Thesis: To consider what the chance intersection of ideal beauty and intellectual confusion would mean in determining the fate of Earth. Phase 1: While touring San Francisco, I stayed at the Sir Francis Drake. The bartenders were adequate. Phase 2: I began a blog. I learned romance might exist, but depends upon whether a man and a woman can tread the maze individually and reach its center at the exact same instant in time. Phase 3: The center comes and goes as if it were a mirage.
No concert this week,
although there are many to choose from .... rather, Tuesday evening -- the
concluding night of April 2019 -- will be spent listening to a young lady
photographer from Bergen -- not Anita, unfortunately -- but Sigrid Lien, who is
a professor of art history and photography studies at the University of Bergen.
Ms. Lien, cited as
"a leading authority on Norwegian photography," will be discussing
her new book, "Pictures of Longing: Photography and the Norwegian-American
Migration," at Norway House in Minneapolis -- a mere 30-minute drive from
my own house. The book contains more than 250 photographs sent home by some of
the 750,000 Norwegians who immigrated to North America between 1836 and 1915.
My own ancestors arrived here in the 1850s from Norway and Germany.
According to a press
release, "Seeing these photographs alongside letters by Norwegian
immigrants provides a comprehensive account of how this collective photography
practice involves 'the voice of the many.'"
Ms. Lien's appearance in Minnnneeeesoootttaaa is sponsored by
the Norwegian American Historical Association. Admission is $15 -- a bargain at
ten times the price, I would think. I assume her book will be on sale at the
event and I definitely will purchase a copy.
The photograph accompanying this post is of the book,
with Ms. Lien inset in the lower left corner. Her stop here is one of several
as part of a tour through the United States. And, just to keep this sort of a
Bergen post, the video shows a band, Fairy, composed of young ladies from
Bergen singing the song, "Capture" .... hmmmm ....
As indicated by the
title of the post, this blog will be visible to any and to all who pass by
during the next two days, then will retreat behind the curtains again for a
while ....
There came a
request for a better view of the Cathedral of Saint Paul. Here it is. It would
be a safe bet I did not take this photograph, and I really do not know who did
take it. This particular structure actually is the fourth to bear the name the
Cathedral of Saint Paul. A log cabin constructed in 1841 was the first under
the guidance of then newly-ordained Father Lucien Galtier, who had been sent to minister
to the French Canadians in the settlement of "L'Oeil de Cochon" or,
in English, "Pig's Eye," as Saint Paul originally was called. A few
moves and a few buildings later, work began on this structure in 1906 and
continued until completion in 1941.
Et al No. 2: Ernest Hemingway wrote a series of Nick Adams short stories, including one he named, "The Three-Day Blow." It first appeared in a 1925 collection entitled, "In Our Time." We are in the midst of our own three-day blow, this one being a full-fledged blizzard. Snow accumulation is expected to reach twelve to twenty inches in some areas with sustained winds of forty to sixty miles-per-hour. Daytime high temperatures will be below the freezing mark. Actually, such "Aprille" storms are not at all unique in Minnesota .... but, then again, this might be the Fimbulwinter as described in the "Poetic Edda" of Snorri Sturluson. You might want to read Hemingway's piece some time. In the story, Nick and a friend get drunk during a three-day storm while talking about books and authors, baseball, fathers, occupations, young ladies and other elements in their lives. It is a story in which feelings of loss, anger and evil are ignored or repressed, and it is quite fascinating. I think I will reread it during my three-day blizzard ....
While Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri and a
few other states have been getting all the attention in recent days because of
flooding, the photograph demonstrates that Minnesota has not escaped the wrath
of the water gods. This is Harriet Island in the Mississippi River. The river
actually still is rising and, undoubtedly, it will be a while before the kiddies
are able to enjoy the playground again. The dome in the distance is the Cathedral
of Saint Paul, where I was able to enjoy a concert by the King's College Choir
from Cambridge last Thursday evening. I will be traveling thirty miles in another direction this Friday for a Blue Öyster Cult concert. Wish you could be here, baby ....
to escape for a while
longer I live, the stranger life gets ...."
words form a line uttered by Jim Lassiter in a film version of Pearl Zane
Grey's western classic novel, "Riders of the Purple Sage." The book
appeared in 1912. A few film versions have been made; this line is in the 1996
rendition in which Ed Harris portrays Lassiter and his wife, Amy Madigan, is
Jane Withersteen.
agree with that sentence.
to drift for a moment: Grey was a former minor league baseball player and
dentist who suffered from bouts of depression, anger and mood swings, which
affected him most of his life. He would make an interesting neighbor, it seems
to me. I have read a number of his books, beginning around age eleven or twelve
with, "The Last Trail," and, "Spirit of the Border,"
historical novels about his ancestors during the Revolutionary War.
of Delaware English professor Thomas Pauly, in his biography entitled,
"Zane Grey -- His Life, His Adventures, His Women," attributed the
following quote to Grey:
"But I love to be free. I
cannot change my spots. The ordinary man is satisfied with a moderate income, a
home, wife, children, and all that .... But I am a million miles from being
that kind of man and no amount of trying will ever do any good .... I shall
never lose the spirit of my interest in women."
he did not, either, and even after marriage had many open affairs. I might
write a post or two about Grey and his books someday, but today is not that
day. Hmmmm .... really drifting now .... time to get back on track ....
also sometimes think the longer I live, the stranger I become, although I would
modify that sentiment to apply to all human critters --
past/present/future. The distinction being most people either do not see it
that way or see it and do not believe it.
is (has been) the long way of saying my blog will be idle for the most part for
a time. I still may appear at your blogs and, occasionally, leave a comment.
