Thesis: To consider what the chance intersection of ideal beauty and intellectual confusion would mean in determining the fate of Earth. Phase 1: While touring San Francisco, I stayed at the Sir Francis Drake. The bartenders were adequate. Phase 2: I began a blog. I learned romance might exist, but depends upon whether a man and a woman can tread the maze individually and reach its center at the exact same instant in time. Phase 3: The center comes and goes as if it were a mirage.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
October, seen from a bedroom window
Such was the view on the morning of October 15, 2010, at Lake Washington, Minnesota, as seen from my bedroom window. Although the photograph was taken in the morning -- just this morning of my today, only about ten hours ago real time -- it already is October 16 in much of Europe, which is where my computer still thinks it is located. (Foolish device made by man; note the time stamp for the post.) October 15 or October 16, it makes little difference which -- or does it? Time is illusory and is as much imaginary as it is actual. October 16. The middle of the month. When the second half of this month has passed, this view will no longer exist in my world. It may even be like the falling tree in the forest that no one hears. In any case, it certainly will be that for me, and part of my past -- except for a shadow or two.
"October" by Robert Frost
O hushed October morning mild, Thy leaves have ripened to the fall; Tomorrow's wind, if it be wild, Should waste them all. The crows above the forest call; Tomorrow they may form and go. O hushed October morning mild, Begin the hours of this day slow. Make the day seem to us less brief. Hearts not averse to being beguiled, Beguile us in the way you know. Release one leaf at break of day; At noon release another leaf; one from our trees, one far away. Retard the sun with gentle mist; Enchant the land with amethyst. Slow, slow! For the grapes' sake, if the were all, Whose leaves already are burnt with frost, Whose clustered fruit must else be lost -- For the grapes' sake along the all.
Hi :) Such a pretty picture....ahhhhhhhhh. I wish I were there :) It looks peaceful. Did you know Andrea Bocelli is going to be performing in Los Angeles at the Staples Center in December? I think this is very exciting :) They have been playing a special on his life on PBS this week. He has such an interesting life story. Only thing though, the Staples Center is such a huge venue I'm not sure how it would be. I think amazing to see him live :) I wish he were at the Hollywood Bowl or a more intimate little dream :) I like the scary picture on the post below. It's very cool. Wishing you well and sending you happy thoughts and love and kisses :) Kelly
Well, Kelly. I have been starting to worry about you. Since you are not posting and have not been here to visit, I was wondering how everything was in your world.
"Scary" ???? You think Fram is scary ???? Oh, well. Such is life. Incidentally, I do not think anyone ever understood the first shadow photograph. I guess there are not enough students of Norse mythology (excuse me, Old Norse religion) in the crowd.
Anyway, you know Fram the First. He goes absolutely berserk if he cannot arrive with a dramatic entrance.
I wish (sort of) Andrea were to be in Los Angeles in January. The timing might be better for me. Actually. On "that side" of the coin, I would love to see him and Sarah Brightman (individually), although I much preferred her as the chubby, young, farm-girl-type with the voice of an angel to the vamp, stripper, show girl, street walker accruements of her recent shows. I feel sorry for her, although there is no reason to do so.
Under the category of "old guys," meaning the other side of the coin, I still hope to see Mick and the Stones before they either are committed indefinitely or drop dead on stage. You know, I am not certain there is anyone else left, unless the Scorpions put in an appearance.
Please, do not be a stranger, Kelly. I think of you and I as part of the same tribe.
There are so many places I wish I could visit and this is one of them. The colors and a composition of this photo are excellent. And most important it has a depth of field. I could walk along this path to the lake and just enjoy... I really miss nature like this.
I discovered a few days ago a wonderful painter Georgia O'Keefe, an American Picasso. My big infatuation right now. Just wanted to share with you. She lived later in her life in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Have you ever been there? I wish I would visit this place someday in spring. It's my dream.
There is a degree of beauty to be found in Minnesota, somewhat in the river valleys, but mostly along the St. Croix River and even more yet along the North Shore of Lake Superior. Here, where I am, it is mostly farm country -- pleasant, but nothing special to anyone who is not a farmer. But, I am glad you liked the photograph, Kaya.
