Thesis: To consider what the chance intersection of ideal beauty and intellectual confusion would mean in determining the fate of Earth. Phase 1: While touring San Francisco, I stayed at the Sir Francis Drake. The bartenders were adequate. Phase 2: I began a blog. I learned romance might exist, but depends upon whether a man and a woman can tread the maze individually and reach its center at the exact same instant in time. Phase 3: The center comes and goes as if it were a mirage.
I recall seeing my grandfather drive a car only once. It was during an emergency medical situation, otherwise he probably would not have done it. He did not like cars. Grandmother was the driver for the two of them. So, why a photograph of a snow-covered car today, February 27, my grandfather's birthday? Because the car and the snow are part of my life right now, just as my grandfather was, is and always will be part of my life, and my mind is drawn to him most strongly when winter winds howl in the month of February -- the month of his birth. Snow lends an element of beauty to most winter days, even to the day of this photograph, which was viciously cold. Snow might be beautiful; cold is not. (The winter camper's axiom that I learned while still a boy is this: Snow is your friend, cold is your enemy.) All right, enough of that .... the music fits my grandfather, especially "Ghost Riders in the Sky." Grandpa was a cowboy when he was a young man. He settled down when he married. He loved horses. He raised a few; he raced a few. In many ways, grandpa lived in the past. He was born a couple of generations too late in time, as some of us seem to be. My only memories of him are happy ones. Chocolate cake and ice cream this evening, if you are free and available to stop by .... anyway. A word about my former wife and her
visits to the Mayo Clinic, since I mentioned them in earlier posts. I never have seen
a more professional, impressive medical system in my life than that which
exists at the Mayo Clinic. It is not a simple doctor/patient relationship; it is an entire team of
medical professionals/patient relationship. Her current circumstances are satisfactory; her next follow-up visit will be in May. I wonder where the stars will be in May? I wonder where I will be in May? As for me now, I am off for a bit of work .... yippie yi oohhhh .... yippie yi aayyyy ....
Frederic Remington arrived at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, not
long after the engagement between Sioux and Seventh Calvary troopers,
therefore, his illustration of the battle is based on after-action commentary
rather than on personal knowledge. His drawing, the one here, appeared in Harper's
Weekly on January 24, 1891. The encounter had taken place on December 29, 1890.
I will not get into the political debate of whether it was a "battle" or a "massacre."
I have read a number of accounts contemporary to the event and own a number of books (including some with rare photographs), and think both words are appropriate. Anyway .... I stopped by the site on my return from the Black Hills of South Dakota to Minnesota. I have been there before, but never during winter. In many ways, it is holy ground and a place where ghosts linger. Incidentally, many of these same individuals had met before when the Seventh Cavalry encountered Sioux and Cheyenne at the Little Bighorn in Montana fourteen and one-half years earlier -- June 25, 1876. I am glad I made this brief journey, including this particular stop: It reminded me I am part of a spirit which links me to immeasurable ancestors and their memories, as well as to my own experiences. By the way, do you think the sketch/the words/the music do not fall into place together? Look again, baby ....
Because it makes me happy
am not sure if this qualifies as a post or not, but ....
am back in Minnnn-e-e-e-e-so-t-t-a-a-a-a ....
ran out of ammunition and had to come home to reload. That is a joke. I am the type who has never run out of anything .... except, maybe ....
Well, to move along .... once upon a time I never ran out of ammo or forgot to carry three packs of cigarettes when I
left home. Now, I never run out of ammo or forget my cell phone when I walk out
the door. Pitiful, hah ??
All right .... to the point .... my
former wife has a follow-up examination next week at Mayo Clinic, and I will be
taking her there and spending a few days with her. After having been apart so
many years, it is strange being in daily contact with her via telephone calls
and actually spending so much time with her. Time twists everything, but, the good and the bad, the right and the wrong, have not changed. Nothing really has changed; we both are the same people who love each other in a sense, but cannot live together.
after that I will be gone for a few more days doing a bit of work. Yes, I sometimes do
work. (Somewhat reluctantly; I try to avoid it.) Free lance. Not journalism on this occasion, although I do
that from time-to-time. When I was a policy and management analyst in
corrections, I "outsourced" now and then. (Do not snitch me out to my old
employer, please.) It was sort of like being a consultant (I even have a
chapter in a book about the intricacies of starting a prison from scratch),
and, from time-to-time, an opportunity arises to make a few bucks going into a
place or a situation to analyze and to recommend and, on occasion, to finalize matters.
although my leg is off kilter enough yet to prevent a six-minute mile, it can manage that distance
in about eight minutes (even over ice), which is good enough for this particular task. If you cannot figure out the logic of that, just smile or even laugh and give me the benefit
of a doubt.
