Thesis: To consider what the chance intersection of ideal beauty and intellectual confusion would mean in determining the fate of Earth. Phase 1: While touring San Francisco, I stayed at the Sir Francis Drake. The bartenders were adequate. Phase 2: I began a blog. I learned romance might exist, but depends upon whether a man and a woman can tread the maze individually and reach its center at the exact same instant in time. Phase 3: The center comes and goes as if it were a mirage.
Monday, September 6, 2010
It is not over the rainbow, but ....
My neighbors, the mourning doves. The largest of the pair looks so young that I am guessing she probably is the equivalent of a teenage mother, and the tiny one is her baby.
Who says I do not work? In Old Marine Corps' jargon, a blouse; in today's more technocratic language, a battle jacket, hangs from the lawn mower after I finished cutting the grass on Saturday.
The rear of the lake house, as seen from the end of the backyard property line.
The west side of the lake house, with the garage and its loft on the right.
The rear of the lake house on the east side, with the lower door leading into the garage and the upper door into the loft. This is a nice spot to catch the sun while relaxing in the afternoon.
The view from here …. Part 1
Due to popular request (actually, just one young lady), I am posting more photographs of what I have designated as the lake house -- my home (using the word loosely) for September and October. I will post some more photos tomorrow, and the next day, but that probably will be it. To me, putting together a page like this is more difficult than writing.
what some lovely pictures!!!
Are you a billonare or something Mr.?..such a big big nice house..
I would love to be running and play at that place!!Lucky you are Frammy!!
Thinking of that jacket!It suits me fine to have on when i wake up every morning!!sorry kidding again.!!(dont be angry ok?)
But yes I always stole my mens skirts in relationshis hahhaha!!It do remind me of that lovely time..It most be nice to be in a relationship!!Go..I have forgotten all about that things..See know you got me thinking!!..
Those doves really are cute!!!Ohhhh!!Yeaaah!!You know in spain they eat those birds?Uffff..
How is it with the internet?Better?worse?Takes long time uploading things?
I wonder whta the next pictures will be..You made my day with those pictures..specially that skirt!!!I want it!!Can i have it?how much dollares?
Ok..sweethest thing..i have to do my running and spinning now(Yepp 9 oclock in the morning)
Sleep well or whatever you do and have a nice nice day Fram!!see you
Thanx for the photoes.And most wonderful music..who is it he will spend the days with.?.Good.Bravo.
Hi, Frammy. I am glad that you, Benny and Frammy Teddy live in a house you like. I wish you a very beautiful autumn, filled with a bright sun and all colors one could imagine.
Fram, that is a very beautiful place and beautiful house!!!!
Your pictures are so good. I enjoyed so much the picture of the doves. Excellent picture. You caught a unique moment. How could you do that? Were you very cautious approaching them? I have never seen doves like that.....
I studied you Marine Corps Jacket, it is very interesting. I have never seen such uniform either.
The mower is very powerful I assume....
Place is so beautiful and secluded and green... Wow!!!! I think you and Benny are having really good time in this house. All my best to you both!!!!
Money? Easy come, easy go .... now, I am joking ....
Yes, it is a house that could be many things and a wonderful place to live, Anita. For me, though, I would prefer its location to be a bit more isolated .... you know, more woodlands, a bit wilder.
Sorry, I am down to my last battle jacket, and my teddy bears have a long-standing claim on it.
Mourning doves are hunted at this time of the year and sometimes eaten in America, too. I think such a practice is absolutely ridiculous and hideous.
The internet still is slow beyond belief, but I have managed to stay on without too many interruptions.
I am not certain who Willie will spend the days with, or if he is married or even has a girlfriend or if he is alone. As for me, I know I am not married, have no girlfriend with me so, I guess, the days, for now will be spent alone. That is all right, but winter .... winter, for me, is when it is hard to be alone.
Yes, Mag, it is a house that is easy to like and easy to adapt to and, being near to the lake and to many trees, will be easy to enjoy autumn as it passes through here.