Yes, I am familiar with Georgia O'Keefe's work.
I have never set foot in New Mexico. But, during the winter of 2000-2001, I was seriously considering moving to that region, either to New Mexico or to Arizona, and I read quite a bit about those states in particular and about the "four corners" region. Taos, in New Mexico, I believe, is a center of art and is an artists' colony, in a manner of speaking.
I think all women are in love with Florence, although the reason escapes me. It seems no more than any number of cities, from my point of view, but, I suppose that element of romanticism is simply beyond my vision. It is just another one of those mysteries to be found inside women that eludes me.
In any case, it is good to have a dream. Someday, I dream to have a dream again.
Yes, :) Looks like Thor, God of Lightening standing in the darkness of the doorway :) You ask who goes there? It is I, fair maiden Freyja :) You remember her? I've confiscated Thor's hammer from another fair young maiden he graced with this gift many years ago and am returning it to the Mighty Thor (Fram) :) I think he will enjoy good luck with his hammer returned :) You like my little tale? :) If you are not smiling now, I shall return as Haiwatha and grace you with a golden feather...You will be covered from all angles with these gifts from the heart and we shall step onto the porch and howl at the moon together :) Ahwoooooo :) Hope you're having a Super Weekend! Hugs and Kisses flying across the skies to You :)
Fram, I listened again to the song Les Fuilles... And I can tell you that it's good. I even don't know who is better French singer Aznavour or Andrea Bocelli. I probably would choose Bocelli at this moment.
Yes, of course, I remember Freyja. Never to be forgotten is Freyja.
You have my mind spinning, though, Kelly. Did I tell you how I gave a Thor's Hammer to an absolutely beautiful young lady once upon a time? I can imagine myself speaking of it, but I cannot recall specifically that I did. I still have one made of bronze, and sometimes wear it.
No, no, no. Hiawatha is the guy; Minnehaha is the girl.
It is nice to see you here, Kelly, and in a happy mood. I hope the super weekend belongs to you. Mine will be a quiet, serious one, which is appropriate at the moment. After all, it is October.
I probably should not mention this, Kaya, but I will because I am incapable of keeping my mouth shut -- ever. I do not, to put it politely, care for the voice of your French singer. I was almost stoned here once (I mean, with rocks) for being critical of his voice.
So, right now, I am glad you prefer the voice of the Italian gentleman, even if only for the moment.
If you are not familiar with this song, "Autumn Leaves," in English, you should find it and play it on YouTube. It is an old song and, I think, a neat one.
Yes, you did :) You showed me the picture of you wearing it and I thought it was a really neat necklace and then you told me the story...he who has long memory???? :) Hmmmmmmmmm... I am smiling at you now :) But I still like my story :)
Okay, okay, and I suppose Minnehaha is having a memory slip too being that I am switching genders on :)
I was thinking about what you said about Sarah Brightman and I'm sure she still feels like the chubby farm girl inside when she's hanging out at home. I know I still feel like I did so many years ago and then I remember, oh, yes, I'm not in my 30's anymore...LOL We all have an age that we associate ourselves with. I think mine is about 38. I was still young but yet I had developed some wisdom from life experience. I knew what I wanted, had achieved much of it in my life and I felt super sexy, healthy and happy. I still feel like that girl inside. It's good :)
My weekend is nice and easy which makes me very, very happy today! Don't be too serious now. I understand this is practically an impossible idea for you, but just try, okay? Love from the West :)
The photograph is still lying about, so I assumed I had shown that, and, who am I to show a photo without also telling a story? Writing has been a vocation for me, while photography an avocation, at most.
As for memory, long? Yes. Perfect? Unfortunately, no.
The Thor’s Hammer girl was in Michigan. I sometimes wonder what happened to her, and inquire every year or two (really). I still am well connected with people there, but no one I have spoken with knows her whereabouts. Claudette was her name.
Life, to me, more and more is becoming like pages and chapters in a book, and to think of them is like reading about the life of someone I once knew. Unlike you, I do not associate or feel a particular bond toward one particular age or period. Sometimes, I think I am a dream within a dream, waiting for the next incarnation. Actually, that may be true. Pinch me.
