Sunday, August 28, 2011

A perfect shot, a perfect novel, a perfect kiss

A few times in recent weeks, I have mentioned this thought: One man's fantasy is another man's reality. The same concept can be applied in any number of directions, such as: One man's idea of perfection is another man's idea of failure. I do think there is such a thing as perfection, but it is fleeting, just as our lives are fleeting. The definition is filled with variables. Winslow Homer was a Nineteenth Century American illustrator, painter and printmaker. This is his work, "The Sharpshooter on Picket Duty," done in 1862 and showing a Civil War soldier perched in a tree taking aim downfield. Perhaps, it is a perfect painting, depending upon the criteria used to measure it and what variables it reveals in the mind of someone looking at it.

So, you think nothing is perfect?

There are a number of reasons James Dickey has been among my favorite writers for a number of years, and I have posted about him and his fabulous novel, "Deliverance," more than once in the past.

The first piece I read of his was the utterly frightening and fantastic poem, "Falling," in which he describes the thoughts and actions of a stewardess who has fallen from an aircraft and is descending to certain death upon her impact with the earth. I was in graduate school at the time I read it, and had a number of jumps under my belt by that time. Each had involved a device known as a parachute, something not available to the unfortunate stewardess.

Having read and discussed that poem in class created a fear (well, just a little) that persisted powerfully until my next jump and was significantly greater than any fear I had known on any previous jump, including the very first. But, I was barely eighteen on my first, and men that age usually have no fear. (Age and experience give birth to fear.) Just to make things a bit more "poetic" and as a means to conquer fear, I actually read some of the lines from Dickey's "Falling" on that next jump.

But, I am drifting again, in a manner of speaking. Like who cares, hah?

Back to the here and now.

As a (former) hunter, among the elements that appeal to me instinctually in "Deliverance" is Dickey's concept of the Zen in archery. This is to say that the archer travels with, rides with, becomes a part of the arrow as it flies toward the target and, more significantly, upon impact with the target.

I had been an archer and a bow hunter since I was a boy, and Dickey's thought was new to my experience at the time. It expanded my entire perception of hunting and, to put it bluntly, of killing. Not only that, but I expanded my range of thought from Dickey's archery to firearms and the flight of a bullet from the weapon to the target.

No, we are not going there.

My whirling and swirling mind connected these thoughts (abstract dots) with a song sent to me a few nights ago. It was "Nichts ist vollkommen" or, in English, "Nothing is Perfect," from and by Romanian Michael Cretu and Austrian Peter Cornelius, whose musical careers include association with Enigma.

Yes, there is perfection in many things and in many ways, my mind countered as it immediately entered into argumentative mode while listening to the song. I have made a few perfect shots (firearms, not camera) in my life -- once with a handgun at more than a half-mile and once with a rifle at a touch and a breath beyond a mile. (Into the "great beyond," one might say, with a laugh on his lips.)

Of course, this depends entirely on the definition of "perfect." In my illustration, if, at one hundred yards, I placed a rifle bullet into a target the size of an American half-dollar, is that not a perfect shot? But, some would counter, if the target had been considerably smaller -- say the size of an American dime rather than a half-dollar -- and the round was off just enough so it would have missed a dime by the width of a hair while still striking the half-dollar, would the shot still have been perfect?

Although that argument is not silly and worth putting forward, is perfection the difference between a half-dollar and a dime when the target was a half-dollar and not a dime? Once again, define perfect. Is not perfection accomplishing the intended goal in the prescribed manner?

Here, we will depart from Dickey and his Zen of the arrow and mine of the bullet. Maybe, we will discuss it and its ramifications another time. Probably, never -- at least never here. Maybe, in a novel.

In my own opinion, I also have experienced perfection once or twice or three times in stories I wrote as a reporter. They were well written, were factually accurate, with all details and elements covered and had no grammatical or typographical errors. Might someone else have written them better? Could be, but I do not think so. Written them differently and equally effectively, sure, but better? No.

Wandering back to James Dickey for a moment, while his personal life was most imperfect, I think a case could be made that "Deliverance" is a perfect novel. The subject matter puts it into a category which probably does not appeal to a vast audience, but, from my point of view, Dickey captures the "thin veneer of civilization" concept in a most definitive way and lays bare the essence of (or the lack thereof) archetypal, primeval man.

I prefer to think that perfection is like happiness. It comes and it goes. It is momentary. It can and does exist now and then, here and there, once in a while -- then it is gone again.

