Saturday, April 7, 2018

"Just gimme some truth now"

 A final blast of winter (not really the final .... more snow is expected Sunday into Monday) has covered my front steps with a new layer of snow. I have not and will not shovel it clear .... I am counting on this not being another year like that of 1816, known as the "year without a summer," and that the snow will eventually disappear even under the warmth of a northern sun.

I often say the "busiest" part of my dog, Buddy, is his nose. Here is an example why .... his head is buried up to his eyes in snow, attempting, I would assume, to catch the scent of whatever creature passed this way before the recent snowfall.

Buddy's ears are sort of extended above the snow, so he evidently is able to hear the "serenade" of the cardinal perched high in the tree. A male and a female cardinal have kept me company all throughout this harsh winter. Brave birds, for sure ....

This is all for this post other than a song, "Gimme Some Truth," by John Lennon. "Tricky Dicky" might be long dead and buried, but "Cry Wolf Donnie" has arrived on the scene to give the old-time crooks a run for their money. It seems to me the world is overdue for another John Lennon .... ya think!

By the way, my daughter, "the artist," recently moved from Tacoma, Washington, to Portland, Oregon, and will be flying through here on Tuesday on her way to New York City for a week or so. She likes to hang with the wealthy liberals, if you get my drift. I will be meeting her at the airport for a brief reunion and to buy her a vegan lunch .... hmmmm .... while she waits to change flights ....


Kaya said...

That is plenty of snow in April. I hope you will not have a year without summer.
By the way, what kind of summers do you have, Fram?
Are they warm and cool? Do you have some very hot days?

The one who definitely enjoys this snow is Buddy. Just looking at the photograph of him makes me smile.
A photograph with Cardinal on a tree is wonderful! And framed in a beautiful way!

I enlarged it to look more close at this amazing bird. It's so beautiful. I don't think we have these birds where I live. I have never seen them.

How wonderful , Fram that you will see your daughter on Tuesday. She is a very special. And she likes poetry.

I didn't listen to the "Gimme Some Truth" for a long time. Powerful song!

Fram Actual said...

I certainly I do not want to experience a year without a summer .... not this year, anyway .... winter has been too hard on me .... I need wind/water/golden sun, which translates to much time on a lake and in a lake.

The weather is rather unpredictable here, Kaya, but as a rule of thumb the first two or three weeks of June generally are cool and damp. It is not a good time to go camping "up north." Around the last week of June, the weather turns hot. July, and especially August, are very hot months with very high humidity = very uncomfortable. September often is a hot month, too, but the humidly has gone away for a few weeks.

When I say hot, the temperatures range near the one hundred degree mark and the humidity roams over ninety percent = very, very uncomfortable.

Once upon a time, much of the Dakotas and Minnesota, the Great Lakes and eastward, as well as vast parts of Canada, were part of a tremendously huge glacial lake known as Lake Agassiz. The land and the climate retain many elements from that time period.

Yes, Buddy truly is a "snow boy" and resists coming inside.

I was uncertain of the range of the cardinal, so I checked on it .... it appears the bird primarily stays east of a line from Minnesota to west Texas and down into Old Mexico. I enjoy seeing them. The one in the photograph is a male. The females are predominantly brown.

Yes, it will be nice to see my daughter again. It is not often that we are together and, when our paths cross, it usually is for a few hours only as one or the other of us is on our way to somewhere else.

John Lennon had many powerful songs, I think .... and, I also think the world could use a few more like him.

Thank you, Kaya, for coming and for commenting. This was sort of a do nothing/say nothing post. I need better weather to generate better moods to create better posts. Take care and stay safe and always carry your camera with you ....

Anita said...

Hello Fram.Sorry not beeing able to look at your lately posts.And commenting.
But this one.Really had to say something ..The house!Its a wonderful home. And buddy!What a sweetie !And beautiful fur!Take good care of him I know you do:)))
Iam glad you have a brief visit with your daughter. Veggie meals are always tasty and good.
I see winther still at your place.Brrrr!!!Cold !You may have to use some snowshoes:))))
John Lennons text so true!
We want it:)))Now!
Leave you for now.Dont know when back since my blog do not update your posts(Dont know why)
And i am very busy with humanitary work
Take care and enjoy your freetime !

Greetings Anita

Fram Actual said...

There is no need to be sorry, Anita. There are times when events and circumstances prevent each and every one of us from arriving at a post in a timely manner or, for that matter, even arriving at all. I know in my instance, I am spending less and less time roaming the sea of blogs, which affects the status of my comments when compared to past years. All is well and fine ....

The house is nice and warm and in a quiet/peaceful/relaxing neighborhood. People of all age groups, all religions, all political beliefs, all races reside here in sort of a state of harmony. It is a model for the way the world should be .... and could be .... if it were not for the power mongers and the innately evil among us.

Yes, it will be enjoyable to see my daughter again; yes, I will take good care of Buddy; yes, John Lennon was right way back when and his words continue to be just as meaningful today.

As for you, Anita, you take care and stay safe and do not work too hard and thank you -- for your presence and for your words. You are always on my mind (in my mind?), and I hope the same is true of you with me .... later, girl ....

Something special ....