Well, just to "unfocus" from the serious for a while, I will now adjourn to watch "Predator" on television. This is, by far, the film I have watched the most times. The first half reminds me of an earlier chapter in my book. The second half is like watching the ultimate hunt. A fantasy, adrenalin hunt.
Now, Kelly, please quit telling all my secrets ....
Believe or not I like when you don't keep your mouth shut. I am ok with that and I like strong opinions. It was my profession to listen to strong opinions, accept and go from there to teach Russian literature to Lithuanian students who were quite nationalistic and hated everything Russian.
Do you know Aznavour came to me as a different singer. He didn't have a great voice. He was a bard. A bard when the words and music mean more than a singer's voice. He sang about being lonely. And of course about love, how it can hurt and make you alive. He was a romantic and so was I.
Once, I noted in a comment words to the effect that the breadth of your reading and knowledge of Russian literature is much greater than my own. Now, Kaya, I understand why that is the case.
And, debates over the worth of individual writers and interpretations of their works often bring out varied and strong opinions, even if nationalism is not among the issues. That experience must have been fascinating for you.
I do understand your distinction regarding the singing of Charles Aznavour. There are singers I also like, for one reason or another, although I think their voice leaves much to be desired.
In the "argument" I mentioned in my earlier comment, I had said that I thought Aznavour's type of voice appealed more to European women than to any other group. I really do not know that to be a fact, but it is my impression.
I do like the sound of Frank Sinatra's voice, but, maybe oddly, when his name is mentioned, I first think of him as an actor. For instance, "From Here to Eternity" easily falls into my list of twenty-five best films ever, and this opinion, in large part, is due to his performance.
Debates and discussions are fun; arguments are a waste in every sense of the word.
No, I cannot believe you, Frammy, that you did not try your canoe on Washington Lake yet. Maybe you can do it now? Why not? If I were you I would do it imediatelly, or the next day in case I drink a red wine, or something else, today. This lake is worthy to be canoed on!
Well, today is cloudy and a bit cold and breezy, Mag. I have canoed in just about every sort of weather imaginable, but right now I would rather wait for Nature to cooperate with me. Tomorrow, or the next day, maybe. We shall see how things go as the week progresses.
Speaking of progress, congratulations, on your own preparations for a real journey. That is really something.
Fram, do you have days when you don't understand why you are writing on your blog and what does it give to you?
Yesterday, I had such of those days. I suddenly couldn't explain to myself why I am writing on Planet and Notes. I just couldn't find an answer....
Ok, I am going to ask you because sooner or later I will ask you anyway. Fram, how did you feel being for a while in self exile? If you don't want to answer on this question that's ok. Don't.
Not in the sense I think you mean, Kaya. The blogs are many things to many people. For me, it began as a means to speak with individuals who live in places distant from my own residence -- in other states, in other countries -- and to say whatever happened to be on my mind at a particular moment in time.
And, I have often said that if an actual relationship evolved from here, so much the better. Nothing to lose, the world to gain, as I sometimes put it.
I am (sorry to say) a moody person, and I think that shows in what I write. It also does not bother me what I write here, although I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings and try to avoid it.
In a sentence, I write when I feel like it and just visit others if I am not "in the mood" to post anything myself.
My self-exile was not really such an event as that. I was not leaving, only planning to cut back on my posting and not accepting comments from others.
As I said a few days ago, I enjoy coming here, but I would have no trouble leaving for good should I find something else I would rather do.
To me, coming to my page is like taking a coffee break at an office: It is a time to exchange thoughts and ideas -- and, I will freely admit that there are individuals here (just like at an office) who I feel are friends and for whom I have genuine concerns for their well being.
I am not sure if this answers your question, Kaya. I will think about it more.
Fram, thanks a lot for answering my question and my thoughts. You even wrote more than I expected. You always write in a such great manner that always impresses me.
The problem with me is when I am getting involved with something interesting I am all into it. It's a very strong feeling or infatuation. And too many emotions are involved and soon I am getting more bored or indifferent and suddenly I realize that this is over. i told myself many times, "Be reasonable, be less emotional..." And it works but only for a while...
