Thesis: To consider what the chance intersection of ideal beauty and intellectual confusion would mean in determining the fate of Earth. Phase 1: While touring San Francisco, I stayed at the Sir Francis Drake. The bartenders were adequate. Phase 2: I began a blog. I learned romance might exist, but depends upon whether a man and a woman can tread the maze individually and reach its center at the exact same instant in time. Phase 3: The center comes and goes as if it were a mirage.
My maternal
grandfather was one of the two most influential men in my life throughout my
boyhood. There is no photograph of him doing what he did in one of my favorite
memories of him, so I selected this random shot of an empty rocking chair
to symbolize him and his absence and my memory of him. His heart gave out when he was 69 years old.
The memory is one
of him sitting in a rocking chair, reading, often smoking his pipe, with a
glass of water or lemonade and a radio playing music on a stand next to him. In the winter, he would sit
inside in what we called the "long room," often with his feet next to an
old-fashioned, wood-burning cookstove. In the summer, he would sit outside, on
the porch if it was raining or in the shade of a large, old tree on a sunny-hot and a humid day.
He was a
voracious reader, a habit he gave to my mother, and from the two of them the
custom passed along to me. Today is his birthday and I miss his presence ....
When the "average
person" (whatever that is) thinks of mountain lions, South Dakota probably is
among the last states where an individual would go to hunt one. Never-the-less,
there is a population in Dakota and a hunting season has been in existence
since 2005. Most mountain lions are found in the Black Hills on the western
side of the state, but, periodically, one will develop a case of wanderlust and
follow the rivers wherever they lead. That evidently is how this one arrived at and chose to
settle down in "my yard" on the eastern side of Dakota. This guy looks pretty big and was captured on film feasting
on a dead buck forty or fifty yards from the house using an inexpensive trail
For the record, mountain
lions also are known as cougars, pumas, panthers and catamounts. Mountain lions
are the fourth-largest cat species in the world, behind tigers, lions and jaguars.
They can stand up to 35 inches tall or nearly three feet at the shoulder. Some
individuals can be as much as nine feet long when including their tail. Males
can weigh up to 220 pounds and average around 150; females typically weigh
between 60 and 140 pounds, averaging around 120. They range from Canada to
South America and can adapt to any terrain.
Mountain lions
are fascinating "critters" .... as are ballet and Native American dancers .... weird
world we live in .... for sure, baby .... someday, maybe, I will understand it .... but, for now, I will just drift along through it trying to enjoy it ....
This is one view
of some of the land I lived on in Dakota and the house atop the hill. It is the
last house on the only road through the area and is bordered on two sides by
miles of state and federal woodland and is sort of a paradise to me. The first video, by the way, is about the Indian concept of Nature and religion (sort of one and the same) and the second is social activist, musician, Oscar-winning composer Buffy Sainte-Marie singing her song about going home, which, in her case, is both a physical place and to the Native American "old ways" ....
The henge in the woods
I have written a few things
about this place in the past, noting especially how there scarcely is a flat
area in the two acres I mowed among the seven I owned. This twilight photograph, taken a
couple of weeks ago, is a good illustration of the terrain in general.
I also have noted that south from
the house is the Missouri River, less than a mile away, and across the river
is Nebraska, with the view of it going on for a number of miles until
vanishing away with the curvature of the earth.
I also have noted that the wife
and daughter of the family which built the house were murdered by a prison
escapee while living in another house a few hundred yards away. The killer was captured the
same day by an agent of the state Division of Criminal Investigation during an
intense manhunt. The agent later told me he had his rifle sights trained on the
killer, who was armed with guns he had stolen from the house, and now wished he
had pulled the trigger.
Shifting sideways, a few days
ago while refreshing my memory about another venture I re-read this material from the Meriwether Lewis
and William Clark "Corps of Discovery Expedition" which passed by here on the Missouri River in
1804 and again in 1806.
Lewis and Clark and ten men
walked from the Missouri to "Spirit Mound" near the Vermillion River and
made the ascent. The Sioux, Omaha and Otoe tribes told of spirits who inhabited
the site and attacked anyone who approached the hill.On August 24, 1804, the day before expedition
reached the mouth of the Vermillion River, which they called the White Stone
River, Clark wrote:
"Capt Lewis and my Self
Concluded to visit a High Hill Situated in an emence Plain three Leagues N. 20°
W. from the mouth of White Stone river, this hill appear to be of a Conic form
and by all the different Nations in this quater is Supposed to be a place of
Deavels or that they are in human form with remarkable large heads and about 18
inches high; that they are very watchfull and ar armed with Sharp arrows with
which they can kill at a great distance; they are said to kill all persons who
are so hardy as to attemp to approach the hill; they state the tradition
informs them than many indians have suffered by these little people and among
others that three Mahas Souix Ottoes and other neibghouring nations believe
this fable that no consideration is suffiecient to induce them to approach this
The only things the Lewis &
Clark troupe encountered were vast numbers of bison and large flocks of birds -- a virtual Eden ....
