Saturday, April 19, 2014

April is a month of beginnings

Recognize it? Sort of a stairway to paradise for some ....

Go .... do .... be what you dare

Some say you are what you eat. I suppose that is true to a degree.

I prefer to think you are what you experience.

As often is the case, I have been thinking about places to escape to, both on a temporary basis and in a more permanent context in which to create a new beginning.

There are countless places worthy of exploring on a temporary basis and, in that sense, as always, I am curious what others might think. Put it this way: If you were to go anywhere you wished as a tourist for a few weeks, where would it be? Tell me, please. I need ideas. I am searching.

The greater question is where would be a good "home" for me for a few years? 

I think I would like a milder climate than that which exists in the northern tier of the United States.

Although personal freedom and the absence of government interference in the lives its citizens is noticeably and rapidly declining in the U.S., it probably exists here more so than in any other nation on earth. For instance, I have a propensity for owning and practicing with firearms. I am not sure there is another country in which I could maintain that "hobby" anywhere close to the degree I do here.

Mountains are nice, deserts are fascinating, but woodlands and water appeal to me more than anything, and I need to be close to them. Very close .... a place to walk in the woods and to swim in the waters .... a Neverland in which eternally to be Peter Pan.

From my point of view, metropolitan areas are for visiting, not for residing. Living an hour or so away from a large city is fine, but I like to be able to step out onto my patio or balcony in the morning in my underwear, with a cup of coffee in one hand and a pistol in the other, and pop off a few rounds at targets on the other side of the yard. I also like a hilltop with a majestic view. I left a place such as this in 2001 and, in most regards, I have regretted leaving ever since.

So, any suggestions? Everyone has a personal concept of paradise. This is a glimpse of some of what would be in mine, and I am curious if anyone might know where it might be .... where I might find it ....

April footnotes .... 

My hair no longer is long. Cutting it off in the Marine Corps symbolizes rebirth into the Corps. Cutting it off in a Biblical sense symbolizes loss of physical strength. Cutting it off in my era symbolizes surrender to society. Cutting it off right now, for me, symbolizes winning a $200 bet and a dare .... and, sort of a new beginning.

My father's birthday is/was this month. He was an Army tank driver. Maybe, that is one reason I became a Marine Corps rifleman. Teenage rebellion. I am trying to be funny ....


Daliana Pacuraru said...

Well, in Romania we celebrate Easter.
Happy Easter to you, too!

We have rainy days and sort of a wild spring.
I would like to travel or to move elsewhere but here we live a very difficult time.....You are lucky, you live in USA . Maybe you will find your Paradise! Happy Easter again!

Smareis said...

Oi Fram,

Foto curiosa gostei dela.
Concordo que abril sejam o mês de inicio e também mês de passagens, mudanças.

A gente é o que come, eu não acredito nisso muito nisso, somos o que queremos ser, depende de cada um, depende como você se vê.

Você já vive num País excelente e com tantos lugares por ai lindo. Acho que qualquer que seja o lugar que você vai pra escapar vai ser legal. Você tem muita opção e lugares bonito ai no te País, eu não conheço nada daí do teu País.

Eu sempre tive curiosidade sobre Bora Bora, Polinésia Francesa. Saint Barts, Caribe. Eu acho que sonhar não custa nada sorrindo kkk....

O Brasil também tem lugares bonito como Fernando de Noronha com praias divinas e centenas de outros lugares maravilhosos.
Montanhas também é um lugar bem bacana pra conhecer, eu gosto de sossego, mas também amo o mar, tudo nele me encanta...

Viver na cidade grande é meio complicado, mas tem suas vantagens e desvantagens. Violência grande demais aqui no Brasil, e você não poderia sair na sua varanda da forma que quer principalmente com uma arma na mão, aqui no Brasil bem provável seria preso, ou levar um tiro risos.

Armas, eu tenho medo delas, aqui no Brasil a violência é altíssima por conta disso.

Motorista de tanque de exército, uma profissão bem arriscada seu pai tinha. Ele deveria gostar muito, é uma missão bem difícil participar do Exército, muito perigoso, eu acho. Você deve ter herdado do seu pai essa forma por gostar de armas, de ser um atirador.

Aqui no Brasil as rebeliões de adolescentes são terríveis, perigosa demais, eles fazem muito refém quando acontece rebelião. .. Quase sem controle!