The only problem will be that the house is a lonesome one, obviously wishing it had someone to bring it to life. That is something a man of my nature cannot do. It needs a woman to care for it and to love it.
It is a pleasant but overcast day. I think I will sit outside and read for a few hours during my afternoon.
As for you, beautiful one, I also hope that in Komorow and Warsaw, the autumn will be beautiful, filled with a bright sun and all colors one could imagine.
I agree, Kaya, it is a beautiful house in a beautiful location.
It usually is quite easy to approach mourning doves, especially when one is a baby and the other is guarding it. I approached within three or four feet and stopped because I did not want to spook the older one into flying away.
The jacket is a "desert camouflage pattern," which came into vogue during the Gulf War in 1990. This style still is commonly worn and seen, but "front line" Marine Corps troops primarily wear what is called "desert MARPAT pattern" combat uniforms in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Actually, the mower has seen its better days, and has less energy than I do.
Thank you, for all your best. The house really is splendid, and I like being here.
Yes, the song. I like Frank Sinatra's version best in terms of the sound, but Willie seems like he understands everything about it better.
The lake -- Lake Washington -- is about forty yards/meters from the house, but it is necessary to cross a narrow road to get to it. Leaves on trees pretty much block a good view of it at this time of the year.
Of the size, I am not certain how to gauge it, Mag. I suppose I would say it is a medium-size lake as lakes go in Minnesota.
Slightly to the north and east of it is Lake Jefferson, which actually is three lakes in a line and where I have lived in the past. I learned how to water ski and to canoe on this lake, but it was less "civilized" here then.
If you can foretell the future, Anita, you truly have miraculous powers. I have not had much luck at seeing beyond the moment of time in which I am standing, and it is possible tomorrow is a lifetime away.
Thank you, for your hope, though. Time answers all questions and reveals all things, so, we shall see. As the novelist Ernest Hemingway said: "Things either happen or they don't."
I tried to rescue a dove the other day actually. Missed a few classes on the University, yelled at City Animal-protection Corps, telling them how they were both incompetent and ignorant because they at first refused to respond to my call about a sick dove. (Apparently they can't help every half-wild bird in the city.), and bird-sat the first few hours of school.
My acting-teacher now refers to me as "her little Doe." (Yes, I believe that nickname will stick.)
Anyways, that reminded me of that poor little thingie. Actually, what happened was that because I practically harassed those people on the phone for a few hours, they called the traffic and road- help corps; Falck, who came with a TRUCK to save the bird! HAHAHA!
The rescue, however, went down badly and the bird (whom had been sitting still for two hours) suddenly managed to get away ._.
Nice jacket, Fram! :D I bet you look a boss in it!
Little Doe probably is preferable to Little Fawn, Nanna.
Nearly the same, exact thing happened to another young lady I know when she tried to secure some help for an injured pigeon. The police were of absolutely no assistance, and it took a few telephone calls to get any animal protection people to provide some manner of support.
Help finally did come, and some organization or other did take the bird away, if I recall the incident correctly. Hopefully, your dove is out visiting all his friends and telling them about the neat babe who rescued him.
The boss ?? Simply, merely, only the boss ??
"Lean, mean, green, fighting machines" is how we saw ourselves when we wore those outfits.
Lovely house Fram - I can picture many happy times being had there and hopefully they have left their imprint on the home and you will be able to soak up some happy vibes.
It looks to me to be a very nice place to spend the months of autumn until your winter adventures present themselves!
Sorry for my lack of comments recently - I actually wrote a long one in response to the one posted Saturday about the dream, but somehow my browser crashed as I submitted it and it got lost :( I gave up as I dashed on my way to my long weekend holiday.
This house means solitude and quiet and introspection and writing for me, I hope, Peggy.
Other than knowing the owner slightly and his occasional use of it, its history is entirely a mystery to me. But, as I have said in other comments, I think it is a house hungry for a family to love it and to enjoy it.
