Friday, February 6, 2009

Romance, through the eyes of Hitchcock ....

But first, there are many things to do in California

I've only been to San Francisco once, and that was in the winter, February, as a matter of fact. My California time otherwise has been during warm-weather months, and my excursions largely ranging between San Diego and Los Angeles.

I tried to learn how to surf (on big waves, really, in the actual ocean) when I was in California. The only thing I learned was what it feels like to be a basketball -- tossing, tumbling, bouncing and bouncing and bouncing. Among my favorite California places were a bar called Maynard's in La Jolla and a nearby six-floor hotel, in which only the first floor was occupied. (The other floors, most likely, were condemned.) I cannot recall the name of the hotel, but I have come to refer to it as the "Hotel California." Most certainly, you remember the Eagles' song:

... "So I called up the Captain,
'Please bring me my wine'
He said, 'We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine'
And still those voices are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say ...
Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
They livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
Bring your alibis" ...

Is this relevant?

Of course not, but I thought I'd mention it, anyway. Now, to the subject at hand:

The Ideal Couple: Episode II

Continuing our seminar regarding some of the great romances of San Francisco as depicted in the magical world of motion pictures, Alfred Hitchcock has produced a pair of my favorites. First, let us turn to the "The Birds." Notice here how gently Mitch is holding Melanie after she single-handedly fought off an attack from the feathery fiends. My assumption is that the woman on right is from PETA, and is trying to steal Melanie's fur coat during the confusion.

Mitch must be a wimp to allow Melanie do the fighting.

None of us, I am certain, will ever forget Scottie and Madeleine in Hitchcock's San Francisco classic, "Vertigo." I've never figured out how such an old dude like Scottie could land such a hot, young chick like Madeleine, but I guess that's just the way "old Alfred" envisioned the story. Anyone else besides me keep getting dizzy all during that movie?

So, men actually once wore hats instead of caps? How classy.

To be concluded tomorrow (barring the unforeseen) as Episode III

Music Note: Listening to (and sort of watching) David Bowie ....
Specifically, his "Glass Spider" concert ....
(Unbelievable guitar work, especially when five on stage at once)


Piper .. said...

:) Hotel California was sort of an anthem back in med school! :)
"you can check out any time you like but you can never leave.."
I love the fact that you like Eagles. I actually have friends who dont!
Hmm.. I`m not a big fan of Hitchcock. I have a mortal fear of anything with wings. The Freud in me attributes it to the movie 'Birds'. :) I thought 'Vertigo' was a dark movie. Really. However some parts have stayed on in the mind.
Watching Scottie pull Madeleine out from the Bay beneath the Golden Gate Bridge, seeing Madeleine staring thoughtfully at Carlotta’s painting, the kiss near the ocean, the sweeping embrace of reunited lovers, and the haunting images of the bell tower... are just some of them.

Fram Actual said...

Hi there, Piper. I agree completely about "Vertigo." Very, very, very dark, with an ending I think no one who has seen it expected.

Since I was a kid, I have objected to actors playing parts much too young for their actual age/appearance. I don't have the same objection to musicians. I wonder why? Mick Jagger prancing on stage seems believable. Harrison Ford portraying a forty-year-old man with little kids running around the house seems ridiculous. Maybe because the former is reality and the latter is not; the first is honesty and the second is fraudulent?

Natalie said...

Thank you!
“Brooding” – yes! “Fatalistic” – Ohhh absolutely! I am Scorpio, a real one!! Hha!

Not everything I write is “moody & somber” try this one:

“Columnist” sounds like “communist”!!!!!!!
P.S. Love Hitchcock!!!

Fram Actual said...

Thank you, for the visit, Natalie.

Columnist/Communist. Well, the words might be similar, but the nearest I've come to old-style communism is having read the "Manifesto" of Karl Marx and "Freddy" Engels when I was young. I still have a copy.

Your comment causes my mind to drift, to wonder what would have become of me had I been born around 1900 in Russia, and been a man coming of age when the revolution erupted.

I will be reading more of your poetry.

Something special ....