Do not believe what I have written here, if you so wish. But, I do believe there is such a thing as a perfect shot from a handgun, a perfect story by a writer, a perfect photograph by a man or a woman with a camera, a perfect painting by an artist -- and, most importantly, a perfect kiss emanating between a man and a woman. Who would dare to argue against the last?


Kaya said...

Fram, it's a complicated and fascinating post. it's impossible to answer in one comment. That is why I am going to break in two parts my comment. I hope that is ok with you.

Let's start with the first sentence. That is true, true and true.... So many times I was swept away by my imagination only to find lately that I lived in my illusional world. So many times we think we are appreciated and needed only to find out later that we were mistaken. Our imagination is a very tricky and very deceptive.

I love this a lot that "one's man's idea of perfection is another man's idea of failure". Absolutely true. Everything depends on how we think of ourselves and how we see the situation. It's about confidence and trust in ourselves. I don't believe in failure when it's personal. It doesn't exist. No, Fram, it's not a good-help-yourself philosophy. There are mistakes. And sometimes terrible mistakes.

Yes, I believe in failure when it comes to politics and political decisions.

I watched recently a very powerful movie 'The 9th Company." This movie is about the young Russian boys who were sent to fight in Afghanistan ( time of former Soviet Union). They didn't survive this war. Only one survived. They didn't even know that they fought for a country which will not exist in future, for a country which never ever thought about its own people. Did this country failed? Yes, it did in many ways.

And I want to think that we all are perfect and I can't. I tried but it didn't work.

Perfection is a very subjective thing. I look at some paintings and I think that they are wonderful and perfect and somebody might think differently. Even the etalon of beauty has changed with times. What about Venus De Milo ( Aphrodite of Milos)? Can we still consider her the etalon of beauty? Is she still perfect?

That is it for today. And I have to check on James Dickey, your favorite writer and his novel "Deliverance". And song is.... wonderful, wonderful and wonderful. I wrote this comment while listening to this song all the time. I have to still it from you.

Fram Actual said...

My post might be complicated, but so is your comment, Kaya.

I think that perfection does exist precisely because it is a subjective thing. To find agreement between individuals about subjects like religion or politics or beauty is difficult. So, it comes down to an individual decision: Which, if any, religion is best for me? Which, if any, political system is best for me? Which, if any, face among the crowd is actual beauty? Then, having made those decisions, do my selections represent perfection or are they simply the best available to me at this moment?

To believe in god requires faith, and, probably, death.

To believe in perfection requires only patience and time and, possibly, not even those if one is lucky. It also helps to have an objective mind and an open mind and the ability to see all sides of an issue from a position of neutrality.

In regard to your film and observations about political systems, my own opinion is that in a general sense, the worst people are the ones who gravitate toward power, and the absolute worst among them are the ones who fight the hardest to keep power once they have achieved it.

As for wars, I think the current American president's position of picking and choosing which ones America should engage in, without even bothering for authorization from Congress, is obscene in nature and immoral in deed: Why should Libyan "freedom fighters" be assisted and Syrian "freedom fighters" be left to die in the streets unaided? Purely for political reasons, of course, which clearly demonstrates the moral bankruptcy of America's elected leadership.

I suppose I could write another post along these lines and continue on for a long while with remarks about your comment, but I will end this with some thoughts about Venus and Aphrodite, and add Mona Lisa, Freyja and a girl from Michigan named Claudette to the list.

Just as writing styles of the Nineteenth Century seem silly and fanciful today, just as actors in silent films with their exaggerated expressions and gestures seem out of place in today's movies, so, too, has the idea of "perfect beauty" changed. (I would never use the word "evolved" in this instance.)

But, to me, what was perfect once remains perfect forever, because the past cannot be altered or changed. It is there, as it was, no matter if we agree with it today or not. All answers lie in the study of history.

Two (more) last remarks: Just to clarify, James Dickey is not my absolute favorite writer, but one of my four or five favorites. And, thank you, Kaya, for taking the time and effort to leave such thoughtful comments for me.

Kaya said...

Yes, I have to agree that perfection is momentary like happiness. Comes and goes.

And I believe in a perfect kiss, perfect novel, perfect photograph by a very talented artist and perfect dream or fantasy.

And I believe what you wrote here. Every word of it. And I can understand that you experienced sometimes perfection in your work as a reporter. I think if we truly inspired by something we can create a perfect work, art or thought.

Anyway, I try to figure out how to take a vacation even for one week. I am working on it.

