Wednesday, December 1, 2021

The link between handguns & whatever

A Sig Sauer 220R5 Legion-SAO in 10 mm caliber

Incidentally, welcome to the final month of 2021

Pretty ordinary looking handgun for a price tag of fourteen or fifteen or sixteen hundred dollars.


Is it worth that kind of money?

Time will tell, I suppose.

It is a Sig Sauer 220R5 Legion-SAO semi-automatic pistol in 10 mm caliber. It arrived Saturday to keep company with the Sig Sauer 716i semi-automatic rifle in .308 / 7.62 mm caliber which made its appearance here a few weeks ago. One sig deserves another, someone once told me, and I took it literally.

You might recall that the rifle is the first AR type I have owned. The pistol is in sort of the same category. Like many, I am an aficionado of the John Browning's Model 1911 in .45 caliber, but I have wanted a 10 mm for a few years and decided the time of wanting and waiting must come to an end.

For most practical purposes, this Sig is a 1911 in disguise since it very much looks like and has the feel of and functions in a similar fashion to a 1911.

Returning to the economics of this "masterpiece," there is an oft-repeated question about the worth of a particular thing in terms of coin of the realm .... a particular vehicle; a particular painting; a particular piece of property? My usual answer is to the effect that the worth of something is whatever someone will pay for it.

More specifically, most people, if they were to hold this particular handgun and examine it closely, probably would fall into one of three camps: Those unfamiliar with pistols and think $1500 was a typical price; those unfamiliar with guns who would be flabbergasted at the amount of money; those familiar with firearms who would "fondle" it while thoroughly inspecting it and after a few minutes say it is worth every cent of $1500 -- especially when compared to other guns on the market.

For those among you who object to firearms, you can reasonably assume this will be my last entry about one for a long/long/long while ....

As for the music accompanying this post, there may not be something for everyone, which never is the intent, rather, the idea is to make suggestions from "stuff" I enjoy and which usually has a link, obvious or subtle, to the words and the illustration ....

So, what is the link between handguns and whatever? Me, of course .... carry on, baby ....


Kelly said...

Who knows what anything is worth... Maybe it's all about what someone is willing to pay for it. If you are satisfied with your purchase, then so be it!

So you limit your firearms posts?

Fram Actual said...

I see the prices on firearms fluctuate significantly. For instance, when a manufacturer brings out a new model, a recommended selling price comes with it. In most instances, the "street price" travels on its own path. In most cases, the street prices are lower. The manufacturer's recommended price on this Sig is $1,499.99. I mentioned 1400 and 1500 and 1600 on this particular Sig because I personally have seen it offered for sale at all those prices. Occasionally, there will be a backlog on orders vs. availability (or other factors) and some will pay a few hundred more to "satisfy their lust" for a particular model. Some Smith & Wesson revolvers have experienced the higher trends.

Another example: Lake property prices are beserk these days. I once rented a house that was for sale for $425,000 in round numbers. There was a seldom-used, public road which lay between the house and beach property which was part of the package. The owner told me if the road was not there, he probably could get $625,000 for the package. I have no reason to doubt him.

No, no limit on posts about firearms. My habit has been to announce arrivals of new and used pieces via my blog, and occasional paraphernalia changes. The two Sigs were my only arrivals in 2021 and I just spotted a couple of accouterment changes for which I had put up posts. I have cut down drastically on buying/selling/trading guns in recent years and do not "mess" with their configurations nearly as much as I once did, hence, I do not anticipate much mention of guns regarding either acquisitions or modifications .... then again, I could-d-d-d be wrong ....

Thank you, Kelly, for coming here and for writing here. Take care / stay safe / good luck, with your wish list to Santa Claus ....

Anita said...

Hei Fram !Jeg snakker lite norsk med deg i dag😎Jeg er enig med Kelly.Om du er glad for ditt kjøp er det fint
Jeg kan så lite om firearms så det nytter ikke diskutere dette tema.
Fint bilde da!Er det i hjemmet ditt.Har dere det kaldt i Minnesota.Snø?
Snart er det Christmas time again og jeg have to work
.Best wishes to you🎅🎅🎅

Fram Actual said...

Yes, Ms. Anita, I am happy with the acquisition and have no doubt that this Sig Sauer is among the best handguns produced today and equal to or better than "custom-made pistols" which cost at least twice as much.

Yes, Ms. Anita. I simply stood up from where I sit at my computer and took the photograph without formalizing the setting. Looking at it now, I think it came out rather well in a variety of ways and shows what I see much of the time when I am at my computer and what you would see if you were looking over my shoulder.