I am constantly involved in a love/hate relationship with computers. They amaze me, yet they really have let me down at times. The past week, in particular, has been rough on me since I no longer have cable high speed (it is unavailable out here), and low speed and frequent interruptions in connection have been constant problems. I have lost a number of comments while trying to post them. I know exactly what you mean.
In any event, I am happy to receive your visits whenever they occur.
Bachelor of Arts with a double major in English (= literature) and history (= reality). Master of Arts in literature. Once upon a time, U.S. Marine Corps = Semper Fidelis. These things pretty much explain everything there is to know about me.
Other than that, ask, if you actually are curious .... I like to drift where the current takes me within this endless sea of blogs, read what others write in their blogs, observe, learn, question and, hopefully, understand, while offering a few comments of my own along the way .... by the way, the photo of me actually is me .... was me .... will be me .... hmmmm ....
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5 years ago
Romance, from Fram
I discovered Romance might yet exist, but it depends upon whether a man and a woman can tread the maze, individually, and reach its center at the same moment in time.
The Actual Instant of Love, from Fram
I am a jealous guy, of the sort John Lennon sang about. Any man who says he is not a jealous guy either has no genuine depth of feelings for the woman he is saying it about or is a liar. I can remember very distinctly, for example, when my feelings for my wife vanished. It happened in an instant. When love vanished, so did jealousy.
Actual love happens in an instant, I believe, although it does not always seem to be that way. I am not talking about "love at first sight," but, rather, "love at first instant." This means two people might have known each other for weeks, even for years, before the "instant" occurs. It comes with a single sentence spoken by one, or a single action taken by one, that strikes the other like lightning.
Affection grows; love is born. Love also disappears in an instant, I believe, although it does not always seem to happen that way. Incidental to my point, I do not believe in "love at first sight." That is no more than simple, physical or emotional attraction, which is the cause of countless and never-ending problems.
Happiness is momentary, from Fram
When I was age eighteen, a wise, old man of twenty-six told me that happiness is a momentary thing. It might last for minutes or days or weeks or, sometimes, even for a few years. But, like life itself, happiness is a transitory thing and, like fate, it is capricious. At some point along the road, I came to realize this wise, old man had been right.
The Three Sorts of Friends ....
Though friendships differ endless in degree, The sorts, methinks, may be reduced to three. Acquaintance many, and Conquaintance few; But for Inquaintance I know only two -- The friend I've mourned with, and the maid I woo!
Samuel Taylor Coleridge poet & philosopher Fragment 10: "The Three Sorts of Friends"
Time retains ....
Time retains its sacred right to meddle in each earthly affair. Still, time's unbounded power that makes a mountain crumble, moves seas, rotates a star, won't be enough to tear lovers apart: they are too naked, too embraced, too much like timid sparrows.
Old age is, in my book, the price that felons pay, so don't whine that it's steep: you'll stay young if you're good. Suffering doesn't insult the body. Death? It comes in your sleep, exactly as it should.
When it comes, you'll be dreaming that you don't need to breathe; that breathless silence is the music of the dark and it's part of the rhythm to vanish like a spark.
Wislawa Szymborska poet, essayist & translator Nobel Prize for Poetry 1996 "Entropy"
Yesterday is History ....
Yesterday is History, 'Tis so far away -- Yesterday is Poetry -- 'Tis Philosophy --
Yesterday is mystery -- Where it is Today While we shrewdly speculate Flutter both away.
Emily Dickinson poet "Yesterday is History"
Never the answers
The most interesting thing in the world is another human being who wonders, suffers and raises the questions that have bothered him to the last day of his life, knowing he will never get the answers.
Will Durant historian, philosopher, teacher
The equality of man
Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.
Thomas Jefferson president, patriot, free thinker
The audience
Better to write for yourself and have no public than to write for the public and have no self.
Cyril Connolly writer, editor, literary critic
I am free
I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. Robert Heinlein science fiction writer philosopher
Marine Corps Forever, from Fram
To all Marines, those among the dead, those who still live, those yet to be born: Semper Fidelis, to the end of time ....