How is your trip to Kansas City? Is everything is ok, Fram? Do you try to stay out of troubles?

Have an easy and safe trip back to home.


Fram Actual said...

No, not I, Kaya. I am not among those in Kansas City. It is Fram the First and Fram Impersonator who said they were going there. Fram Actual is like you, he is (that is, I am) at home. I guess I should not have worded the Kansas City sentences the way that I did.

Actually, as far as staying out of trouble, I might get into trouble if certain people come to think that I am there rather than here.

Moving on, I cannot resist temptation to brag a bit about perfection. Creating the "best" of something at a certain time is not necessarily the same as creating something "perfect," but the two words are at least compatible if not identical.

Journalists compete with their peers each year in statewide contests. You mentioned that it might be possible to create a perfect work, art or thought if a person is "truly inspired." I would add another element: Luck.

I have won a number of first place awards in journalism competitions, including, once each, best spot news photograph and best sports feature story. I never have been either a serious photographer or a serious sports writer. Blind, dumb luck that I won.

Being in the right place at the right time sometimes equals producing the "best" and, maybe, even the "perfect." I might add that my other awards came in categories where I was serious beyond simply serious, and worked like a demon to produce the pieces that I did.

And, moving on once again, you and I might be the only ones who do not get a vacation this summer. I know from reading your previous blogs where you come from, that you have been in Warsaw and have visited Paris. You write at your present blog about San Diego. You live in Utah. So, where are you dreaming of going for a vacation at this point in time, even if it should be only for one week? Somewhere new, I assume.

Kaya said...

I am not sure that it is a blind dumb luck that you worn all these competitions. Fram, you and I know that it's not damn luck. Ask me, why am I writing and talking to you and reading carefully your posts and listen to your music. Ask sometimes yourself.

Yesterday I made a decision not to be part of the Greek Orthodox Church. I couldn't make this decision for months. Do you know there is nothing for me there. Absolutely nothing. Being and growing up as orthodox is one thing but trying to fit into immigrant community is another. And I don,t fit there and never be one of them. And I don't want to be one of them. I perhaps lost some good people who were sometimes kind to me and that is all.

I don't want to be a mirror or a reflection but sometimes I think you are right. Today I for some reason agree with you on many things. Who knows what will be tomorrow. Once I was told that I am in the middle of the bridge which leads to Coronado Island ( my one of the first bridges in USA I crossed over). I was told that I left my native country and I am not there anymore but I am still not here in USA. I think about it and I think it's true.

Well, I read your history of traveling and doing interesting things in one of your comments. You did a lot, Fram over the years you even fell in love with a beautiful Polish city.

Well, where I would like to go on vacation in my dreams? Perhaps, to..... I don't know at this moment. I really don't. Where you, Fram, would like to go? Even in your dreams?

I went to San Diego last spring for the five days. I loved being there. It was so different from where I live. More free and a lot of diversity. And the best zoo I have ever seen in my life. I love zoos. Of course, I don't know your attitude toward the zoos.

It was nice to chat with you, Fram.

Have a nice evening.

Fram Actual said...

Yes, Kaya. I do not need to ask myself. I know. It is the same reason I sometimes say that I miss your first blogs. In them, I saw the other side of the moon and wished to be there. This last comment you wrote reminds me of your early blogs.

This time, I think I will write in two parts to respond. I wish to think more about your comment, especially your remarks about your relationship with the Greek Orthodox Church.

For this evening, I will say this: To be in the middle of a bridge between two worlds or two lives or two dreams is a good thing, in my mind. In fact, I would prefer to be between many, many places, being part of them all and enjoying them all, but belonging to none of them.

Life is so short, I think, that to give it all to one place or one profession or one vision is to deny one's own search for knowledge and understanding. Yes, we, who all are members of humanity, might have common traits, but we all are individuals. We each are born alone and we each die alone, no matter what has happened to us between. So, what is most important, I believe, is to have been true to ourselves on this path of life, while doing our best not to harm any others.

Vacations/trips/traveling. I will think about this before writing more, but I would point out that you might notice there were years when I went nowhere and did nothing worth mentioning in my comment.

I did not get to know San Diego well when I was in the Marine Corps, but I could find my way around the beaches a bit north of the city and all around the Naval Amphibious Base at Coronado with no difficulty. Here are two thoughts for you.