It is cold one day and then warm the next, in context of normal temperatures for MinnesNoWta in November. And, contrary to the usual, there was no Halloween snowstorm this year and even Thanksgiving came and went without having to break out a shovel. It would be sweet if all of this winter could have weather such as this, but we know it will not be that way and I, for one, would miss the exhilaration of standing outside in the face of a full-fledged blizzard.

Thank you, Ms. Anita, for your visit and your comment. I am teasing with the "Ms. Anita" business, and am glad you stopped by -- really / seriously / truly ....

Anita said...

Ja det var ett fint bilde..og jeg likte det du skrev.."Hadde du stått bak min skulder er det dette du ville ha sett."

I think a blizzRD IS NICE !
Feel the nature!
Jeg glemte å nevne i går på min nattevakt, at musikken denne gang er strålende..Likte veldig godt the first one..Aldri hørt om det bandet.Takk for at du delte med oss
By the way..The work.My work..Vi har nå fått skudd og stikk sikre ,vester just in case!
Da håper jeg du har det fun med dine hobbier
Jeg må strikke videre og høre litt musikk og bare cool it down

Ha det fint!

Psss ..Leser om Snorre Sturlason..Visste du han var påvirket og betalt av kongene han støttet?Mye av hans verk kan be questioned i ettertid
Snorre was a very very rich man!Not all kings liked him so he was killed by the order of king Haakon Håkonsson.
Oh well just what I am reading about and thinking of :))

Fram Actual said...

Collective Soul has been around about 30 years and most of its "good" songs, including this one, "Shine," go back that far. It was formed by brothers Ed Roland, the front man, and Dean Roland, the bass player. I like the group's music and it is entertaining to watch Ed's antics on stage.

From what I have read about Snorri Sturluson, he was a gifted and controversial man who, beyond his writing, involved himself in politics and political intrigue. There are varying accounts of his death, ranging from going down sword in hand to having been murdered after his surrender. Members of his family, including a son, and some of his allies were killed, as well.

I am happy you came around a second time, Anita of Bergen, and send wishes for good health and good fortune. Might I suggest you put down your knitting long enough to prepare some tasty, Christmas goodies. I plan on consuming as much lefse as I am able during the next month or two -- especially during the 12 days of Christmas ....

Take care and be safe and later ....

A Cuban In London said...

As someone who has held many guns before (admittedly, in Cuba and the guns were never loaded), I can say that back then, when I was a teeny weenie young'un, I felt a certain kind of excitement. The last time I fired one, was at a summer fair here in London, many, many years ago (my son was a baby). It was a pellet rifle and I almost took the doll's (or whatever I was aiming at) head off. Perhaps, that's where my later-in-life pacifism comes from. How easy it's to turn an object of admiration into an object of destruction.

Great music as usual. :-)

Greetings from London.

Fram Actual said...

Firearms are a problem without a solution at this point in time, I believe. If every gun could disappear from the planet, the bad guys could and would run rampant. If the bad guys could ultimately be cured of lust and greed and mental imbalance and just plain evil, there would be no need for guns. It will be a long/long/long time (if ever) before either / or might be achievable.

Rightly or wrongly, I associate firearms with hazardous tools, with the user responsible for how they are stored and for how they are utilized.

And, I think of the guy in Norway, who not long ago went on a murder spree with bow and arrows .... where there is a will, there is a way, negative though it might be ....

People are puzzling ....

Thank you, CiL, for coming and for commenting. I wish you good health and good fortune ....

Smareis said...

Olá Fram,

Desculpa-me pela demora em chegar aqui, mas ando um pouco distante de redes sociais.
Dezembro está na reta final, ainda bem que cheguei antes que termine, risos.
O tempo passa mais rápido do que um vento, mais sempre deixa em nossas vidas algumas pessoas que nos faz ter a certeza de que algumas amizades ainda valem a pena. Mesmo diante das dificuldades, distância, tempo, de cada um... Elas sempre permanecem em nossas vidas e de repente no momento que menos esperamos ou mais precisamos, essas pessoas voltam a nossas vidas e é como se elas nunca tivessem ido embora. Isso não tem preço!

Eu adorei a imagem da arma, é muito bonita e pelo jeito bem potente. O valor eu achei muito salgado. Mais para um bom colecionador preço é o de menos.
Gostei dos vídeos. O primeiro e segundo é muito bom. Não conhecia a música.
Desejo um Feliz Natal com muita luz, amor e infinitas bênçãos pra você e todos os teus. Que o novo ano seja um presente repleto de amor, esperança, otimismo.

Feliz Natal e um Feliz Ano Novo, recheados de sorrisos pra ti.
Ate mais...Fram

Fram Actual said...

I need to apologize, Smareis.

I have my blog set so that any comments posted a certain amount of time after an actual publication require approval. My failing is that I have a tendency to rarely/rarely/rarely look to see if there have been any "late" comments. This means I did not realize you had made a comment until today when I came to schedule an abbreviated piece for Christmas Day.

