Sunday, July 20, 2014

When the past becomes the present

Once again, we have a bit of a mysterious photograph. It was taken a few decades ago and, no, I am not among those shown on it. It does, though, compose a few sentences of my life, include a small part of my experiences, form an element of my memory. I was still a teenager when this photograph was taken. You almost certainly have not seen it elsewhere and, most probably, will not see it again elsewhere -- unless, of course, someone steals it from this post. The question is, why is this photograph here now? The answer is because the events which have been occurring in the Ukraine in recent weeks -- especially this week -- have been on my mind. Being an "involved student of history," I have been thinking about the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s, Africa and Cuba and Bolivia during the 1950s and the 1960s, the Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s -- need I mention more? Most of the time, it seems to me, "freedom fighters" and "terrorists" and "mercenaries" are difficult to distinguish from one another by anyone other than by themselves. As George Santayana wrote and others often paraphrase: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." I like to think I have learned a few things since I was a teenager. Unfortunately, for humanity, too many fail to gain in wisdom no matter what age they reach.

A question: How would he/did he proceed?

"It depended on whose influence he was feeling most keenly. He was remarkably sympathetic, picking things up from the air, it seemed. A movie would stimulate him, and he'd draw on images from it. Something would happen in the news that set him off, he'd learn a new name, it would buzz around in his head until he found a way to use it. A painting could do it, and he was an inveterate museumgoer. He was a stimulus junkie, needed provocation to work."

The music

A friend introduced me to the music of Nick Neblo a few days ago. Some of it is magical. All of it is neat. It speaks for itself.


Anita said...

this was a nice post!About whats happening in the world right now..i feel likethis during the 2 ww..the killings of the jews and so on..we really dont get it into our blood..i dont know why..its like we dont care..its so far away..we are rich and beautiful and got other things to think what to eat today?(here in norway we dont buy clothes any more..we do have soo alot of it..but food..ohh yeah we get thicker and thicker..Iam very concerned about that Putin..he is a gerilja man..but i dont dare to have any opinion about never can draw lines from the different wars in the world and see the parallelles..most schocking was that the one most seeked Al Quaida solider in America is a common guy from my town..Who did know that about him?i say soldiers..danger soldiers walks in a mysterious way..I think the photo you show is superb..Is it your family?Iam so glad for this post.sometimes you get really tired of flowers pitoresque places ect ect..and just want to have some reality..thank you Fram!you make me not forget.Hope all is well down in Minnesota!Next week we have this Tall ship from all the world in our town..too much people if you ask me..But i take a tour to the glaciers in Sogn!wish you was here and enjoy!Greetings norway Anita

Fram Actual said...

People post on the blogs for a variety of reasons, for different reasons. In most instances, I post what is on my mind, Anita -- what I am thinking about, what I am wondering about -- and hoping a few people will offer their opinions in return in the form of comments.

I once heard a police officer remark that she could not believe what people do to each other. When I worked in the prison system, I often felt that way. When I was in the Marine Corps, I often felt that way. It is not unusual even to feel that way when you read a newspaper or watch a television news program. I think about these things, but, so far, I do not dwell on them for too long a time.

And, yes, we all have our own lives to lead and most of us have a difficult enough time doing that successfully without attempting to "fix" all the problems of the entire world. We need to take care of ourselves first.

I suppose you might call the men in the photograph "associates" of mine once upon a time.

So, thank you, Anita, for coming to visit me here and for leaving a thoughtful comment. I hope you will enjoy the visit of the tall ships and the tour of the glaciers.

Fram Actual said...

Thank you, one more time, Anita, for being the only one kind enough to comment here.

It appears no one loves me but you. Teasing ....

Anyway, comments are over for this post, too. People are so shy these days .... or so lazy .... or so uninvolved .... or so uncaring .... or so whatever ....

Me, too, I guess, because I am laughing while thinking about it ....

I have a few errands to run and will sort of be out of touch for a few days ....

Life = Time + Destiny ....

See you later, if the world revolves correctly .... and, thank you, Anita .... really ....

Something special ....