Thursday, April 1, 2021

Remember what day this is ....


Kelly said...

I've disliked April 1st my entire life.

My husband has always enjoyed reading about all that stuff. Me, not so much...

Anita said...

Hei skjønne deg i Amerika!

Jeg måtte le "Remember what kind of day it is.".heh heh

Ohh yeah I was fooled !
And not only by you..Alex told me happily he was going to move to Denmark with his new girlfriend..Hell what a schock to me..I told him a long lesson about love that comes and go ..Then he laughed and said I.April!!

Vel ,jeg lurte på hva du ville meg siden du kom til meg i en drøm !

(Hvilket du alltid gjør noen ganger)
Du vet vi kjennnest vist fra tidligere..

Jeg liker svært godt den første sangen "You keep me hanging on"

De andre også ,men den første husker jeg med Kim Wild!

Det er fint du har åpnet for kommentarer igjen .Veldig gøyt!

Fordi det er bra og se gutten godt humør igjen xxx

Håper du fortsatt har en fin påske!

About the Bartholomew .The Apostle..What a read!I did not know!A martyr and apostle..According to legends he was skinned alive and beheaded so is often depicted holding his flayed skin or the curved flensing knife with which he was skinned.

Herre min hatt!Fram!

But the connection to the wild gang in the picture I can not see see..?

Thank you for this !Your post are always interesting.

Nå skal jeg tilbake til min påskemodus med gamle filmer
og kansje en liten likør..

Påskeaften..Lørdag kan det være jeg har ett blogg innlegg.Men hvem vet..
.Jeg er ganske lat for tiden..


Fram Actual said...

Wild Bill and the Earp boys are offshoots of my primary focus regarding Western history, which is to say what I call the "Plains Indian Wars" which (for me) began in 1854 with a scrap at Fort Laramie in Wyoming, known today as the "Grattan Massacre" and continuing off and on until the "Ghost Dance War" of 1890. Secondary to the Indian wars are the immigration and settlement stories (which include my ancestors) and thirdly the "shoot 'em up wild west" history. Some of the individuals noted in one element had roles in the others, as well, making the "portrait" incomplete without including them.

My second former wife and I had our first date on April 10. Beyond that, I have no feelings about the month one way or the other ....

Thank you, Kelly, for coming and for writing here. Stay out of mischief and I wish you good fortune in every way ....

Fram Actual said...

So, young (or not-so-young-anymore) Alexander played an April Fools' Day joke on you.

Hmmmm ....

If I were you, I would have wished him well and told to remember to send me a post card once and a while, then presented him with a bill for board and room for the past year or so.

Hmmmm, again ....

In your dream, do I look like a Viking raider or a Norwegian farmer or a wandering clergyman? I am curious, but I do not expect an answer from you, Anita.

I like all three of the songs, but probably prefer the first one, as well. What I especially like about these particular versions is that they show everyone young and vital and (sort of) good looking. Everyone but Jimmy Morrison, of course, who only made it a bit past 27 years walking the surface of the earth. I remember my 27th year quite well, and there were moments when I was not sure if I would survive it.

Hmmmm, still again ....

Actually, I am in a good mood .... for which I have no explanation ....

And, another hmmmm ....

The only Bartholomew I am aware of once was a wild west lawman and later a newspaper sports writer, which is to say I have no recollection there once was a Bartholomew who was a martyred apostle. I probably should have known that and probably did once upon a time, but it became lost in the maze which exists within my mind .... anyway, you have made me curious, Anita ....

I believe it is time for me to bid you adieu. Be a good girl, Anita, and the next time Alexander tells you he is going to run off with his girlfriend, remember his tale this day and blow him a kiss goodbye ....

Take care and stay safe, lady of the far north ....

Liplatus said...

En ole perehtynyt tähän historiaan, jätän kannanottoni väliin.

1800-luvun valokuvissa ei hymyilty. Ilmeet ovat aina totisia.
Valokuva kertoo tuon ajan muodista.
Vanhat seepia valokuvat kestävät hyvin, paremmin kuin tämän päivän värivalokuvat.

Kiitos vahvasta musiikista.
Hyvää kevättä!

Fram Actual said...

Your comment made me curious, Liplatus, so I did a quick scan to learn why there were few smiles in photographs prior to the 1920s and 1930s. The "first" photograph in 1826 was a scenic which took eight hours to expose. Daguerreotypes cut the time to 15 minutes and gradually to less. In short, people simply could not hold a smile for minutes. Poor dental hygiene was another reason cited, as well as the rarity and solemnity of photography, meaning most people wanted to appear "serious."

I tend to go with the lighting situation and the difficulty of holding a smile or any pose even for a few seconds as the obvious and primary reason. Even with recent technology, I can recall the difficulty of indoor 35mm photography without artificial lighting. 800 and 1200 ASA film were a blessing.

I know you are not a "fan" of "strong music," so if you listened to the songs in this post it must have involved a test of patience. I do not like "rap" or "hip-hop" songs, for instance, but I will occasionally listen to them as sort of a measure to better understand why they exist and why they are popular among certain segments of the population. Most of us listen to music for entertainment, but it also reveals social and cultural aspects of life and living.

Thank you, Liplatus, for coming and for writing here .... and, may your Easter be all you wish it to be ....

Something special ....