I hope you realize I never would ignore you even for a moment .... never ever never ever ever ....

You had another comment on another post, as well. I have replied to it and I need to apologize for my tardiness there, too.

On my lead page, I have some words from poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and I place them here now for you:

Though friendships differ
endless in degree,
The sorts, methinks,
may be reduced to three.
Acquaintance many,
and Conquaintance few;
But for Inquaintance
I know only two --
The friend I've mourned with,
and the maid I woo!

I believe there almost certainly is a fourth manner of friend to describe us Coleridge failed to be aware of, but I am unsure how to label it and, especially, how to define it. I will continue to think about this and, in the meanwhile, send a Christmas greeting to you. For this, I could find no words more eloquent than those you gave to me. In English, they are: "I wish you a Merry Christmas with lots of light, love and infinite blessings for you and all of you. May the new year be a gift full of love, hope, optimism."

Thank you, Smareis, for your smiles .... they are sanctuary from the darkness ....

Anita said...

oh Fram!wish you a merry christmas whatever you do and wherever you are..
Iam late myself ohh ja arbeid arbeid!

See you in the next year and have to say lovely jule post!
Beautiful painting th first one and music too:)))


Fram Actual said...

I am at home, jente i nord, and trying (as often is the case) to contemplate the sun, the moon and the stars above. So far, no breakthroughs. Seriously, I am attempting to put Christmas in perspective of the many things that it is to many people -- especially what it is to me.

So, a very Merry Christmas in an "old-fashioned sense" to Anita and to those she loves and treasures. Take care / be safe / tell Santa I have been a good boy all year ....

Anita said...

Hi😊Do you know any good hotel in San Fransico?My nurse friend here at work age 20 is starting at Berkley next week

Fram Actual said...

Ordinarily, I would suggest the Sir Francis Drake, Anita, but it is temporarily closed due to the pandemic. It is the only place I have stayed when I have been in San Fran (other than in a few private homes), but it is spendy so not the spot where one can set up camp, in a manner of speaking. If I think of an alternative, I will get back to you .... take care ....

Anita said...

Godt Nyttår Fram🎉🎉🎉

Fram Actual said...

Godt nytt år til deg, prinsesse av Norge, og mange/mange/mange flere ....

Anita said...

Tusen takk!Jeg har endelig litt fri så nå er det jul for meg

Men litt undrende det Flor Jansen som synger der i Nightwish videoen??
Da har hun blitt tykk men det er jo bare fint.Jeg liker fremdeles kun TARJA men hun som synger her nå ,sopran ,er også veldig bra
Så fint du tar med den fine musikken fra Jo Stafford..Veldig beroligende for meg!Det er litt artig med det ,nord ,sør ,vest ,øst kompasset hah hah det er vel helt omsnudd??!!!Ja ja.. Verden er omsnudd ,nå bare, med over 100 millioner smittet med Omicron bare i Europa..

Ønsker deg også alt godt i 2022 og mangen mangen fine år fremover!
Vi holder kontakten over there!


Fram Actual said...

Yes, it is Floor Jansen. There are many differences between her and Tarja Turunen, notably their physical heights and the sheer power of their voices. Tarja's voice is softer and gentler, I think, when compared to Floor's, who I once wrote I could envision leading a charge of shield maidens.

I do like Tarja, but I have seen Floor and have come to think of her as the personification of Nightwish.

Yes, the four cardinal points of the compass .... where and when did they originate, I have asked myself, and can find no definitive etymology beyond Germanic words replacing Latin and Greek words. In a personal sense, I associate directions with time and travel and, in terms of the "new year," with where will it take me. Where will I be on the next New Year's Eve?

I wish you the best of times and good fortune in all your endeavors, Anita, prinsesse av langt/langt nord. Take care / be safe / always wear a smile .... later ....

Anita said...

Only place that is open is here ..Nice you think of Veronica Yvette Bennett !The band was great!Love that song!
Hope all is allright over there in Minnesota
Thank you for nice comment at my place

Sorry I have no time to do blogging these days

See you around !

Fram Actual said...

If most doorways are closed, it makes sense to use one found open, and I hope you continue to do so, girl of the far north.

In terms of young ladies and girl groups, I think Diana Ross and the Supremes are at the pinnacle of the music world. There are others, such as Ronnie Spector and the Ronettes, who approach the heights and this song, in particular, is one of my all-time "favoreds."

Yes, all is well and fine. I am in my usual January/February hibernation period -- otherwise known as the winter doldrums -- but expect to gradually "re-emerge from my den" as the sun climbs higher and higher into the northern sky.

Do not work or play too hard, Anita. Stay warm and take care and keep your camera ready for unexpected opportunities for special photographs ....

Something special ....