Have gun .... will travel
Once upon a time: "She said, There is no reason ...."
Time & again ....
Time .... he's waiting in the wings .... he speaks of senseless things .... but, if you could heal a broken heart, wouldn't time be out to charm you?
Voluspo 28-29
Alone I sat when the Old One sought me .... The terror of gods, and gazed in mine eyes .... "What hast thou to ask? why comest thou hither? .... Othin, I know where thine eye is hidden" .... Deep in the wide-famed well of Mimir .... Mead from the pledge of Othin each morn .... Does Mimir drink: would you know yet more? ....
what some lovely pictures!!!
Are you a billonare or something Mr.?..such a big big nice house..
I would love to be running and play at that place!!Lucky you are Frammy!!
Thinking of that jacket!It suits me fine to have on when i wake up every morning!!sorry kidding again.!!(dont be angry ok?)
But yes I always stole my mens skirts in relationshis hahhaha!!It do remind me of that lovely time..It most be nice to be in a relationship!!Go..I have forgotten all about that things..See know you got me thinking!!..
Those doves really are cute!!!Ohhhh!!Yeaaah!!You know in spain they eat those birds?Uffff..
How is it with the internet?Better?worse?Takes long time uploading things?
I wonder whta the next pictures will be..You made my day with those pictures..specially that skirt!!!I want it!!Can i have it?how much dollares?
Ok..sweethest thing..i have to do my running and spinning now(Yepp 9 oclock in the morning)
Sleep well or whatever you do and have a nice nice day Fram!!see you
Thanx for the photoes.And most wonderful music..who is it he will spend the days with.?.Good.Bravo.
Hi, Frammy. I am glad that you, Benny and Frammy Teddy live in a house you like. I wish you a very beautiful autumn, filled with a bright sun and all colors one could imagine.
Fram, that is a very beautiful place and beautiful house!!!!
Your pictures are so good. I enjoyed so much the picture of the doves. Excellent picture. You caught a unique moment. How could you do that? Were you very cautious approaching them? I have never seen doves like that.....
I studied you Marine Corps Jacket, it is very interesting. I have never seen such uniform either.
The mower is very powerful I assume....
Place is so beautiful and secluded and green... Wow!!!! I think you and Benny are having really good time in this house. All my best to you both!!!!
Fram, it's me again. Finally, I was able to slow down this morning and listen to September Song.. Very nice song.... i like it a lot.....
Money? Easy come, easy go .... now, I am joking ....
Yes, it is a house that could be many things and a wonderful place to live, Anita. For me, though, I would prefer its location to be a bit more isolated .... you know, more woodlands, a bit wilder.
Sorry, I am down to my last battle jacket, and my teddy bears have a long-standing claim on it.
Mourning doves are hunted at this time of the year and sometimes eaten in America, too. I think such a practice is absolutely ridiculous and hideous.
The internet still is slow beyond belief, but I have managed to stay on without too many interruptions.
I am not certain who Willie will spend the days with, or if he is married or even has a girlfriend or if he is alone. As for me, I know I am not married, have no girlfriend with me so, I guess, the days, for now will be spent alone. That is all right, but winter .... winter, for me, is when it is hard to be alone.
Yes, Mag, it is a house that is easy to like and easy to adapt to and, being near to the lake and to many trees, will be easy to enjoy autumn as it passes through here.
The only problem will be that the house is a lonesome one, obviously wishing it had someone to bring it to life. That is something a man of my nature cannot do. It needs a woman to care for it and to love it.
It is a pleasant but overcast day. I think I will sit outside and read for a few hours during my afternoon.
As for you, beautiful one, I also hope that in Komorow and Warsaw, the autumn will be beautiful, filled with a bright sun and all colors one could imagine.
I agree, Kaya, it is a beautiful house in a beautiful location.
It usually is quite easy to approach mourning doves, especially when one is a baby and the other is guarding it. I approached within three or four feet and stopped because I did not want to spook the older one into flying away.