Você esta tentando ser engraçado, mas é muito complicado rebeliões kkkk.

Obrigada pela foto que me mandou do cemitério, responderei seu Email .

Ótimo domingo de páscoa com excelente semana!
Adorei a musica!

Fram Actual said...

It seems like a very long time since you have visited me here, Daliana. I am glad you have found your way back. I also am happy to discover new posts on your blog. I know you have been busy with work, and that economic and political turmoil near to Romania's doorstep must create uncertainty and apprehension among everyone in your region of the world.

There is no doubt in my find the human race is flawed with a madness that sometimes poisons their hearts and corrupts their minds. The message of Easter is not listened to by enough people.

Yes, my paradise. You have heard me say that I know I am fortunate -- Fram the Fortunate -- but that I still am not content. Perhaps, it is something lacking in my soul that makes me this way. In any case, I will keep searching for my paradise, waiting to see what is around the next bend in the river.

And, I wish you a Happy Easter, Daliana. I hope the day is being good to you and for you.

Fram Actual said...

As I said I would be, Smareis, I am home for Easter Sunday.

The photograph .... the towers of a cathedral stretching toward the heavens are a pathway to paradise for many.

The United States .... in any number of ways, it is a great country and there certainly are many magnificent places to visit or to live whether you wish to be in a city or in a wilderness. I know what eludes me is having the "right companion" to share whatever location is chosen to become home. I think that besides the right companion, another key is to travel to many places, but to have a home you always wish to return to because you love being there.

There is the right place, the right companion and acceptance, if not actual contentment, with one's self first necessary in order to create a paradise, I suppose, and, essentially, I am missing all three at this point in time. I also suppose I always will be overwhelmed by the scope of the wonders of the Earth, and the knowledge an individual (me) will never, ever be able to experience the extent of it all. How does a person experience all life has to offer? That is a missing ingredient in the equation, too.

Anyway, I think I soon will be traveling more and, maybe, luck will guide me to the right place at the right time.

Violence .... in the U.S., major cities have what I would describe as high rates of murder and violence. It usually is associated with gangs of younger criminals, but innocent bystanders often are caught in the midst of it. Beyond large cities, these things are rather isolated. Many involve domestic killings, husbands and wives who fall out of love and cannot cope with their personal unhappiness.

As for guns, they give me a degree of feeling more safe and secure. There is a saying that firearms have the ability to make people equal and, in a general sense, this is true. This is why dictators attempt to disarm the populace.

Fathers .... even though I did not know my father well, I tried to emulate him in some ways based on what others told me about him. His greatest misfortune was to die relatively young, so our lives had less opportunity to meet and to cross than do the lives of many other parents and children. I believe you understand that feeling.

The cemetery .... it is not far from the cathedral in the April 14 post, but the two are not linked to my knowledge. The cemetery is the final resting place for many people famous in the world of arts and letters, politics, entertainment -- in other words, a graveyard for many celebrities. It is a fascinating place to walk through. And, good. I will look forward to hearing from you. I appreciate learning more about your thoughts and feelings.

The music .... April Wine is a band which once was and whose name fits the post .... and, I like this song, especially the guitar work. Right now, I will listen to April Wine once more while drinking a glass of wine.

Happy Easter, Smareis, and thank you, for a fascinating comment.

Kaya said...

Happy blessed Easter, Fram!

I wish you that Easter will be sunny and joyful for you.

How are you doing, Fram? Does life treat you well? I liked your question about the concept of paradise.

My concept of paradise is very simple.

Paradise for me is home. It's a funny thing. You can go far and wide and you can keep moving on and on through places and years and eventually you understand where your life belongs. Home. I guess it's my simple concept of paradise.

Greetings from Utah.

Fram Actual said...

It has been some time since our written words have encountered each other, Kaya. It is nice to see you here again.

No matter how well life treats me, I manage to find something to complain about; it is my nature to be serious and brooding much of the time. Actually, all is well in every sense except contentment. And, Easter has been a sun-filled, blue-sky day -- as well as the warmest day of the year so far. It could not be more pleasant.