The title of this post comes from my emotional reaction whenever I hear this song. Although it is sad in nature -- even heart-breaking -- it is uplifting and promising to me. It is exquisite in so many ways, and IT MAKES ME HAPPY .... if only for a few moments.
A person, a moment, a song, a concert, a piece of work well done, even a smile from someone with a certain glance .... these things and so many others might make you cry and laugh in the same instant .... a sunset, a flight of birds, the howl of a wolf in an ice-bound camp (that is real to me, if not to you .... so imagine it.)
Listen to this song, allow yourself to drift into it and to become part of it, and you will never be the same again. At least, that is what happened to me the first time I heard it and every time since, and I am glad for it.
And, to answer a question from another, as long as there is life, it is never too late for anything .... whatever I have wished for has become reality if I really, truly, actually have wanted it .... yes, I know, I am beginning to repeat myself .... and, a few days can be more meaningful than a few years when hearts and souls meet .... but, only if the stars allow for it to be so .... A kiss or two and a sentence or two usually reveal all there is to tell ....
As Hamlet pointed out in casual conversation: And therefore as a stranger give it welcome. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
We shall see. I have made a few decisions. I hope this is me talking and not Southern Comfort, because if the ending were not a happy one, I would have to rewrite it ....
promised, here is the Smith & Wesson Model 57 .41 caliber magnum I just
purchased. I misjudged its age. It is not from the 1960s (oh, well), but, rather, from
1975. Never-the-less, look at it .... forty years old and just like new. It is breathtaking, from
my point of view. Now that I have it, I am not certain I ever will fire it (he mumbled Saturday) .... hmmmm .... well, I did (he admitted Monday) .... bang, bang .... it is a masterpiece. I just might delegate it to be next to me in my home work area in case I ever need it and, in the meanwhile, look at it from time to
time .... the bluing is radiant (despite not having been cleaned since I fired it) and the natural patterns/grain of the wooden
grips are spectacular. It is firearms perfection personified; it functions
as a weapon and it is a work of art in the same breath. By the way, freshman art theory 101: Can you visualize the revolver from the description, but without the photograph; can you visualize me admiring it lovingly ??
[Adjusted this segment a bit Monday evening, February 9, 2015, after entering "Dakota Territory."] A few things
I will be gone for a week or two. I am reprinting part of a comment
I made to Anita in case you did not see it, which should explain the situation:
My Smith & Wesson .41 magnum revolver will/did arrive on Saturday. I am restless -- and, I continue to be wired
and nerved-up and strung out. I am disgusted with watching barbarism flourish
around the world while Europe and America stand idly by watching it. Winter and
I are no longer friends, and I need to hibernate a bit and to renew the "Zen" of
shooting. I am planning on taking the .41, the .38 Super and the Browning BAR .300 WinMag
to a sheltered canyon in the Dakota Black Hills where I have access to an
isolated cabin. There, for a week or two, I will be a hermit, think, dream, drink brandy, listen to rock and/or read late into the night, commune with Nature and
see if my shooting eye remains true. No need to leave the cabin even; just open
a window and fire off the kitchen table. Very relaxing. So, no posts after this from me
for a while; if you post, though, I will see it unless I decided to leave my
computer at home.
another matter
I see there are a few who visit my blog frequently, but never leave a comment. And, as I often say, I am curious. If you
would be so kind as to reveal yourself and to tell me why you are so often present,
I would be grateful. There is nothing to lose by saying hello via a comment or
an email. Right? But, if you prefer invisibility, your wish is granted.
And, there are some who seem to have wandered away from me who I still have feelings for and I miss. Before I forget the past, I would like to know that the past has not forgotten me. Does that make sense? You see? I am making decisions about my life at the moment.
The final matter (for now)
This is not the fourth of the promised February posts. That will come later, if it
comes at all. The "winds of change" are sending me in another direction, I
think, and I am trying to tie up a few unanswered questions (in my mind) before
I try to set a course.