Should you go there again, look out over San Diego Bay, close your eyes, suspend time and then open your eyes again. Perhaps, you will see an aircraft at three thousand feet with a line of jumpers coming out of it in the middle of the bay. Perhaps, time will retreat for a few moments and you will be able to see me there. I wonder if the Marine Corps and the Navy still do that?

Another Marine asked me to go to the zoo with him one weekend. I decided to go bar hopping with other friends instead. I have regretted my decision ever since. It is strange, is it not, that something so trivial, so irrelevant as this, bothers me still after a number of years?

As for zoos, knowing Nature, I think I would rather have animals in a zoo than in the wild, but I am not sure the animals would agree with me.

All right. Three thoughts: I was in the Marine Corps, but I was never a real Marine, never a real believer. I always was an outsider, an observer, just passing through on my way to somewhere else, on a bridge crossing over to the next place my life took me. Do you understand?

I will write more here tomorrow and, yes, Kaya, I enjoy talking with you.

Fram Actual said...

All right, Kaya, some thoughts about vacations/trips/traveling. I think I might be up all night this night. Every once and a while.

I have said a number of times that I want to return to Warsaw, and also spend a week or so in Krakow and in Gdansk. After those places, I am open.

When I left Poland, I had two pieces of luggage. One came with me; the other went to Kiev. I have said a few times that I wish the lost suitcase had been sent to America and that I had been sent to Kiev. In some ways, foolish or not, I feel like this is a sign that I should go to Kiev for a while.

There are two cemeteries in London I wish to visit, and a town in Greece where a poet I admire died. I would like to live in Florence for a month to discover why women seem to love it so much. I would like to learn where the real "Gates of Alexander" are located, so my eyes see what his eyes saw. I would like to parachute down to the North Pole and to drink a glass of brandy in remembrance of those who died trying to walk there or to dog sled there only a few decades ago. This, while I wonder why men are so driven to die for such seemingly meaningless gestures.

Taking off in another direction, Florida, Hawaii and Alaska have been on my mind recently. I am thinking not in terms of a vacation, but, rather, going to one or the other to live for a year or two.

There, you have some of my current ideas for vacations/trips/traveling. So, your turn, Kaya ....

Kaya said...

Well, this is my turn to "travel"...

Let's dream.... Of course, Lithuania, Vilnius will be the first choice. I will leave at home naivety ( a few drops of it still with me), my friendly smile and a few things more at home. I will 'forget" my Russian and will speak only in Lithuanian or English for being more safe there. I will see my girl friends and will go with my cousin to the Baltic see ( Palanga) and spend most of the time there. Sea, golden beaches and beautiful dunes will be part of my life again. They would clear my mind and give me this wonderful feeling of just being and living.

Then I will leave in Lithuania my nostalgia and go by train to Russia, Moscow. I will "forget" Lithuanian and English and speak only Russian. It's more safe this way. I will try to learn again how to be cynical and practical and very observant not to get into troubles.

And then I will return back home to Utah and think
how great that I live here, in a small provincial city where people are smiling to each other, say Good Morning even not knowing you and discuss
sometimes on a hiking trail a coopers hawk they saw on the trees a few minutes ago. And be happy where I am.

And some day to go to see Alaska and travel from one small city to another for the whole week and see a wild life there and enjoy the nature.

Fram, that would be an interesting experience to live in Alaska even for a year. You can go hunting again there.

I have never been in Kiev. It's a different world and I am not sure how safe it's right now.

Recently I was asked a question , "How is life treating you?" That was so unusual. I liked this question. I never was asked in this way before. And, Fram, how is life treating you?

Fram Actual said...

I usually have Moscow on my list of places where I wish to visit, too, but it did not enter my mind this time. Perhaps, because it still is summer, and I would prefer to travel to Moscow during winter. Russian winters are legendary, so I wish to compare one to a winter in Minnesota or Michigan or South Dakota. In my mind, there is no winter weather more ferocious than a Dakota blizzard.

Also, Hawaii has been in the back of my mind lately, and I failed to mention it. However, I think I might get claustrophobic if I spent too much time on an island in the middle of an ocean.

I have said I would be tempted to hunt two creatures should the opportunity arise. One would be a large bear, a grizzly or a kodiak (never a white bear), and the other would be a buffalo. But, realistically, I probably would not ever shoot one unless it was attacking. I no longer wish to hunt, so living in Alaska would serve me no purpose in that sense.

The expression, "How is life treating you?", is rather common in the Midwest, Kaya. Often, you will hear the words, "these days" or "today," as the last words in the question. I guess I would associate this salutation mostly with agricultural or, at least, rural areas.

