Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The history of mixed metaphors

I recently stumbled across the "Bonnie and Clyde" television film from 2013. I was unaware of it. I watched it; I enjoyed it. My strongest reaction to it came not from the dialog or the visuals, but from listening to this song from it written by Leonard Cohen. I was unaware of it, too. More than the melody and the lyrics, what left me a bit stunned was the haunting voice and way the piece was sung by Antony Hegarty. I was unaware of Antony, too. While I did not watch the film intently and, undoubtedly, missed elements and nuances, this particular song did not seem like it belonged part of the recipe, in a manner of speaking. This unlikely mix of music and story seemed like a marriage between misogamists and really made me feel unaware and wonder what I was missing. Anyway, on the chance you are as unaware as I was, let us discover what you think of the song .... the name of which, by the way, is, "If It Be Your Will" ....

(An afterthought: While I was watching the film, I was thinking it probably would be easy to fall in love with Bonnie -- Holliday Grainger, that is, the actress who portrays her. Then, I realized how much Holliday's face reminds me of another young lady who once upon a time told me she thought I fell in love too easily. I believe she might have been right, but I have discovered since that when I do, it never goes away, never ends .... never, ever.)

Here are some words, none of them mine, but there have been times when I have known them, understood them, felt them and might have written them:

"They think they're hunting me; I'm hunting them."

"It felt familiar and now, from somewhere .... Even as he walked (along), he felt things slowing down yet at the same time enriching in color and texture as if his vision were mutating to something beyond excellence. His muscles were turning to flexible iron, his breathing was growing nutritious, his hearing super-attuned, so that every sound was crisply isolated in the universe."

Here are some words that are mine:

When I was a teenager, October was among my favorite months, possibly my No. 1 month. This largely was because October meant football and hunting and many days of virtually living in the outdoors. But, over the years, October came to be a month of bad memories and, now, I dread its arrival to a degree. There have been a couple of years when I have been close to hiding in my house, pulling my curtains, holding my breath, waiting for the last few days of October to pass me by without bringing me an ill wind.

So, October 2014 arrives with falling leaves and heavy rains: Greetings, October .... here we are, together again, and the only reason for this post is because we are ....

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