I also have a leg wound which still needs a bit more time to "fix" itself. You might
recall a photograph a while back which included crutches. (No, I did not shoot
myself in the leg playing "fast draw," so no wise cracks, please.) No more crutches, but I still am walking like Walter Brennan in old Western films.
also have a former wife with some medical problems. I have not mentioned this
except to Smareis (thank you, angel), and although my former wife and I have been divorced since 2007, I need to shelter and to protect her in any way and every way she needs, at least for a while. She is the mother of two of my three children, and "semper fidelis" is very important to me, although I live in a world where fidelity counts among fewer and fewer as each year passes.
Uffff .... even a non-post, post seems to get long .... But .... anyway .... I finally am leaving one of my posts open for comments again .... and, again, I am curious. Under the circumstances, though, I either might not reply or there might be an interval of days before I do reply.
title for this post comes not from me, but from the music accompanying it .... I
have been listening to concerts all evening -- remembering some, thinking about
others I missed, imagining what it would be like to attend concerts by some bands I yet want/hope to see .... hmmmm .... like most
things, concerts are best when shared with another ....
I assume most men are searching for "she"
-- and, most men probably never find her, although some actually do, including
the gentleman holding the dagger in the illustration. The image here is in two
parts, the lower right corner being a portion of a cover from Henry Rider Haggard's
work of fiction, "SHE," first published in serial form in 1886-87. The larger segment is an advertisement from a 1965 film adaption of the novel, whose cast included Ursula Andress as Ayesha and John Richardson
as Leo. The sinister looking fellow between them is Christopher Lee, who
portrayed Bilali, a rather evil priest. What follows is a review neither of the
book nor of the film, but simply a few words alluding to an instance of everlasting
or, in the least, long-lasting love. To conclude this post, I originally had another song from
Boston -- three linked posts + three Boston songs -- but changed it to Queen's, "Who Wants to Live Forever," played by David Garrett. It seemed to better fit the mood.
The search for "she" .... or, the long wait (Editor's Note: This is the final of three related posts I plan to run this week. If there is to be a fourth, it will come later.) Does anyone have such a companion ?? Someone
to die for .... Someone
who they reveal their deepest fears to, someone who they tell their deepest
dreams to, someone who they can explain each and every secret they possess to,
someone who they can trust with their life? Perhaps, it is only me who has never
discovered someone to be their companion who thinks enough of themselves to put elements like jealousy or envy or personal ambitions aside. Large
houses, fast cars,
beautiful companions, endless beaches with white sand and blue water might be
the dreams and desires of some men (even of most, and have crossed my mind in a sideways manner)
-- but, a pretty face; a sweet smile; an intelligent, intellectual, curious
mind; and a real lady (liberal feminist, fine; radical feminist, no way) and an
"afraid of nothing" attitude is my dream girl. Do you know her ??
Then, introduce me to "she." For
the uninitiated, "SHE," is a novel written in 1886-87 by Henry Rider Haggard. The setting is the uncharted African interior. Horace Holly and Leo Vincey are searching for the ancient, lost city of Kor. "She" is Ayesha, an Arabic sorceress, who has waited more than two thousand years in Kor for the return of Kallikrates, a Greek she loved and murdered in a fit of jealous rage. Ayesha believes Leo to be the reincarnated Kallikrates. He is, in fact, a descendant. Ayesha wishes Leo/Kallikrates to join her in immortality, but she does not survive the method to accomplish this "process." As Ayesha dies, she tells Leo/Kallikrakes: "Forget me not. I shall come again!" Sorry .... if you want to know more, you will have to read the book. It could be I am an insatiable romantic and this is my own interpretation (or imitation) of Perceval or of Galahad and my search for sort of a "holy grail." Or not .... It could be
the reason I search for "she" is because I know she is impossible, I
know she does not exist, I know that if she ever has been real, we have not been together on the same plane or in an identical time of existence. Seeking someone who never was and never will be ensures my freedom forever. No, it is the first. I really am fool enough to hope to find her .... even possibly .... actually .... believe we will come together in the here and now.
companionship really comes with trust and talk .... and leaves without them .... Now, why did I write that last sentence ?? Is there an allegory here ?? With the story "SHE" ?? No, no chance of that .... "Who waits forever anyway?" Even for one who .... "Will come again."