As for how life is treating me, probably better than I deserve, but not as good as I would prefer. How is that for an answer?

By the way, it was enjoyable to read the colorful and entertaining way in which you wrote about your "dream plans" for travel. It was sort of like reading your posts from "long ago." You have a clever style of writing, Kaya. You should be writing more.

Kaya said...

Fram, I am deeply touched by your words about my writing. Thank you for them.

I think I was inspired by your last comment about traveling.

There are a few people who inspire me in photography and the three who inspire me in writing. This is Fram Actual, Fram the First and Fram Impersonator.

And as Daliana once said I also enjoy being here and talk to you. I don’t share my feelings well with other people in a real life. I could easily be a recluse. I am more comfortable here then physically with people. And don't ask me why because I don't have a precise answer....

Have a nice evening, Fram.

Fram Actual said...

Always happy to be an inspiration, Kaya. Teasing ....

Sharing feelings with other people involves trust, and it often is difficult for an individual to give trust in the form of feelings revealed once he/she has been burned a few times by some who proved to be unworthy of trust. In many ways, it is as difficult to find true friendship as it is to find true love.

I have not responded directly to your remark a few days ago about your relationship with the Greek Orthodox Church. This is because it is difficult, I think, to discuss a matter of such individual relevance in the form of a few sentences here and there. I think it takes face-to-face discussions.

In a way, without openly saying it, I was trying to allude to this matter with words I will repeat again here: "I was in the Marine Corps, but I was never a real Marine, never a real believer. I always was an outsider, an observer, just passing through on my way to somewhere else, on a bridge crossing over to the next place my life took me."

I have been thinking about it for a few days, and now I want to say directly what I should have said then. This is me, my personal feeling, about my role in any organized religion. It is a place to visit, not a place to live.

Yes, Kaya, my evening is going fine so far. I hope your evening will be pleasant, as well.

Kaya said...

Fram, you put it together so well. "It's place to visit, not a place to live..." That is the answer why it didn't work for me. I WAS in this church and other people LIVE there. It is their life but not mine. And never was.... and never would be. Life is bigger than that.

Perhaps, I was also "passing through my way to somewhere else..." To the next place where my life will take me.

No more words. All words right now are so insignificant.....

Daliana Pacuraru said...

Hello, Fram! Hello Kaya!
At this point of your comments, what can I say?
Only that the illusion has a key role in finding perfection in life.
Even the Parthenon, the symbol of perfection itself, is not perfect. Take a step, two, three, get closer and you will find that the columns are curved in the middle and thinner towards the extremities, they are neither right nor equal, although it seems perfectly a few moments earlier.
So, judging from my heart and not with my brain, taking a step or two backwards in my memories, I think I can find a perfect kiss, a perfect sunrise, a perfect happiness ...
but yes, only momentary...
I kept every perfect moment in my memory perfect little boxes.
A lie?
To my heart all are true and perfect.
So ,it is perfect?
Maybe if I get closer, the illusion is wasted and I will be lost.
Otherwise, we are lost.
I think...

Fram Actual said...

While Kaya has been busy writing and taking photographs of sunsets and pets, I have been on the move. So, I am back and I will visit your blog and comment tomorrow when my mind has cleared.

Yes, I also think life is larger than a single religion or a single belief or a single career or a single road to walk or .... well, I guess that is enough.

Some people can create an existence and be happy in it for an entire lifetime. Fine for them. Others cannot be so easily satisfied or so easily made content.

It is so absolutely, positively fascinating, I think. Not what makes people the same, but what makes them different. Not the herd, but the individual; not the conformist, but those who walk their own, personal paths. Those are the people who are worth seeking out and comparing notes with and holding rendezvous with along the way.

Life is meant to be played, not to be watched as a spectator sport.

Later, Kaya ....

Fram Actual said...

Then came a gentle breeze from Grecian waters to calm the relentless seas.

I think you are right about illusion, Wind, in relation to the lives of most. But, we few (such as me and, maybe, you) who believe we can distinguish between reality and illusion might argue that illusion can blend with reality for a moment or two and create perfection -- such as the moment of a perfect kiss.

I love your illustration regarding the columns of the Parthenon. It just goes to show that the Greeks did/do not know everything. I am teasing now, but I am glad you did not stop there and went on to search your memory for a perfect kiss, a perfect sunrise, a perfect happiness.

