American Bald Eagle on the Bear River MBR - III. Finale
This Bald Eagle saved my trip to the Bear River MBR. If it weren't for our
meeting, I would have returned home without a single photo.
That day was...
1 day ago
Hey, Fram!
It is Saturday here...sunny! Something is happening there , in your world!
Move on, Fram!
We are waiting for you!
My best regards from Romania!
Hey, Wind ....
It is Saturday, but it is cold and gray here for me. It is autumn.
Yes, something is happening. Changes are forming, are under way. The fog of life is lifting to reveal a new pathway which will lead me to a new incarnation. I am almost beginning to believe in pre-destination. In any case, I am gaining renewed certainty that I am meant to be somewhere other than here and doing something which was written in the book of my life before I was born. Free choice, free will .... hmmmm. Maybe; maybe not.
Hello Fram,
I only can guess what is going on in your life and I am sure that I never will be even close to what is happening.
I would love to say that may your pain lessen and your burden you carry now will lighten.
And please remember that you have a few virtual friends who sincere care for you.
We all be waiting for you Fram.
There are three elements which have been beyond my control and which have restricted my actions and dominated my mood during recent months, Kaya. They are no more than each and every one of us face during our lifetimes, but, perhaps, an unusual aspect of these elements is that all of them are occurring at the same time in my life.
Then, add to this the fact that we all have strengths and weaknesses. I think I know my own reasonably well, and these situations all directly affect my personal weaknesses. Beyond that, I was created a melancholy individual.
I truly appreciate your concern and, as I wrote to Daliana, I think these forces are losing their power, the fog is lifting, a new pathway is being revealed and I am on my way to another somewhere. Things are as they should be ....
have youarisenlikethe Funix bird fromthe ashess!??wellwelll..Great tohear youagain!!
have a marvelous auttumm!we have snow now andiLOVE LOVE it!!
weallarethinking about you!!))))
To borrow the words of William Wordsworth, Anita:
The rainbow comes and goes,
And lovely is the rose;
The moon doth with delight
Look round her when the heavens are bare;
Waters on a starry night
Are beautiful and fair;
The sunshine is a glorious birth;
But yet I know, where'er I go,
That there hath pass'd away a glory from the earth.
Love the music and films
Thank you, Fiskarn.
I have seen your page, and will be back in the next day or two to look it over more closely.
I wish you good fishing, but I think you already have it.
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