Allright.10 November then.See you.Thank you for letting me know.I am at work now .Bye Bye Fram Actual😊😊😊

Fram Actual said...

Yes, Anita .... see you .... both Friday and Saturday, I will assume. I decided to publish a "brief post" on each day:

Marine Corps Birthday = Friday
Veterans Day = Saturday

Anita said...

That will be good good reading.


Fram Actual said...

Both/each will be brief reading, as in short posts, especially when compared to what I usually write in a post .... long, long, long, then write a bit more. Add to that, both/each consist of very little of my own writing. I borrowed liberally from other sources this time. Whatever .... they will be there ....

Something special ....