Your memory is not a lie. It is what was and what may or may not be again, but will never be a duplication because each moment is momentary. Each moment of perfection is like a moment captured by a camera. It exists only for a specific length of time. Too bad Einstein is not around to put it into a mathematical sequence.

One element of life, I think, is to seek the perfect moments, but a more important element is to find ways to make those moments last and last and last as long as possible.

And, going another step further, I would say if an individual does not find the Parthenon to be perfect, then the object is to continue searching for something or someone, as the case might be, which/who is perfect for a long, long, long, long moment.

Thank you, Wind, and I will appear with a comment at your latest post during my tomorrow.

Kaya said...

Aha, you are back!!!!! And I am happy to hear from you. I thought that you decided to drift away again. And I tried not to think about it and tried to chase this thought away.

Ok, you are back Fram Actual and everything is ok again.

My warm wishes to you FRAM and my warm wishes to you DALIANA. I think of you both as my friends.

ANITA, if you read this someday I would like to say to you that I MISS YOU A LOT. COME BACK!!!!


Fram Actual said...

It is amazing how easy it is to fall behind in many ways if you break away from your routine existence just for a few days. I am way behind in many respects, Kaya. Sooner or later, I hope that I will catch up with time before it outdistances me too much.

Thank you, for missing me.

Kaya said...

Hello Fram,

How you are doing? Are you catching up with time?...

Tomorrow will be a very difficult day for me with a lot of uncertainty. And then will be Friday... And then everything will be ok. I hope.

I even don't know why I am writing it to you. Probably, because I also don't have the actual friends where I live. I am not LDS ( a Mormon). All my best friends are in Lithuania. And we are getting more distant and distant.

I am awfully tired of reading crime and murder stories and I switched to Haruki Murakami. I have several books of this writer in Russian at home.

I feel already autumn in the nights and the early mornings. It's getting cooler and we had a short rain.

Have a nice evening and relaxing, Fram.

Fram Actual said...

I am not certain if I am catching up with time or if time is catching up with me, Kaya. More of the latter than the former, I think.

Your difficult Thursday puzzles me since I do not know what or why, but I wish you self-assuredness and self-confidence in meeting it. You have me worried.

Thursday is named for the Old Norse god Thor -- Thor'sDay -- so look to the north and smile, and he will be on your side.

Yes, I am feeling autumn gliding over the earth here, too. Since things returned to the usual here for me late on Monday, I have been on the patio the past two evenings and have had to wear a light jacket.

I am not familiar with your author. I will do a bit of research.

I know what you mean about friends. It appears my own few are getting more and more distant as well. Either that, or disappearing altogether. Fair-weather friends, I believe, is a term often used to describe this sort, but time and miles apart are the primary culprits, no doubt.

So then, write when the mood strikes you, talk if you want to, lean on my shoulder if you wish. These things help me, too. They help me to learn.

Anonymous said...

hi Kaya..thanx for the nice words..And yes may be i will do a blog later in winther..right now i feel very comfortable with things as they are..BUT it is very nice to read this blog and all the comments :)wish you a great weekend Kaya♥

Anonymous said...

hi fram..we can not comment??why so?you should open it again..right!
People need to come here and write and talk with you :)

i like your newest post :)

Well..i dont have so much to life is pretty much the same..well i have begun to read alot..specially Shaekspeare..who was he really?Francis Bacon or....

Well i have felt in love with this old masters writing:)

you know i come here almost every day to read your is great!!but i can not always comment..bec i have nothing to say or blogger will not let me that is how it is..

Wish you a great weekend in your patio..Here we have storms autumm and Thor is running out and about with his hammer!!

But FrĂžya is silent and watching his doings..with a perfect smile because everything is as they always have been)

Fram Actual said...

Since I did not write anything, just posted music, I saw no reason to provide for comments, Anita. There is provision for them on a new post being published in a few hours.

My opinion is that William Shakespeare wrote the plays of William Shakespeare -- not Francis Bacon or Christopher Marlowe or anyone else. Many, if not most of the plays, were already in existence in one form or another by the time of Shakespeare, and he turned them from simple stories into masterpieces of literature. I think the authorship argument is nothing other than silliness.

Anyway, it is nice to see you out and about again. I hope your weekend is enjoyable, too.

Anonymous said...

You always seem so mad a t me ;)

Nevermind the authorship..i am behind that thinking now.

Hope your weekend is a good one 2.

Look forward for your new post!!

Hasta la vista:))

Something special ....