But, I do not think I will be back here with a post until sometime in May when
I write a piece or two about O.E. Rölvaag and his novel, "Boat of
Longing." Of course, should World War III begin or another catastrophic
event occur somewhere along the line, I might not be able to resist temptation
and feel compelled to assert my two cents worth of thought about it.
avoid interlopers "messing" with my blog, I will be locking it to any
who are not on the "guest list," so to speak. If you provided your
email address to me in the distant past, you are still on that list unless you
have since changed your email address. In which case, provide me with your
current if you wish access. I will install the blog block on April 11.
to turn political for a moment: For the most part, I have enjoyed my time on
the sea of blogs and, for sure, I have learned a great deal about people and
about myself by having been a participant here. I am assuming I will be back
from time to time to take another "swim" in it. For those who have
read my writing here, I am indebted; to those who have commented here, you have
my sincere thank you. Later, baby ....
All our times have come
Here but now they're gone
Seasons don't fear the Reaper
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain
We can be like they are
Come on, baby... don't fear the Reaper
Baby, take my hand... don't fear the Reaper
We'll be able to fly... don't fear the Reaper
Bachelor of Arts with a double major in English (= literature) and history (= reality). Master of Arts in literature. Once upon a time, U.S. Marine Corps = Semper Fidelis. These things pretty much explain everything there is to know about me.
Other than that, ask, if you actually are curious .... I like to drift where the current takes me within this endless sea of blogs, read what others write in their blogs, observe, learn, question and, hopefully, understand, while offering a few comments of my own along the way .... by the way, the photo of me actually is me .... was me .... will be me .... hmmmm ....
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In my natural habitat (photo by Deborah Jaffe)
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ArtHalle One Summer Show
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5 years ago
Romance, from Fram
I discovered Romance might yet exist, but it depends upon whether a man and a woman can tread the maze, individually, and reach its center at the same moment in time.
The Actual Instant of Love, from Fram
I am a jealous guy, of the sort John Lennon sang about. Any man who says he is not a jealous guy either has no genuine depth of feelings for the woman he is saying it about or is a liar. I can remember very distinctly, for example, when my feelings for my wife vanished. It happened in an instant. When love vanished, so did jealousy.
Actual love happens in an instant, I believe, although it does not always seem to be that way. I am not talking about "love at first sight," but, rather, "love at first instant." This means two people might have known each other for weeks, even for years, before the "instant" occurs. It comes with a single sentence spoken by one, or a single action taken by one, that strikes the other like lightning.
Affection grows; love is born. Love also disappears in an instant, I believe, although it does not always seem to happen that way. Incidental to my point, I do not believe in "love at first sight." That is no more than simple, physical or emotional attraction, which is the cause of countless and never-ending problems.
Happiness is momentary, from Fram
When I was age eighteen, a wise, old man of twenty-six told me that happiness is a momentary thing. It might last for minutes or days or weeks or, sometimes, even for a few years. But, like life itself, happiness is a transitory thing and, like fate, it is capricious. At some point along the road, I came to realize this wise, old man had been right.
The Three Sorts of Friends ....
Though friendships differ endless in degree, The sorts, methinks, may be reduced to three. Acquaintance many, and Conquaintance few; But for Inquaintance I know only two -- The friend I've mourned with, and the maid I woo!
Samuel Taylor Coleridge poet & philosopher Fragment 10: "The Three Sorts of Friends"
Time retains ....
Time retains its sacred right to meddle in each earthly affair. Still, time's unbounded power that makes a mountain crumble, moves seas, rotates a star, won't be enough to tear lovers apart: they are too naked, too embraced, too much like timid sparrows.
Old age is, in my book, the price that felons pay, so don't whine that it's steep: you'll stay young if you're good. Suffering doesn't insult the body. Death? It comes in your sleep, exactly as it should.
When it comes, you'll be dreaming that you don't need to breathe; that breathless silence is the music of the dark and it's part of the rhythm to vanish like a spark.
Wislawa Szymborska poet, essayist & translator Nobel Prize for Poetry 1996 "Entropy"
Yesterday is History ....
Yesterday is History, 'Tis so far away -- Yesterday is Poetry -- 'Tis Philosophy --
Yesterday is mystery -- Where it is Today While we shrewdly speculate Flutter both away.
Emily Dickinson poet "Yesterday is History"
Never the answers
The most interesting thing in the world is another human being who wonders, suffers and raises the questions that have bothered him to the last day of his life, knowing he will never get the answers.
Will Durant historian, philosopher, teacher
The equality of man
Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.
Thomas Jefferson president, patriot, free thinker
The audience
Better to write for yourself and have no public than to write for the public and have no self.
Cyril Connolly writer, editor, literary critic
I am free
I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. Robert Heinlein science fiction writer philosopher
Marine Corps Forever, from Fram
To all Marines, those among the dead, those who still live, those yet to be born: Semper Fidelis, to the end of time ....
Have gun .... will travel
Once upon a time: "She said, There is no reason ...."
Time & again ....
Time .... he's waiting in the wings .... he speaks of senseless things .... but, if you could heal a broken heart, wouldn't time be out to charm you?
Voluspo 28-29
Alone I sat when the Old One sought me .... The terror of gods, and gazed in mine eyes .... "What hast thou to ask? why comest thou hither? .... Othin, I know where thine eye is hidden" .... Deep in the wide-famed well of Mimir .... Mead from the pledge of Othin each morn .... Does Mimir drink: would you know yet more? ....