The jacket is a "desert camouflage pattern," which came into vogue during the Gulf War in 1990. This style still is commonly worn and seen, but "front line" Marine Corps troops primarily wear what is called "desert MARPAT pattern" combat uniforms in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Actually, the mower has seen its better days, and has less energy than I do.
Thank you, for all your best. The house really is splendid, and I like being here.
Yes, the song. I like Frank Sinatra's version best in terms of the sound, but Willie seems like he understands everything about it better.
How far from the lake you live? Is it a large lake or not so much? Can you tell the name of it?
Yes..i knew it ws not for sale..that lovely skirt..
Hope you will find what your lookng for Fram..And that you and your little princess share love soon..
Ok..have a nice evening and night..See you.sweetest thing...Bye Bye!!
The lake -- Lake Washington -- is about forty yards/meters from the house, but it is necessary to cross a narrow road to get to it. Leaves on trees pretty much block a good view of it at this time of the year.
Of the size, I am not certain how to gauge it, Mag. I suppose I would say it is a medium-size lake as lakes go in Minnesota.
Slightly to the north and east of it is Lake Jefferson, which actually is three lakes in a line and where I have lived in the past. I learned how to water ski and to canoe on this lake, but it was less "civilized" here then.
Google and Yahoo and Bing have maps/images of it.
If you can foretell the future, Anita, you truly have miraculous powers. I have not had much luck at seeing beyond the moment of time in which I am standing, and it is possible tomorrow is a lifetime away.
Thank you, for your hope, though. Time answers all questions and reveals all things, so, we shall see. As the novelist Ernest Hemingway said: "Things either happen or they don't."
Yes, see you later.
I tried to rescue a dove the other day actually. Missed a few classes on the University, yelled at City Animal-protection Corps, telling them how they were both incompetent and ignorant because they at first refused to respond to my call about a sick dove. (Apparently they can't help every half-wild bird in the city.), and bird-sat the first few hours of school.
My acting-teacher now refers to me as "her little Doe."
(Yes, I believe that nickname will stick.)
Anyways, that reminded me of that poor little thingie. Actually, what happened was that because I practically harassed those people on the phone for a few hours, they called the traffic and road- help corps; Falck, who came with a TRUCK to save the bird! HAHAHA!
The rescue, however, went down badly and the bird (whom had been sitting still for two hours) suddenly managed to get away ._.
Nice jacket, Fram! :D I bet you look a boss in it!
Little Doe probably is preferable to Little Fawn, Nanna.
Nearly the same, exact thing happened to another young lady I know when she tried to secure some help for an injured pigeon. The police were of absolutely no assistance, and it took a few telephone calls to get any animal protection people to provide some manner of support.
Help finally did come, and some organization or other did take the bird away, if I recall the incident correctly. Hopefully, your dove is out visiting all his friends and telling them about the neat babe who rescued him.
The boss ?? Simply, merely, only the boss ??
"Lean, mean, green, fighting machines" is how we saw ourselves when we wore those outfits.
Lovely house Fram - I can picture many happy times being had there and hopefully they have left their imprint on the home and you will be able to soak up some happy vibes.
It looks to me to be a very nice place to spend the months of autumn until your winter adventures present themselves!
Sorry for my lack of comments recently - I actually wrote a long one in response to the one posted Saturday about the dream, but somehow my browser crashed as I submitted it and it got lost :( I gave up as I dashed on my way to my long weekend holiday.
This house means solitude and quiet and introspection and writing for me, I hope, Peggy.
Other than knowing the owner slightly and his occasional use of it, its history is entirely a mystery to me. But, as I have said in other comments, I think it is a house hungry for a family to love it and to enjoy it.
I am constantly involved in a love/hate relationship with computers. They amaze me, yet they really have let me down at times. The past week, in particular, has been rough on me since I no longer have cable high speed (it is unavailable out here), and low speed and frequent interruptions in connection have been constant problems. I have lost a number of comments while trying to post them. I know exactly what you mean.
In any event, I am happy to receive your visits whenever they occur.
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