Do you know the more I read your blog and your comments to me; the more I understand how limited my English is. And that is ok. Nothing wrong with it but sometimes is a little bit upsetting.
Perhaps you should do as I do -- one blog only, and not specialized in the least. Any topic, photographs at times, animals here, Russian literature there, and occasional doses of book reviews or personal thoughts and opinions about whatever strikes your fancy.
That way, it would not be so demanding and the variety of topics would help maintain your interest and enthusiasm (I think).
If you do not find some degree of enjoyment, Kaya, there is no reason to continue working on something like this.
Bachelor of Arts with a double major in English (= literature) and history (= reality). Master of Arts in literature. Once upon a time, U.S. Marine Corps = Semper Fidelis. These things pretty much explain everything there is to know about me.
Other than that, ask, if you actually are curious .... I like to drift where the current takes me within this endless sea of blogs, read what others write in their blogs, observe, learn, question and, hopefully, understand, while offering a few comments of my own along the way .... by the way, the photo of me actually is me .... was me .... will be me .... hmmmm ....
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5 years ago
Romance, from Fram
I discovered Romance might yet exist, but it depends upon whether a man and a woman can tread the maze, individually, and reach its center at the same moment in time.
The Actual Instant of Love, from Fram
I am a jealous guy, of the sort John Lennon sang about. Any man who says he is not a jealous guy either has no genuine depth of feelings for the woman he is saying it about or is a liar. I can remember very distinctly, for example, when my feelings for my wife vanished. It happened in an instant. When love vanished, so did jealousy.
Actual love happens in an instant, I believe, although it does not always seem to be that way. I am not talking about "love at first sight," but, rather, "love at first instant." This means two people might have known each other for weeks, even for years, before the "instant" occurs. It comes with a single sentence spoken by one, or a single action taken by one, that strikes the other like lightning.
Affection grows; love is born. Love also disappears in an instant, I believe, although it does not always seem to happen that way. Incidental to my point, I do not believe in "love at first sight." That is no more than simple, physical or emotional attraction, which is the cause of countless and never-ending problems.
Happiness is momentary, from Fram
When I was age eighteen, a wise, old man of twenty-six told me that happiness is a momentary thing. It might last for minutes or days or weeks or, sometimes, even for a few years. But, like life itself, happiness is a transitory thing and, like fate, it is capricious. At some point along the road, I came to realize this wise, old man had been right.
The Three Sorts of Friends ....
Though friendships differ endless in degree, The sorts, methinks, may be reduced to three. Acquaintance many, and Conquaintance few; But for Inquaintance I know only two -- The friend I've mourned with, and the maid I woo!
Samuel Taylor Coleridge poet & philosopher Fragment 10: "The Three Sorts of Friends"
Time retains ....
Time retains its sacred right to meddle in each earthly affair. Still, time's unbounded power that makes a mountain crumble, moves seas, rotates a star, won't be enough to tear lovers apart: they are too naked, too embraced, too much like timid sparrows.
Old age is, in my book, the price that felons pay, so don't whine that it's steep: you'll stay young if you're good. Suffering doesn't insult the body. Death? It comes in your sleep, exactly as it should.
When it comes, you'll be dreaming that you don't need to breathe; that breathless silence is the music of the dark and it's part of the rhythm to vanish like a spark.
Wislawa Szymborska poet, essayist & translator Nobel Prize for Poetry 1996 "Entropy"
Yesterday is History ....
Yesterday is History, 'Tis so far away -- Yesterday is Poetry -- 'Tis Philosophy --
Yesterday is mystery -- Where it is Today While we shrewdly speculate Flutter both away.
Emily Dickinson poet "Yesterday is History"
Never the answers
The most interesting thing in the world is another human being who wonders, suffers and raises the questions that have bothered him to the last day of his life, knowing he will never get the answers.
Will Durant historian, philosopher, teacher
The equality of man
Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.
Thomas Jefferson president, patriot, free thinker
The audience
Better to write for yourself and have no public than to write for the public and have no self.