Back on point: No, this house is
not atop "Spirit Mound," but, within the realm of probability, the "henge" of
stones partially visible in the near-foreground was a religious or ceremonial
project of the same Indians. Relatively large stones form a circle which has a
distinct entryway and two larger stones at the approximate center. Most of the
stones were covered by snow when this photograph was taken. By large, most would
require two individuals or some manner of conveyance to move them.
The first (and only) written
reference I have found of them dates to the 1920s when a deer hunter mentioned
the "circle of big stones" in a newspaper article. He had no idea where the stones came
from or how long they had been there, but speculated they were of Native
American origin. I have spoken to members of the Yankton Sioux tribe seeking
information, but no one will admit to any knowledge of the stone circle.
I did do a flimsy archaeological
survey of the immediate area, but only found .50 caliber slugs. It seems the
area was used by Army Air Force fighter pilots to practice strafing runs during
World War II.
The house and the seven acres
continue to be owned by the "Framonite Clan," so as time and money and health and
interests dictate, I can resume my inquiry whenever the mood strikes me ....
This post is sort
of a joke .... then, again .... on the chance some of you have not yet bought a Valentine's
Day gift for your sweetie, this might be the perfect solution.
I periodically
cruise the internet checking out places I think might be interesting to set up
camp. (That is Framology for reside /
live / establish domicile.) While doing so this week, I stumbled upon a "castle" in the woods
which is located about three miles or a ten-minute drive from my present stomping grounds. Here is a portion of the advertisement accompanying the
"Want to live
like the king or queen of Dakota County? This completely updated,
castle-inspired home sits on an extremely private lot, nearly three acres in
size. It's close to both downtowns, the airport and new Viking facility. The
gourmet kitchen has three pantries, Italian-white quartzite countertops,
stainless steel appliances, a sub-zero fridge and a Wolf gas stove.As you can expect, the home is complete with
a massive great room with wood beam ceilings, two family rooms, main floor
library and a formal dining room. The incredible master suite has a large
closet and one and a half bathrooms. Your guests will love the home theatre and
the home gym. The homeowner will enjoy the heated driveway, the security
entrance and the seven-car garage."
Obviously, this photograph
was taken during the summer months. The "castle" also boasts five bedrooms,
five full- and two half-baths and was built in 1985. It has been owned by an
airline executive. The initial selling price was about three million, and later
dropped to a mere two million. I am not sure if it still is on the market and
not curious (or interested) enough to find out, but I am sure almost anything
is for sale if the price is right.
By the way, the
videos are not jokes. One is rock music legend Patti Smith singing, "Free
Money," and the other is meant to show wolves really are not the "bad guys."
Comments are blocked, for no particular reason other than that is my mood of
the moment ....
No, this is not
Edgar Allan Poe's "House of Usher" nor is it the "House on Haunted
Hill," although this stately, old mansion does have a few things in common with
the 1839 short story and the 1959 film. Madness, dark secrets and spirts of
long-dead individuals seem to be associated with all three places.
This house is a
residence in Dakota and was the site of a recent holiday "get-together." The
photograph was taken when arriving and walking toward the house to enter it.
This house currently is occupied by a divorced man and his two teenage daughters. A few
years ago, sensing a deepening, inner anxiety gathering in his wife, the husband
asked her what she would like for an anniversary present. Without hesitating,
she replied: "The biggest, oldest house in town for me to refashion any way I
want." The next day, she began her search and this house soon became the light
at the end of her tunnel. A few weeks later, papers were signed and her wish was granted ....
The house has an
interesting history. It was constructed in the early 20th Century for a riverboat captain upon his
retirement. A few years after moving into it, the old captain was found dead in
his bedroom. His blood-stained clothes made it evident he had been murdered.
The killer was never found.
Being a bachelor,
the elderly captain's family had the house and its contents sold. Over the next
century, several occupants told stories of seeing the old captain roaming the
house in the dead of night. Two more known deaths occurred in the structure, one an
accident and the other a suicide. Town gossip was that the entire story of both
incidents was never made public.
About three years
and a few hundred thousand dollars later for age-appropriate renovation of the "oldest,
biggest house in town" purchased as an anniversary-gift to a wife, she announced her
wish for her next anniversary present -- a divorce from her husband and for him to
retain custody of their two daughters. The wife was granted this wish, as well ....