January was not completely occupied by business -- unfinished or otherwise. I purchased two more guns. One is shown here, a Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) in .300 Winchester Magnum caliber, a cartridge introduced in 1963. The caliber is popular among elk, moose, bighorn sheep and grizzly bear hunters, and among police and military snipers. Since I am none of them, why did I purchase it? Simply because I have always wanted a rifle in that caliber. Actually, it is the fourth BAR I have owned, each in a different caliber. This one was made in Belgium in 1981. The other January purchase has not arrived yet. It is a Smith & Wesson .41 magnum revolver. The caliber has been around since 1964, and this revolver was made about the same time. I have not pinpointed the exact date of manufacture yet. This is a caliber with more than a little mystique in the realm of dedicated "shooters" among the firearms community. Sort of like the .38 Super I bought last November -- calibers that draw faithful followers. As if you really are interested .... anyway .... I
will, undoubtedly, photograph it for a future post. I also would suggest you learn more about firearms; I do not know about Girl Scouts, but the Boy Scout motto is, "Be Prepared." And, I try to be. As for the music, this is my second-favorite Boston piece, and, I think, the guitar work between the "two songs within a song" is the most beautiful guitar work ever, ever, ever, ever .... Contrary to some (Editor's Note: This is the second of three related posts [four,
possibly] I plan to run this week.) Contrary
to the beliefs of some (probably most), the more I learn, the less I know. I
wonder about people who "know" they have all the answers. By
this, I do not mean people who have certain beliefs and codes and standards and
a structured manner of living their lives. I think I have/do those things
myself. Faith and belief, for instance, are not the same as claiming absolute knowledge. What
I do mean are people who are absolute socialists or communists or Democrats or
Republicans or Nazis or Christians or atheists or Muslims or existentialists or
Jungians or nihilists or .... well, I could go on and on, but I think you get
my drift. How can anyone be an absolute believer -- a devotee -- to any single,
narrow, unequivocal viewpoint? I
think the staff of life is personal experience, and the more experience I gain,
the more these single, narrow, unequivocal viewpoints seem to reveal not a
thesis for living, but an antithesis .... an excuse to stop
learning/experiencing .... a desire to be "the man on the silver
mountain" .... a delusion of .... yes, a delusion of being someone special, someone endowed with uncommon insight .... At times in my life I have idolized and read
everything I could find written by people like Arthur Schopenhauer, Bertrand
Russell, Jean-Paul Sartre, Carl Jung, Will Durant, Joseph Campbell .... well, I
could go on and on (sound familiar?), but, possibly, some of you get my drift. The
bottom line, to me, is that while having read endlessly at times no doubt has
been beneficial and the concepts of others have served sort of as road signs and building blocks
along the way, no books, no words by others no matter how brilliant or wise can
replace experience. And, experience tells me the more I learn the less I know and understand
about myself and about life and about those around me and about the universe in
which we exist .... but, I still am searching, learning, wondering .... sometimes leaping without looking .... Experience, give me more and more and more, which largely comes through living/working in new worlds or by adventures alone or with other individuals -- not from sight-seeing excursions or, sadly, from flights into the fiction or fantasy written by some and read by others who live lives of quiet desperation .... and, certainly not from listening to those who "absolutely know" all the answers. And,
I am beginning to think the blogs no longer serve me a purpose .... if they ever
did ....
I believe I can safely say there is a link between my words
and the musical selection, "Peace of Mind," by Boston, but I am not so certain
I could bring the photograph into the fold, so to speak. The photo is of the
Guthrie Theater and its "Endless Bridge" in Minneapolis. I returned home late
Saturday after having been absent more than one-half of December and one-half
of January, and immediately sought a security blanket in the form of purchasing
tickets for February performances of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and "Macbeth"
by William Shakespeare at the Guthrie. "Macbeth" is my
favorite from the pen of our old friend, probably because it was the first of
Shakespeare's plays that I read, and read while still an impressionable boy. The
photo is not mine and, obviously, was taken before the arrival of winter. By
the way, if you are in the mood and of the mind to impress one-hundred fifty or
thereabouts of your closest friends, the "Endless Bridge" is available for
hosting cocktail parties. It offers views of the Mississippi River, Saint
Anthony Falls and a number of historic sites.