Cyril Connolly writer, editor, literary critic
I am free
I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. Robert Heinlein science fiction writer philosopher
Marine Corps Forever, from Fram
To all Marines, those among the dead, those who still live, those yet to be born: Semper Fidelis, to the end of time ....
Have gun .... will travel
Once upon a time: "She said, There is no reason ...."
Time & again ....
Time .... he's waiting in the wings .... he speaks of senseless things .... but, if you could heal a broken heart, wouldn't time be out to charm you?
Voluspo 28-29
Alone I sat when the Old One sought me .... The terror of gods, and gazed in mine eyes .... "What hast thou to ask? why comest thou hither? .... Othin, I know where thine eye is hidden" .... Deep in the wide-famed well of Mimir .... Mead from the pledge of Othin each morn .... Does Mimir drink: would you know yet more? ....
Hi :)
Such a pretty picture....ahhhhhhhhh. I wish I were there :) It looks peaceful.
Did you know Andrea Bocelli is going to be performing in Los Angeles at the Staples Center in December? I think this is very exciting :) They have been playing a special on his life on PBS this week. He has such an interesting life story. Only thing though, the Staples Center is such a huge venue I'm not sure how it would be. I think amazing to see him live :) I wish he were at the Hollywood Bowl or a more intimate little dream :)
I like the scary picture on the post below. It's very cool.
Wishing you well and sending you happy thoughts and love and kisses :)
Well, Kelly. I have been starting to worry about you. Since you are not posting and have not been here to visit, I was wondering how everything was in your world.
"Scary" ???? You think Fram is scary ???? Oh, well. Such is life. Incidentally, I do not think anyone ever understood the first shadow photograph. I guess there are not enough students of Norse mythology (excuse me, Old Norse religion) in the crowd.
Anyway, you know Fram the First. He goes absolutely berserk if he cannot arrive with a dramatic entrance.
I wish (sort of) Andrea were to be in Los Angeles in January. The timing might be better for me. Actually. On "that side" of the coin, I would love to see him and Sarah Brightman (individually), although I much preferred her as the chubby, young, farm-girl-type with the voice of an angel to the vamp, stripper, show girl, street walker accruements of her recent shows. I feel sorry for her, although there is no reason to do so.
Under the category of "old guys," meaning the other side of the coin, I still hope to see Mick and the Stones before they either are committed indefinitely or drop dead on stage. You know, I am not certain there is anyone else left, unless the Scorpions put in an appearance.
Please, do not be a stranger, Kelly. I think of you and I as part of the same tribe.
Take care, Hiawatha, who has a long memory ....
There are so many places I wish I could visit and this is one of them. The colors and a composition of this photo are excellent. And most important it has a depth of field. I could walk along this path to the lake and just enjoy... I really miss nature like this.
I discovered a few days ago a wonderful painter Georgia O'Keefe, an American Picasso. My big infatuation right now. Just wanted to share with you. She lived later in her life in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Have you ever been there? I wish I would visit this place someday in spring. It's my dream.
Not Paris or Florence.... They can wait.
There is a degree of beauty to be found in Minnesota, somewhat in the river valleys, but mostly along the St. Croix River and even more yet along the North Shore of Lake Superior. Here, where I am, it is mostly farm country -- pleasant, but nothing special to anyone who is not a farmer. But, I am glad you liked the photograph, Kaya.
Yes, I am familiar with Georgia O'Keefe's work.
I have never set foot in New Mexico. But, during the winter of 2000-2001, I was seriously considering moving to that region, either to New Mexico or to Arizona, and I read quite a bit about those states in particular and about the "four corners" region. Taos, in New Mexico, I believe, is a center of art and is an artists' colony, in a manner of speaking.
I think all women are in love with Florence, although the reason escapes me. It seems no more than any number of cities, from my point of view, but, I suppose that element of romanticism is simply beyond my vision. It is just another one of those mysteries to be found inside women that eludes me.
In any case, it is good to have a dream. Someday, I dream to have a dream again.