It seems there
should be a moral -- or two .... or three -- to the story of this house, does it
Bachelor of Arts with a double major in English (= literature) and history (= reality). Master of Arts in literature. Once upon a time, U.S. Marine Corps = Semper Fidelis. These things pretty much explain everything there is to know about me.
Other than that, ask, if you actually are curious .... I like to drift where the current takes me within this endless sea of blogs, read what others write in their blogs, observe, learn, question and, hopefully, understand, while offering a few comments of my own along the way .... by the way, the photo of me actually is me .... was me .... will be me .... hmmmm ....
Ponderings #38
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Metro Iglesia
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In my natural habitat (photo by Deborah Jaffe)
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* te kaikki tämän vanhan blogin lukijat*
*sekä myös uudet lukijat.*
*Pääset tästä linkistä uuteen ➣ Kuvallista bl...
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ArtHalle One Summer Show
'Bucharest weather may be unpredictable,
but you can always rely on ArtHalle to bring the heat with our One Summer
5 years ago
Romance, from Fram
I discovered Romance might yet exist, but it depends upon whether a man and a woman can tread the maze, individually, and reach its center at the same moment in time.
The Actual Instant of Love, from Fram
I am a jealous guy, of the sort John Lennon sang about. Any man who says he is not a jealous guy either has no genuine depth of feelings for the woman he is saying it about or is a liar. I can remember very distinctly, for example, when my feelings for my wife vanished. It happened in an instant. When love vanished, so did jealousy.
Actual love happens in an instant, I believe, although it does not always seem to be that way. I am not talking about "love at first sight," but, rather, "love at first instant." This means two people might have known each other for weeks, even for years, before the "instant" occurs. It comes with a single sentence spoken by one, or a single action taken by one, that strikes the other like lightning.
Affection grows; love is born. Love also disappears in an instant, I believe, although it does not always seem to happen that way. Incidental to my point, I do not believe in "love at first sight." That is no more than simple, physical or emotional attraction, which is the cause of countless and never-ending problems.
Happiness is momentary, from Fram
When I was age eighteen, a wise, old man of twenty-six told me that happiness is a momentary thing. It might last for minutes or days or weeks or, sometimes, even for a few years. But, like life itself, happiness is a transitory thing and, like fate, it is capricious. At some point along the road, I came to realize this wise, old man had been right.
The Three Sorts of Friends ....
Though friendships differ endless in degree, The sorts, methinks, may be reduced to three. Acquaintance many, and Conquaintance few; But for Inquaintance I know only two -- The friend I've mourned with, and the maid I woo!
Samuel Taylor Coleridge poet & philosopher Fragment 10: "The Three Sorts of Friends"
Time retains ....
Time retains its sacred right to meddle in each earthly affair. Still, time's unbounded power that makes a mountain crumble, moves seas, rotates a star, won't be enough to tear lovers apart: they are too naked, too embraced, too much like timid sparrows.
Old age is, in my book, the price that felons pay, so don't whine that it's steep: you'll stay young if you're good. Suffering doesn't insult the body. Death? It comes in your sleep, exactly as it should.
When it comes, you'll be dreaming that you don't need to breathe; that breathless silence is the music of the dark and it's part of the rhythm to vanish like a spark.
Wislawa Szymborska poet, essayist & translator Nobel Prize for Poetry 1996 "Entropy"
Yesterday is History ....
Yesterday is History, 'Tis so far away -- Yesterday is Poetry -- 'Tis Philosophy --
Yesterday is mystery -- Where it is Today While we shrewdly speculate Flutter both away.
Emily Dickinson poet "Yesterday is History"
Never the answers
The most interesting thing in the world is another human being who wonders, suffers and raises the questions that have bothered him to the last day of his life, knowing he will never get the answers.
Will Durant historian, philosopher, teacher
The equality of man
Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.
Thomas Jefferson president, patriot, free thinker
The audience
Better to write for yourself and have no public than to write for the public and have no self.
Cyril Connolly writer, editor, literary critic
I am free
I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. Robert Heinlein science fiction writer philosopher
Marine Corps Forever, from Fram
To all Marines, those among the dead, those who still live, those yet to be born: Semper Fidelis, to the end of time ....
Have gun .... will travel
Once upon a time: "She said, There is no reason ...."
Time & again ....
Time .... he's waiting in the wings .... he speaks of senseless things .... but, if you could heal a broken heart, wouldn't time be out to charm you?
Voluspo 28-29
Alone I sat when the Old One sought me .... The terror of gods, and gazed in mine eyes .... "What hast thou to ask? why comest thou hither? .... Othin, I know where thine eye is hidden" .... Deep in the wide-famed well of Mimir .... Mead from the pledge of Othin each morn .... Does Mimir drink: would you know yet more? ....