I, generally, have been too restless to call anywhere home for too long a period of time. Two or three years, it seems, and I am ready for somewhere new. I am not sure why that is, but it is. Perhaps, the reason really is never having been at the right place with the right person at the right time. Perhaps, life for me is as simple as these song lyrics:

When I get to heaven, tie me to a tree
For I'll begin to roam and soon you'll know where I will be
I was born under a wandrin' star
A wandrin' wandrin' star

So, if you truly have found your paradise, I envy you and congratulate you, Kaya. Thank you, for your visit and your comment, and a most Happy Easter to you.

Humberto Dib said...

You are what you are, whetever it means.

Fram Actual said...

I constantly am re-examining and re-evaluating my thoughts, my deeds, my life in an effort to determine who I am, why I am and what I am. I do the same with/to other people, as well. Essentially, I do not understand why people are so vastly different from one another, and I am curious.

In any case, thank you, Humberto, for your visit and your comment. I enjoy reading what you write at your blog.

Anita said...

Hello My dear!How are you??

Its been a bit long time now!Glad to see you back in buisniss:):)

Have to say I do agree with you r post..some years here and there..rootless..but for the seven years i have stayed in the same town..altough i have moved to different flats..Stil longing for something new.A place in the sun..freely..high up in the mountains..with a clear lake..some woods..But also in near by the city!!!!Hehehhehehe!!

love to see your post again!i soon come back to blogging again.Staying on Facebook and those medias is a scary shitty thing!People are insane!!!!sitting on the net all the time.Well see you soon..By the way..we have full summer here.23 degrees, sun and all is good :)

A Cuban In London said...

You are what you experience. I like that. I could have that phrase put on a T-shirt! :-)

Glad yuo won the bet. I won mine long time ago! :-)

Like father, like son? I don't know, that one is for you to ponder.

Greetings from London.

Fram Actual said...

You have been gone so long that I assumed you either were on an extended vacation or had fallen in love and had no more time for the sea of blogs, Anita. But, instead you say you have become the captive of Facebook and other social media. I am worried about you.

All right. I am teasing you.

I am fine, more-or-less. I am not really "back in business," though. Sort of parttime, I suppose. If you see a written piece, I am here, in a sense. If you see only a photograph/illustration and/or a song, I am merely passing through -- visiting my own blog the way I would visit your blog or anyone other than myself.

I think no one can help me find a place to live where I would be content (for long, anyway), but I was hoping there would be a few more suggestions of unique places to which to travel which had not crossed my mind.

The past three years, my travel plans have been interrupted. We shall see what happens this year.

Hmmmm .... summer for you. It is three degrees here, raining and the sound of Thor's hammer provides the outdoor music. Rain is predicted every day during the coming week. Hmmmm .... summer ....

Fram Actual said...

Yes, you are what you experience. I suppose that is just another way of expressing the old "heredity vs. environment" debate. My own opinion is that everything comes down to individuality. Heredity is the dominant feature for some, while environment casts the greater shadow for others.

Actually, this is the third time I have made money by cutting my hair. The first two were essentially for money (employers wished me to appear more conservative and business-like), while this time it mostly was for the dare .... the cash was like frosting on the cake this time.

I have had direct-line ancestors engaged in every war/conflict/whatever since the American Civil War. The trait (or tendency) might extend further back than that, but no one in the family has researched it. I am not certain how much that activity has to do with heredity vs. environment, but it does make me wonder.

Thank you, for the visit, CiL. I see you have returned to the blogs, and I will stop by later for tea and biscuits. Three lumps, please .... I have a sweet tooth.

Anita said...

Ohh Fram!!Am so glad to hear your voice again!!You are a wonderful man:)
I will soon blog again(need a decent camerammbyt next month is the big time money month so ...Next week is Alexanders graduation..he is 15 years..We will be family from all part of the world and..yes we celebrate it outdoors!near to a good restaurant!Yes its so hot here i can not go out..its like in the mediterranian:)
Well see you then Fram!Nice to read your blog..always fascinating:)

Fram Actual said...

Every year you are a bit sweeter than you were the year before, Anita. Thank you, for the kind words. I missed not hearing your voice for so many weeks, too, and I am glad you have found your way back to the blogs.

You seem to wear out or break or lose a lot of cameras. I think you should begin to insure them when you buy them. (Sorry, but I cannot stop teasing you today.)

Most certainly, you will need a camera for your son's graduation. That will be a major event for both of you. I hope the weather cooperates with you and that your family and friends are all able to attend. My sincere congratulations to Alexander on his achievement.

Take care, Anita ....

Something special ....