Peace of mind
(Editor's Note: This post is that which I had planned to run between Christmas and New
Year's Day, but set aside for another. It is the first of three [or, maybe, four] which are tied
together in a sense, and which I will publish this week.) I
have been a few places and done more than a few things in my life. I am pleased
with occasionally saying (including in posts here) that I had done everything
there was to do in one form or another, in one sense or another, by the time I was
twenty-five. It is true. There
has come a point in my life where I wonder if any of it was worth it. Some
people call this a mid-life crisis. Another thing I am fond of saying is that I
have been experiencing mid-life crises every year since I was sixteen. Really.
Sort of .... True
love, physical love: I really am not sure I ever have known the first; I have
the second. Death
and destruction: In spades, so to speak. Multiple times for multiple reasons in
multiple places. Personal
losses: Grandparents, parents, friends, a child, yes .... a former wife? That is one of the questions at the moment, which is a dilemma for several reasons. Success
and failure in business and work? Oh, yes. I have been at a peak a few times
and fallen to the point where everyone and anyone I knew kissed me goodbye. I
think, in most instances, we are alone .... completely alone in this life. I
could continue, but I think you get my point. Some people say I am too
sarcastic. I suppose I am -- for them. I think, actually, I might be too realistic; I do not
attempt to delude myself or others, or try to be "nice" to people simply
to make them feel good about themselves. (I believe that is being a phony, and I am
not among those kind, nor ever would want to be.) I
more than once have written in posts that I am looking for a woman who is attractive to me, who
likes to talk/debate/argue/discuss books/films/politics/anything, but also one
who is afraid of nothing and who will watch my back in any and every way you might
imagine .... and never run away from anything, especially from me. (Annie Oakley, maybe ?? Joan of Arc ?? Bonnie Parker ??) (As
you finish this, remember, I wrote it more than a month ago. It might be "last
call" before I disappear, in a manner of speaking.) Still
looking, as this year ends. This might not be the most appropriate post to end
the old year and to begin a new one, but, remember .... well, think about it
and draw your own conclusions: One of my "names" is curious; another
is confused, and, probably always will be .... Thinking
about fear, I have mentioned before that I am the type who runs toward the sound
of gunfire, not away from it, but we all have fears of one sort or another, and
one of mine has been an inability to be completely open and honest with my
companion when I have had one. This has been a reiteration, not an introduction .... Home is the sailor, home from the sea, And the hunter home from the hill ....
Bachelor of Arts with a double major in English (= literature) and history (= reality). Master of Arts in literature. Once upon a time, U.S. Marine Corps = Semper Fidelis. These things pretty much explain everything there is to know about me.
Other than that, ask, if you actually are curious .... I like to drift where the current takes me within this endless sea of blogs, read what others write in their blogs, observe, learn, question and, hopefully, understand, while offering a few comments of my own along the way .... by the way, the photo of me actually is me .... was me .... will be me .... hmmmm ....
Ponderings #38
Debby had a post last month titled Shopping Spree. It’s an entertaining
story, so you should click over and read it. It got me to thinking about
our litigi...
Arao común (Uria aalge)
Como todos los inviernos la bahía de Castro Urdiales se anima con la
presencia del *Arao común (Uria aalge)*, un placer ver como se sumerge y
"vuela" bajo...
Hin hih Her er vi igjen med disse småfuglene
Jeg hadde hengt opp ett fuglehus og satt frem hjemmelaget mat
Det var en suksess
Her er Tre kry pren og Rødstrupen igjen
Asså de bryr seg slett ikke o...
¿Te vienes de biblioteca?
Será el próximo jueves 17 de octubre a las 18:30 h. en la Biblioteca
Pública José Luis Sampedro.
C/ Felipe el Hermoso, 4 Chamberí (Madrid)
Metro Iglesia
Taituroiva orava
Orava (Sciurus vulgaris) Nähtävissä on että talviturkki alkanut
muuttua jo ruskeammansävyiseksi. Useita oravia on pihapiirin
lähettyvillä. Vauhdikasta m...
Time to Press 'Pause'
I'm not quitting, just taking a break
In my natural habitat (photo by Deborah Jaffe)
I started this blog in June 2007. After an uncertain beginning, it pr...
*Доброе утро, мои дорогие читатели!*
Как вы могли заметить, я вчера поменяла дизайн своего блога на новый
шаблон, который стал более удобным, простым и ла...