Yes, :)
Looks like Thor, God of Lightening standing in the darkness of the doorway :)
You ask who goes there? It is I, fair maiden Freyja :) You remember her? I've confiscated Thor's hammer from another fair young maiden he graced with this gift many years ago and am returning it to the Mighty Thor (Fram) :) I think he will enjoy good luck with his hammer returned :) You like my little tale? :)
If you are not smiling now, I shall return as Haiwatha and grace you with a golden feather...You will be covered from all angles with these gifts from the heart and we shall step onto the porch and howl at the moon together :)
Ahwoooooo :)
Hope you're having a Super Weekend!
Hugs and Kisses flying across the skies to You :)
Fram, I listened again to the song Les Fuilles... And I can tell you that it's good. I even don't know who is better French singer Aznavour or Andrea Bocelli. I probably would choose Bocelli at this moment.
Yes, of course, I remember Freyja. Never to be forgotten is Freyja.
You have my mind spinning, though, Kelly. Did I tell you how I gave a Thor's Hammer to an absolutely beautiful young lady once upon a time? I can imagine myself speaking of it, but I cannot recall specifically that I did. I still have one made of bronze, and sometimes wear it.
No, no, no. Hiawatha is the guy; Minnehaha is the girl.
It is nice to see you here, Kelly, and in a happy mood. I hope the super weekend belongs to you. Mine will be a quiet, serious one, which is appropriate at the moment. After all, it is October.
I probably should not mention this, Kaya, but I will because I am incapable of keeping my mouth shut -- ever. I do not, to put it politely, care for the voice of your French singer. I was almost stoned here once (I mean, with rocks) for being critical of his voice.
So, right now, I am glad you prefer the voice of the Italian gentleman, even if only for the moment.
If you are not familiar with this song, "Autumn Leaves," in English, you should find it and play it on YouTube. It is an old song and, I think, a neat one.
Yes, you did :) You showed me the picture of you wearing it and I thought it was a really neat necklace and then you told me the story...he who has long memory???? :)
Hmmmmmmmmm... I am smiling at you now :)
But I still like my story :)
Okay, okay, and I suppose Minnehaha is having a memory slip too being that I am switching genders on :)
I was thinking about what you said about Sarah Brightman and I'm sure she still feels like the chubby farm girl inside when she's hanging out at home. I know I still feel like I did so many years ago and then I remember, oh, yes, I'm not in my 30's anymore...LOL
We all have an age that we associate ourselves with. I think mine is about 38. I was still young but yet I had developed some wisdom from life experience. I knew what I wanted, had achieved much of it in my life and I felt super sexy, healthy and happy. I still feel like that girl inside. It's good :)
My weekend is nice and easy which makes me very, very happy today!
Don't be too serious now. I understand this is practically an impossible idea for you, but just try, okay?
Love from the West :)
The photograph is still lying about, so I assumed I had shown that, and, who am I to show a photo without also telling a story? Writing has been a vocation for me, while photography an avocation, at most.
As for memory, long? Yes. Perfect? Unfortunately, no.
The Thor’s Hammer girl was in Michigan. I sometimes wonder what happened to her, and inquire every year or two (really). I still am well connected with people there, but no one I have spoken with knows her whereabouts. Claudette was her name.
Life, to me, more and more is becoming like pages and chapters in a book, and to think of them is like reading about the life of someone I once knew. Unlike you, I do not associate or feel a particular bond toward one particular age or period. Sometimes, I think I am a dream within a dream, waiting for the next incarnation. Actually, that may be true. Pinch me.
Well, just to "unfocus" from the serious for a while, I will now adjourn to watch "Predator" on television. This is, by far, the film I have watched the most times. The first half reminds me of an earlier chapter in my book. The second half is like watching the ultimate hunt. A fantasy, adrenalin hunt.
Now, Kelly, please quit telling all my secrets ....
Believe or not I like when you don't keep your mouth shut. I am ok with that and I like strong opinions. It was my profession to listen to strong opinions, accept and go from there to teach Russian literature to Lithuanian students who were quite nationalistic and hated everything Russian.