Blogini osoite ja nimi on muuttunut
*Tervetuloa lukijaksi uuteen blogiini*
* te kaikki tämän vanhan blogin lukijat*
*sekä myös uudet lukijat.*
*Pääset tästä linkistä uuteen ➣ Kuvallista bl...
Le Lynx pardelle, Iberian lynx
*Lynx pardelle*
Rien ne vaut la vision éphémère d’un Lynx en totale liberté dans son
environnement, une vision de rêve et le bonheur de pouvoir faire le ...
ArtHalle One Summer Show
'Bucharest weather may be unpredictable,
but you can always rely on ArtHalle to bring the heat with our One Summer
5 years ago
Romance, from Fram
I discovered Romance might yet exist, but it depends upon whether a man and a woman can tread the maze, individually, and reach its center at the same moment in time.
The Actual Instant of Love, from Fram
I am a jealous guy, of the sort John Lennon sang about. Any man who says he is not a jealous guy either has no genuine depth of feelings for the woman he is saying it about or is a liar. I can remember very distinctly, for example, when my feelings for my wife vanished. It happened in an instant. When love vanished, so did jealousy.
Actual love happens in an instant, I believe, although it does not always seem to be that way. I am not talking about "love at first sight," but, rather, "love at first instant." This means two people might have known each other for weeks, even for years, before the "instant" occurs. It comes with a single sentence spoken by one, or a single action taken by one, that strikes the other like lightning.
Affection grows; love is born. Love also disappears in an instant, I believe, although it does not always seem to happen that way. Incidental to my point, I do not believe in "love at first sight." That is no more than simple, physical or emotional attraction, which is the cause of countless and never-ending problems.
Happiness is momentary, from Fram
When I was age eighteen, a wise, old man of twenty-six told me that happiness is a momentary thing. It might last for minutes or days or weeks or, sometimes, even for a few years. But, like life itself, happiness is a transitory thing and, like fate, it is capricious. At some point along the road, I came to realize this wise, old man had been right.
The Three Sorts of Friends ....
Though friendships differ endless in degree, The sorts, methinks, may be reduced to three. Acquaintance many, and Conquaintance few; But for Inquaintance I know only two -- The friend I've mourned with, and the maid I woo!
Samuel Taylor Coleridge poet & philosopher Fragment 10: "The Three Sorts of Friends"
Time retains ....
Time retains its sacred right to meddle in each earthly affair. Still, time's unbounded power that makes a mountain crumble, moves seas, rotates a star, won't be enough to tear lovers apart: they are too naked, too embraced, too much like timid sparrows.
Old age is, in my book, the price that felons pay, so don't whine that it's steep: you'll stay young if you're good. Suffering doesn't insult the body. Death? It comes in your sleep, exactly as it should.
When it comes, you'll be dreaming that you don't need to breathe; that breathless silence is the music of the dark and it's part of the rhythm to vanish like a spark.
Wislawa Szymborska poet, essayist & translator Nobel Prize for Poetry 1996 "Entropy"
Yesterday is History ....
Yesterday is History, 'Tis so far away -- Yesterday is Poetry -- 'Tis Philosophy --
Yesterday is mystery -- Where it is Today While we shrewdly speculate Flutter both away.
Emily Dickinson poet "Yesterday is History"
Never the answers
The most interesting thing in the world is another human being who wonders, suffers and raises the questions that have bothered him to the last day of his life, knowing he will never get the answers.
Will Durant historian, philosopher, teacher
The equality of man
Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.
Thomas Jefferson president, patriot, free thinker
The audience
Better to write for yourself and have no public than to write for the public and have no self.
Cyril Connolly writer, editor, literary critic
I am free
I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. Robert Heinlein science fiction writer philosopher
Marine Corps Forever, from Fram
To all Marines, those among the dead, those who still live, those yet to be born: Semper Fidelis, to the end of time ....
Have gun .... will travel
Once upon a time: "She said, There is no reason ...."
Time & again ....
Time .... he's waiting in the wings .... he speaks of senseless things .... but, if you could heal a broken heart, wouldn't time be out to charm you?
Voluspo 28-29
Alone I sat when the Old One sought me .... The terror of gods, and gazed in mine eyes .... "What hast thou to ask? why comest thou hither? .... Othin, I know where thine eye is hidden" .... Deep in the wide-famed well of Mimir .... Mead from the pledge of Othin each morn .... Does Mimir drink: would you know yet more? ....