Do you know Aznavour came to me as a different singer. He didn't have a great voice. He was a bard. A bard when the words and music mean more than a singer's voice. He sang about being lonely. And of course about love, how it can hurt and make you alive. He was a romantic and so was I.
Franc Sinatra will become later my favorite bard.
Once, I noted in a comment words to the effect that the breadth of your reading and knowledge of Russian literature is much greater than my own. Now, Kaya, I understand why that is the case.
And, debates over the worth of individual writers and interpretations of their works often bring out varied and strong opinions, even if nationalism is not among the issues. That experience must have been fascinating for you.
I do understand your distinction regarding the singing of Charles Aznavour. There are singers I also like, for one reason or another, although I think their voice leaves much to be desired.
In the "argument" I mentioned in my earlier comment, I had said that I thought Aznavour's type of voice appealed more to European women than to any other group. I really do not know that to be a fact, but it is my impression.
I do like the sound of Frank Sinatra's voice, but, maybe oddly, when his name is mentioned, I first think of him as an actor. For instance, "From Here to Eternity" easily falls into my list of twenty-five best films ever, and this opinion, in large part, is due to his performance.
Debates and discussions are fun; arguments are a waste in every sense of the word.
No, I cannot believe you, Frammy, that you did not try your canoe on Washington Lake yet. Maybe you can do it now? Why not? If I were you I would do it imediatelly, or the next day in case I drink a red wine, or something else, today. This lake is worthy to be canoed on!
Well, today is cloudy and a bit cold and breezy, Mag. I have canoed in just about every sort of weather imaginable, but right now I would rather wait for Nature to cooperate with me. Tomorrow, or the next day, maybe. We shall see how things go as the week progresses.
Speaking of progress, congratulations, on your own preparations for a real journey. That is really something.
Fram, do you have days when you don't understand why you are writing on your blog and what does it give to you?
Yesterday, I had such of those days. I suddenly couldn't explain to myself why I am writing on Planet and Notes. I just couldn't find an answer....
Ok, I am going to ask you because sooner or later I will ask you anyway. Fram, how did you feel being for a while in self exile? If you don't want to answer on this question that's ok. Don't.
Not in the sense I think you mean, Kaya. The blogs are many things to many people. For me, it began as a means to speak with individuals who live in places distant from my own residence -- in other states, in other countries -- and to say whatever happened to be on my mind at a particular moment in time.
And, I have often said that if an actual relationship evolved from here, so much the better. Nothing to lose, the world to gain, as I sometimes put it.
I am (sorry to say) a moody person, and I think that shows in what I write. It also does not bother me what I write here, although I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings and try to avoid it.
In a sentence, I write when I feel like it and just visit others if I am not "in the mood" to post anything myself.
My self-exile was not really such an event as that. I was not leaving, only planning to cut back on my posting and not accepting comments from others.
As I said a few days ago, I enjoy coming here, but I would have no trouble leaving for good should I find something else I would rather do.
To me, coming to my page is like taking a coffee break at an office: It is a time to exchange thoughts and ideas -- and, I will freely admit that there are individuals here (just like at an office) who I feel are friends and for whom I have genuine concerns for their well being.
I am not sure if this answers your question, Kaya. I will think about it more.
Fram, thanks a lot for answering my question and my thoughts. You even wrote more than I expected. You always write in a such great manner that always impresses me.
The problem with me is when I am getting involved with something interesting I am all into it. It's a very strong feeling or infatuation. And too many emotions are involved and soon I am getting more bored or indifferent and suddenly I realize that this is over. i told myself many times, "Be reasonable, be less emotional..." And it works but only for a while...
Do you know the more I read your blog and your comments to me; the more I understand how limited my English is. And that is ok. Nothing wrong with it but sometimes is a little bit upsetting.
Anyway, thanks a lot for your answer again.
Perhaps you should do as I do -- one blog only, and not specialized in the least. Any topic, photographs at times, animals here, Russian literature there, and occasional doses of book reviews or personal thoughts and opinions about whatever strikes your fancy.
That way, it would not be so demanding and the variety of topics would help maintain your interest and enthusiasm (I think).
If you do not find some degree of enjoyment, Kaya, there is no reason to continue working on something like this.
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